Predicting a big Trump win


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
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Hello all you fine republicans. Have you heard the latest chatter? There is a lot of folks predicting a big Donald Trump win out there. Well, before you start polishing your little models of Trump Tower, and getting ready for that wall to go up, maybe you'd do well to remember the events of 4 years ago. Lot's of "so called" experts predicted a big Romney win. Mrs. Romney even had her decoration plans in place....and what happened? Mitt Romney had more money, infrastructure, and backing of the GOP than Mr. Trump has now, and it still didn't pan out, did it? Maybe you should check out these links before the adrenaline starts pumping too hard. America doesn't want a trash talking, draft dodging, foul mouth, disrespectful goon as President.

Romney Landslide: Here Are the Biggest Names Predicting It & How It Will Happen

The Ten Worst Predictions Of The 2012 Election — ThinkProgress

P.S. Sorry about those decoration plans. I'll bet they were pretty though. :biggrin:
Oh yeah, BIG win for Trump, since he's been a liberal his entire life
As of today, Clinton 369, Trump 169
Trump has no realistic path to win, I see no way for him to win 270 EV's.
The slow drip of leaking emails may ultimately do Hillary in. Assange said he had 5 more batches to go. Plus there is Guccifer 2.0 and the Judicial Watch FOIA requests among others. And, rumor has it that a joint FBI / US Attorney investigation is now under way. Oh, and tomorrow apparently we get to see the FBI notes on their interview with Hillary about her email server. Why on earth did the DNC push for such a flawed candidate? If she were running against anyone else but Donald Trump, she'd almost certainly lose.
He's never going to be President so there's not a damn thing to worry about:haha:...

His campaign is the BIGGEST TRAIN WRECK, i have ever seen in 30+ years of watching politics..:puke:

That asshole is a stage 3 cancer to this country, only a rotting corpse is more toxic than this cocksucker..:piss2:Trump..
Hello all you fine republicans. Have you heard the latest chatter? There is a lot of folks predicting a big Donald Trump win out there. Well, before you start polishing your little models of Trump Tower, and getting ready for that wall to go up, maybe you'd do well to remember the events of 4 years ago. Lot's of "so called" experts predicted a big Romney win. Mrs. Romney even had her decoration plans in place....and what happened? Mitt Romney had more money, infrastructure, and backing of the GOP than Mr. Trump has now, and it still didn't pan out, did it? Maybe you should check out these links before the adrenaline starts pumping too hard. America doesn't want a trash talking, draft dodging, foul mouth, disrespectful goon as President.

Romney Landslide: Here Are the Biggest Names Predicting It & How It Will Happen

The Ten Worst Predictions Of The 2012 Election — ThinkProgress

P.S. Sorry about those decoration plans. I'll bet they were pretty though. :biggrin:
Check out this thread from 4 years ago for some laughs: Romney has it locked up!
Hello all you fine republicans. Have you heard the latest chatter? There is a lot of folks predicting a big Donald Trump win out there. Well, before you start polishing your little models of Trump Tower, and getting ready for that wall to go up, maybe you'd do well to remember the events of 4 years ago. Lot's of "so called" experts predicted a big Romney win. Mrs. Romney even had her decoration plans in place....and what happened? Mitt Romney had more money, infrastructure, and backing of the GOP than Mr. Trump has now, and it still didn't pan out, did it? Maybe you should check out these links before the adrenaline starts pumping too hard. America doesn't want a trash talking, draft dodging, foul mouth, disrespectful goon as President.

Romney Landslide: Here Are the Biggest Names Predicting It & How It Will Happen

The Ten Worst Predictions Of The 2012 Election — ThinkProgress

P.S. Sorry about those decoration plans. I'll bet they were pretty though. :biggrin:
great memories of 2012

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