Predicting a Clinton/Cruz Victory in IA


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
Deep State Plant.
I think Hillary will pull it out by a couple of % points. I think Trump not attending the debate will cost him the entire election. If he loses Iowa, it's all over. You can't be the bully if you got a bloody nose.

The question is who gets the 3rd ticket out of IA. I'm guessing Rubio by a fraction of a % point.
I'm thinking Cruz takes Iowa Rubio third I think Sanders could take both Iowa and New Hampshire but that's were it ends for him when it gets into the southern states with larger minority populations Hillary will dominate those.
I think Hillary will pull it out by a couple of % points. I think Trump not attending the debate will cost him the entire election. If he loses Iowa, it's all over. You can't be the bully if you got a bloody nose.

The question is who gets the 3rd ticket out of IA. I'm guessing Rubio by a fraction of a % point.

Hillary will hopefully be in jail by then.
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Doesn't matter who wins Iowa, its not indicative of who will win the nomination. Clinton could lose Iowa and still win the nomination. Doesn't matter. Iowa isn't that important. Don't be fooled into thinking otherwise
Doesn't matter who wins Iowa, its not indicative of who will win the nomination. Clinton could lose Iowa and still win the nomination. Doesn't matter. Iowa isn't that important. Don't be fooled into thinking otherwise

Yeah, that's most years. Winning IA guarantees nothing. Losing it means you can't keep brushing aside opponents as if they are not worthy. It hurt Clintons "inevitably" posture in 08 and for Donald it will be humiliating. Saying you're doing "terrific" when there is no evidence to the contrary is fine; after losing the only contest means you're out of touch with reality

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