Power the U.S. With Solar Panels!

The budget doesn't change. Only the amount of solar radiation warming the surface of the planet changes.

This would make more sense to you if you wouldn't keep forgetting that we are replacing an electrical generation source that doesn't reduce the solar radiation warming the surface of the planet with an electrical generation source that does reduce the solar radiation warming the surface of the planet.

The budget doesn't change. Only the amount of solar radiation warming the surface of the planet changes.

Individual numbers on that picture will change.
Less radiation is reflected back from surfaces covered with solar panels.
You understand they have a lower albedo than the earth's surface, right?
I don't need to explain albedo to you, Do I?

This would make more sense to you if you wouldn't keep forgetting that we are replacing an electrical generation source that doesn't reduce the solar radiation warming the surface of the planet

Solar panels, because they have a much lower albedo, do not reduce the energy retained at the surface of the planet, they increase the radiation retained.

And that pesky conservation of energy also makes your cooling claim impossible.

Right. Less radiated out leads to cooling......durr
Elon Musk said that in conjunction with rooftop solar panels, the area that would be needed would be smaller. And the batteries that would store excess energy for nighttime use would be about one mile square. Of course, transmitting power will cause some loss. But as for converting electricity from DC to AC, I would have to look it up. But with electricity being the way it is, right now I would doubt there is any energy loss in the conversion. Also, AC is pretty efficient. That's why Tesla went with it.
So the OP does not show all the rooftop, building wall panels that would be needed as well?
Elon Musk said that in conjunction with rooftop solar panels, the area that would be needed would be smaller. And the batteries that would store excess energy for nighttime use would be about one mile square. Of course, transmitting power will cause some loss. But as for converting electricity from DC to AC, I would have to look it up. But with electricity being the way it is, right now I would doubt there is any energy loss in the conversion. Also, AC is pretty efficient. That's why Tesla went with it.
AC can travel farther with transmission lines. DC quickly loses power over long distances. Edison was for building lots of DC power generation plants close to the service area. Tesla had a better idea. I believe that it takes energy to convert DC to AC dissipated as heat in a rectifier bridge.
Individual numbers on that picture will change.
Less radiation is reflected back from surfaces covered with solar panels.
You understand they have a lower albedo than the earth's surface, right?
I don't need to explain albedo to you, Do I?

Solar panels, because they have a much lower albedo, do not reduce the energy retained at the surface of the planet, they increase the radiation retained.

And that pesky conservation of energy also makes your cooling claim impossible.
I'm just going to talk over you now and tell it like it is. Satellites measured upwards long wave radiation over six solar farm sites before and after solar panels were installed.

Daytime measurements of upward long wave radiation were 2C cooler after the solar panels were installed.

The only possible explanation is that the solar radiation was converted into electricity before it could warm the surface of the planet.

What part of this don't you understand?
I'm just going to talk over you now and tell it like it is. Satellites measured upwards long wave radiation over six solar farm sites before and after solar panels were installed.

Daytime measurements of upward long wave radiation were 2C cooler after the solar panels were installed.

The only possible explanation is that the solar radiation was converted into electricity before it could warm the surface of the planet.

What part of this don't you understand?

Daytime measurements of upward long wave radiation were 2C cooler after the solar panels were installed.

Less energy radiated and reflected into space.
That makes the planet warmer.
I can remember your silly errors just fine.
You've probably never had to state what something is your whole life. You are like a textbook example of everything that is bad in this country. You practice critical theory, you normalize your deviance, you have an external locus of control and you ass fuck logic like it's your boyfriend on Saturday night. The errors are all yours and they are self induced.
Daytime measurements of upward long wave radiation were 2C cooler after the solar panels were installed.

Less energy radiated and reflected into space.
That makes the planet warmer.
Again... let me describe to you what something is since you don't have much experience in doing that.
  1. Satellites measured upwards long wave radiation over six solar farm sites before and after solar panels were installed.
  2. Daytime measurements of upward long wave radiation were 2C cooler after the solar panels were installed.
  3. The only possible explanation is that the solar radiation was converted into electricity before it could warm the surface of the planet.
I'm just going to talk over you now and tell it like it is. Satellites measured upwards long wave radiation over six solar farm sites before and after solar panels were installed.

Daytime measurements of upward long wave radiation were 2C cooler after the solar panels were installed.

The only possible explanation is that the solar radiation was converted into electricity before it could warm the surface of the planet.

What part of this don't you understand?
Solar cells do not produce electricity in the longer wave length spectrum. Yellow and red regions produce poorly as well. The long wave radiation is therefore absorbed by the solar panels as heat to the lower and ground level. That's why upward long wave radiation is cooler. IOW the solar panels are not using the longer wave radiation to produce electricity they are absorbing it and producing heat.
Daytime measurements of upward long wave radiation were 2C cooler after the solar panels were installed.

Less energy radiated and reflected into space.
That makes the planet warmer.
Yes, long waves not producing electricity and being absorbed by solar panels as heat radiated near the ground.
Solar cells do not produce electricity in the longer wave length spectrum. Yellow and red regions produce poorly as well. The long wave radiation is therefore absorbed by the solar panels as heat to the lower and ground level. That's why upward long wave radiation is cooler. IOW the solar panels are not using the longer wave radiation to produce electricity they are absorbing it and producing heat.
They are absorbing incoming solar radiation. That is not being absorbed by the surface of the planet. Here's the paper on it.

Again... let me describe to you what something is since you don't have much experience in doing that.
  1. Satellites measured upwards long wave radiation over six solar farm sites before and after solar panels were installed.
  2. Daytime measurements of upward long wave radiation were 2C cooler after the solar panels were installed.
  3. The only possible explanation is that the solar radiation was converted into electricity before it could warm the surface of the planet.

So more energy was absorbed, less was reflected and the farms were cooler.
The points of consumption must ahve been even hotter!

I mean, solar panels have an albedo below 0.1.
Lots of extra heat for the planet.
It might be enough to stop the next ice age!

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