Pompeo accuses Democrats of bullying and refuses to honor deposition request

Good for him! We need to stop feeding the delusions of the left, of these TDS-affected Dumbocrats in Congress. I liked Giuliani's response even better.

trump's greatest fear is oversight....Had it not been for the free press and this whistleblower....no one would know what a criminal that he is....

Everyone has know for a long time what a criminal he is. The free press and the whistleblower just provided the evidence. Now even his base know what a lying, treasonous piece of shit he is and they're turning on him.

Barr is currently touring Europe, asking foreign security agencies for evidence that the Russians did not hack the DNC servers. The NSA, CIA, FBI, British and Dutch intelligence have all concluded it was the Russians. Barr is trying to prove it wasn't. WHY? Because Trump told him to. Does this not strike you as wrong in any way?
First, He is not a criminal, he is YOUR PRESIDENT! He could be elected if he was a criminal, so shitcan that nonsense.
Next the press is not free, they are slaves to the Democrats and the whistle blower is a CIA Democrat planted to hurt Trump.
His base has held steady as have the Democrats, only the Independents move-like me-and I won't move until I see HARD evidence-not heresay and press propaganda.
Last, Pompeo is not looking for non evidence of the Russian hack-he IS looking for evidence-by the Democrats, because he knows Trump had nothing to do with it. So the only thing wrong here is the cockeyed way you came up with your story.

He is President but he is not my president. He is corrupt and people know that. What gave him a win was the 25% of voters voting against Clinton. I predict that that 25% will vote against Trump as he is seen as dishonest. The fact is the press is far more free than right wing media which does the same thing that Goebbels did for Hitler. Propaganda.

Independents have moved to Democrats. That is why Republicans lost the House and just picked up 2 seats in the Senate when they could have picked up as many as 8.

Pompeo apparently was listening in on the phone call and had no objection to Trump trying to get Ukraine to investigate a political opponent. Barr has been trying to dig up dirt in other countries. Completely corrupt.
The more one investigates this impeachment the more it seems that they are just looking to overturn an election result they didn't like.

There is no precedent for this.

The more one investigates this impeachment, the more it seems that Trump and his administration have gone competely rogue. Shaking down the Ukrainian President to investigate the Bidens, asking security services in Europe to provide evidence that Russia did not hack the DNC, hiding the evidence of this and other politically embarassing interactions with foreign leaders.

No country will currently negotiate with Donald Trump because he's an unreliable negotiator, and he's not always acting in good faith.

The entire Trump White House has gone rogue. They are only acting in Trump's interests, not the interests of the nation. William Barr is chasing Trump's conspiracy theories all over Europe. Trump has amply demonstrated that he's too weak to get elected without illegal assistance, falsely smearing an opponent, and using the power of his office to bully and intimidate both the press, other elected officials, and whistleblowers. All of the growns have left the Administration so the guardrails are all gone. This is a White House in total melt down, thrashing about for a defence they can sell to the American public, and just making things worse for themselves at every turn.

Trump is throwing accusations of "treason" around when nothing that is happening could possible meet the definitintion of "treason" in the Constitution. The Founders were very leery of charges of "treason" and for that reason defined "treason" in very narrowly. That's because the Founders were accused of "treason" against their government when they declared independence from England, and many of their numbers were executed for treason in revolting against an unjust government.

It is impossible for the whistleblower, Adam Schiff, the press, any leaker or any other American making an accusation of illegal behaviour by a member of his own government, to be guilty of treason. Trump is threatening all of those pursuing this impeachment with violence. Trump has said he's trying to find out who the whistleblower is and has suggested he should be executed. This could be considered to be another abuse of power and witness intimmidation, just as Trump's tweets to Michael Cohen could lead to charges of witness intimmidation when Trump leaves office.

This impeachment is because the Dems have lost their way. They are a party that does not stand up for Americans, their policies are unpopular for a reason. As they realize they cannot beat Trump, they throw this out, just over a year away from an election.

If they really believed Trump was so dangerous to the U.S they could easily beat him at the polls. They cannot however, as outside of Cali, NY or D.C Bubble they have no guaranteed traction.

