Predictions.. 2012 election Cycle

Wow, that was like, completely irrelevent and slightly racist.
Bullshit. It was YOU that started the race shit.

No, he started it when he blurted out "the N-Word". And when he argued there was nothing morally wrong with slavery. And the 1500 other times he's been caught being borderline racist.

But thanks for playing.
WRONG dumbass. I tracked the was YOU.
I'm not borderline racist. You are the racist here, insisting blacks support the Democratic party because the GOP is for wealthy people. As though no blacks were wealthy.
And when challenged you cannot say that slavery is wrong and defend it. You must be the real racist here. Your statements about the GOP are drawn straight from DU and other leftist fantasy factories.
You are a troll. Nothing more.

Guy, anyone who says there is nothing wrong with slavery is retarded. When you sell your daughter into slavery, then I'll believe you think it's moral. (Hey, the bible says you can. It's in the bible, it must be right.)

Seriously. I'm surprised you get up in the morning.

Blacks support the Democrats because the Republicans became the new home for people like you when LBJ threw them out. Shame on us for doing that.

I said it the first week I was here. I think both parties are screwed up. And oddly, you all don't want to hear how... amusing.
WRONG dumbass. I tracked the was YOU.

Oh, I see. ONLY THIS THREAD COUNTS. Not all the other threads, because you have some advanced form of ADHD..

Thanks for clarifying your lack of an attention span to me.
CONTEXT of this thread...

Okay.. context of this thread.

The GOP should be walking away with this election.

They aren't because the people they are putting up are so awful, so bottom of the barrel, so flawed, that even an awful president like Obama has a reasonably good chance of winning a second term.

We should reanimate Alf Landon's zombie, it would probably have a better chance.
Yeah. It is me. You have nutjobs predicting violence before and after the election. They don't know who, where or why....but they just KNOW that there will be violence.

I suggest some time off for these people.

Soo... you must be willing to bet on your predicted view, right....:eusa_whistle:

I am.

President Obama wins a close election.

The Republicans gain seats in the Senate..maybe take it.

The Republicans lose the house.

We on?

Doing the sigs for a month. will be about the same.
However - I do expect the bullshit meter to reach heights never seen before.
I also predict that Obama is going to be embarrassed numerous times by his own words that will be put in front of him - and his insistence on blaming republicans for everything is not going to cut it.

Obama has no hope of being re-elected unless he can show us that he can get the Republicans in congress to work with him. You can blame for Republicans for 3 years of saying no everything, or you can blame the guy in charge who just cant get the job done.

I blame them both. If Obama wanted to actually get anything to pass he would pay for all his stimulus in cuts elsewhere, not by trying to raise taxes on anyone. Some times the best thing to do is shut the machine down.
Yeah. It is me. You have nutjobs predicting violence before and after the election. They don't know who, where or why....but they just KNOW that there will be violence.

I suggest some time off for these people.

Soo... you must be willing to bet on your predicted view, right....:eusa_whistle:

I am.

President Obama wins a close election.

The Republicans gain seats in the Senate..maybe take it.

The Republicans lose the house.

We on?

Doing the sigs for a month.

If I'm still around... p reps sounds better..:eusa_whistle:
Wow, that was like, completely irrelevent and slightly racist.

No, actually it wasn't, dipshit.
If you surveyed them, you'd probably find that 90+% of Puerto Ricans are also Democrats. Over 90% of anyone who lives in big northeastern cities is likely to be a Democrat.

So what is your point? Of course they are. Why wouldn't they be. The GOP lost touch with average Americans a long time ago. If it weren't for the Guns God and Gays bullshit and playing on the insecurities of paranoid white folks, they'd never get any votes.

The GOP used to have a positive message about self-reliance and limited government. But now it's really about letting the wealthy screw the rest of us.

The Democrats are about making as many of us dependent on government as possible, which is just as bad an idea. The party of big corporations vs. the party of big government. No wonder we have a dysfunctional democracy.

:lol: Haven't heard it put quite that way, but that's HYSTERICAL!
Obama wins 52% to 48% despite massive voter suppression by the Republicans. will be about the same.
However - I do expect the bullshit meter to reach heights never seen before.
I also predict that Obama is going to be embarrassed numerous times by his own words that will be put in front of him - and his insistence on blaming republicans for everything is not going to cut it.

Obama has no hope of being re-elected unless he can show us that he can get the Republicans in congress to work with him. You can blame for Republicans for 3 years of saying no everything, or you can blame the guy in charge who just cant get the job done.

I blame them both. If Obama wanted to actually get anything to pass he would pay for all his stimulus in cuts elsewhere, not by trying to raise taxes on anyone. Some times the best thing to do is shut the machine down.

Why would you blame the Republicans for saying no to things tbat should not pass? I doubt you can find anything they said no to that should have passed. I am the first to say the GOP has been pretty bad for some time, but at least hang them for the stuff they pass. Not for what they say no to unless you can show that it was good legislation.

After almost three years, two of which Obama had a strong Democrat majority in the House and Senate, the blame Bush and blame the GOP routine is starting to look increasingly lame don't you think?
Obama wins 52% to 48% despite massive voter suppression by the Republicans.

What do you predict the turnout to be?

At the beginning of this election season, I heard multiple reports in both the "liberal" media and on some podcasts that pointed to an "energized republican base". I can believe that.

However, as frontrunner after frontrunner are brought to heel, one has to wonder if the energy is actually there. Supporters of individual candidates do not seem to want to accept that their guy/girl has fallen out of favor--we still have people singing Perry's praises eventhough he's shown himself to be a flip-flopper. So I think turnout will be low which I think favors Obama.

Your thoughts?
my predictions.

Cain will start to fade as he comes under more scrutiny and people see there's no there, there.

Perry will rise for no other reason than the majority of the GOP wants a "not Romney" and he has a whole lot of money.

The GOP will still find a way to shove Romney down the throat of the GOP base. Enough of them will be sufficiently ticked off to look at third parties.

Romney will prove to be an awful nominee, and Obama will beat him easily.
Obama wins 52% to 48% despite massive voter suppression by the Republicans.

Well maybe...:lol:

..Democrats are far more practiced at that.."massive voter suppression" Thang... Union buses and such......:evil:
my predictions.

Cain will start to fade as he comes under more scrutiny and people see there's no there, there.

Perry will rise for no other reason than the majority of the GOP wants a "not Romney" and he has a whole lot of money.

The GOP will still find a way to shove Romney down the throat of the GOP base. Enough of them will be sufficiently ticked off to look at third parties.

Romney will prove to be an awful nominee, and Obama will beat him easily.

With Romney consistently beating Obama in the polls, and the economy looking to get worse (Novartis announced 2k layoffs) and with Obama unable to compromise your prediction is dead wrong.

Romney will lose primaries in teh south and west because outside of MA he isn't a republican.
When Romney beats Obama there are going to be riots.

Cities burning.

There is going to be violence before then.

Especially if it becomes obvious that Obama won't win.

That would only seal the deal. If Liberals riot protesting their poor showing in the polls, they will end up looking like George McGovern.
The total electorate in this country is none too bright, but they will not stand for Hugo Chavez tactics.

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