Ironically, after 3 years of watching and listening to citizens, the come back with what big policy ideas? The Green New Deal (I think polls show climate is only top priority to 3% of U.S voters), healthcare for illegals, reparations, free money if you breath (paid for by the next generation), trillion dollar government healthcare take over.

On and on it's clear who has abandoned their base and it's worrisome to anyone outside of America who fears what the world will look like without a strong USA. Trump is rebuilding the middle class, taking on China and confronting state abusers everywhere. Democrats will speed up the path to socialism, and Americas demise.

The Republicans do not stand up for all Americans. They stand up for the rich and powerful. This impeachment move is justified. Trump's attempts to get a foreign country to investigate a political opponent is wrong and he needs to be held accountable. Republicans in the Senate voted to remove Clinton by a 45-10 margin on the first count and 50-5 on a second count. Those charges were nowhere near what Trump has done.

What are republicans offering? Tax cuts for the rich and powerful. Ending healthcare reform and going back to the old way. Treating people who are fleeing violence inhumanly. The fact is that voters disapprove of nearly every Trump policy.
Really, stop drinking coolaid.
Good for him! We need to stop feeding the delusions of the left, of these TDS-affected Dumbocrats in Congress. I liked Giuliani's response even better.

trump's greatest fear is oversight....Had it not been for the free press and this whistleblower....no one would know what a criminal that he is....

Everyone has know for a long time what a criminal he is. The free press and the whistleblower just provided the evidence. Now even his base know what a lying, treasonous piece of shit he is and they're turning on him.

Barr is currently touring Europe, asking foreign security agencies for evidence that the Russians did not hack the DNC servers. The NSA, CIA, FBI, British and Dutch intelligence have all concluded it was the Russians. Barr is trying to prove it wasn't. WHY? Because Trump told him to. Does this not strike you as wrong in any way?
First, He is not a criminal, he is YOUR PRESIDENT! He could be elected if he was a criminal, so shitcan that nonsense.
Next the press is not free, they are slaves to the Democrats and the whistle blower is a CIA Democrat planted to hurt Trump.
His base has held steady as have the Democrats, only the Independents move-like me-and I won't move until I see HARD evidence-not heresay and press propaganda.
Last, Pompeo is not looking for non evidence of the Russian hack-he IS looking for evidence-by the Democrats, because he knows Trump had nothing to do with it. So the only thing wrong here is the cockeyed way you came up with your story.

He is President but he is not my president. He is corrupt and people know that. What gave him a win was the 25% of voters voting against Clinton. I predict that that 25% will vote against Trump as he is seen as dishonest. The fact is the press is far more free than right wing media which does the same thing that Goebbels did for Hitler. Propaganda.

Independents have moved to Democrats. That is why Republicans lost the House and just picked up 2 seats in the Senate when they could have picked up as many as 8.

Pompeo apparently was listening in on the phone call and had no objection to Trump trying to get Ukraine to investigate a political opponent. Barr has been trying to dig up dirt in other countries. Completely corrupt.
Would you have preferred Clinton?
How about we agree that they are ALL crooked and liars?

As they're not all crooked and liars, it would be dishonest of me to agree to that, so I won't.

Such both-siderism as a mark of lazy and cowardly thinkers. When one side is worse, and it is, it's dishonest and craven to declare that both sides are the same
It is worse to pick a side and be partisan, then you change facts to suit your story.
Tell me which politicians are not crooked or liars.
This swill from the fuckchops who don't GAF about subpoenaed e-malis that were deleted, bleach bitted servers, destroyed blackberries, money laundering operations operating as "charity".

As your lips seem to be attached to the rectums of traitor and crooks, it's making everything you say hard to understand and smelling very badly.

What I could decipher was the same old conspiracy lies. That's all you've got, recycling old debunked lies? Couldn't your masters have come up with something new?

But then, I suppose they're occupied with trying to stay out of jail.
How about we agree that they are ALL crooked and liars?

It is sad when networks have to fact check trump's lies in real time. But trump feels that if he repeats a lie or conspiracy theory over and over it will become true.....WRONG! The Biden - Hunter lies have been debunked many times. Give it a rest Donnie!

It is about time that even faithful Repubs need to start calling a lie...a lie..
No, you are wrong-CNN does not track any other politician for fact checks because they would find lies too. You just want to say Trump is bad and forget everything else. Believe me, some of the others are worse-Schiff who makes up a story and reads it on TV-deceitful and stupid!
Good for him! We need to stop feeding the delusions of the left, of these TDS-affected Dumbocrats in Congress. I liked Giuliani's response even better.

trump's greatest fear is oversight....Had it not been for the free press and this whistleblower....no one would know what a criminal that he is....

Everyone has know for a long time what a criminal he is. The free press and the whistleblower just provided the evidence. Now even his base know what a lying, treasonous piece of shit he is and they're turning on him.

Barr is currently touring Europe, asking foreign security agencies for evidence that the Russians did not hack the DNC servers. The NSA, CIA, FBI, British and Dutch intelligence have all concluded it was the Russians. Barr is trying to prove it wasn't. WHY? Because Trump told him to. Does this not strike you as wrong in any way?
First, He is not a criminal, he is YOUR PRESIDENT! He could be elected if he was a criminal, so shitcan that nonsense.
Next the press is not free, they are slaves to the Democrats and the whistle blower is a CIA Democrat planted to hurt Trump.
His base has held steady as have the Democrats, only the Independents move-like me-and I won't move until I see HARD evidence-not heresay and press propaganda.
Last, Pompeo is not looking for non evidence of the Russian hack-he IS looking for evidence-by the Democrats, because he knows Trump had nothing to do with it. So the only thing wrong here is the cockeyed way you came up with your story.

He is President but he is not my president. He is corrupt and people know that. What gave him a win was the 25% of voters voting against Clinton. I predict that that 25% will vote against Trump as he is seen as dishonest. The fact is the press is far more free than right wing media which does the same thing that Goebbels did for Hitler. Propaganda.

Independents have moved to Democrats. That is why Republicans lost the House and just picked up 2 seats in the Senate when they could have picked up as many as 8.

Pompeo apparently was listening in on the phone call and had no objection to Trump trying to get Ukraine to investigate a political opponent. Barr has been trying to dig up dirt in other countries. Completely corrupt.
He IS YOUR PRESIDENT until he is not-accept it. People don't know he is corrupt, I don't believe that and I am an Independent. People did not vote against Clinton, they stayed home. The press is 93% negative toward Trump and they are free-give me a break-you are not that dumb. The 2018 midterms were a combo of women going crazy because of Kavanaugh, and Trump's bad behavior. If he does not change, he WILL lose. Barr is on a trip answering the call other countries MADE TO US-so no corruption there. And Trump asked that Ukraine investigate corruption-not an individual-get your stories straight.
It is worse to pick a side and be partisan, then you change facts to suit your story.
Tell me which politicians are not crooked or liars.

Most of the Democrats.

That wasn't hard.

Your both-siderism is a standard Russian troll tactic. And they've been ordered to back Trump.

No, you're not a Russian troll. But you are carrying Trump's water, whether or not you want to admit it. Not just with that line. Most everything you say echoes GOP propaganda. If it quacks like a Trump shill, we call it a Trump shill.
It is worse to pick a side and be partisan, then you change facts to suit your story.
Tell me which politicians are not crooked or liars.

Most of the Democrats.

That wasn't hard.

Your both-siderism is a standard Russian troll tactic. And they've been ordered to back Trump.

No, you're not a Russian troll. But you are carrying Trump's water, whether or not you want to admit it. Not just with that line. Most everything you say echoes GOP propaganda. If it quacks like a Trump shill, we call it a Trump shill.
Both siderism? Its called balance-nobody has all the answers including political parties.
Most of the Democrats are worse than the Republicans and I am being fair in my assessment. Your Russian troll fear is making you sound crazy-stop it for your own sake.

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