Polling Shows Democrats and Leftists are WAY off on Police Shooting Data

Mr. Friscus

Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2020
A poll shows that when questioned, Democrats and Leftists are overall way off.

The Question asked "How many unarmed black men were killed by police in 2019"
The options to answer were:
1. About 10
2. About 100
3. About 1,000
4. About 10,000
5. More than 10,000

The correct answer is about 10.

As far as those polled?

In regards to being correct, and answering "about 10",
Conservative 46%
Very Conservative 45%
Moderate 34%
Liberal 22%
Very Liberal 16%

So obviously, as far as having the data correct, Conservatives are far more informed and accurate to base their opinions on the subject. That's not in dispute.

But, it gets crazy when you see how exaggerated the left's answers are.

In regards to thinking that About 10,000 or more unarmed black men are killed by police in 2019 (thousands of times higher than the actual number)
Very Liberal 22%
Liberal 14%
Moderate 9%
Very Conservative 7%
Conservative 4%

That's a shocking statistic. One out of every 4 leftists thinks the cops killed 10,000 unarmed black people in 2019, when the answer is around 10.

Half of Survey's Very Liberal Respondents Believe 1,000 or More Unarmed Black Men Killed by Police in 2019

1. Why are Leftists and Democrats so wrong?
2. Is it alarming to those on the left that so many of you are so wrong?
A poll shows that when questioned, Democrats and Leftists are overall way off.

The Question asked "How many unarmed black men were killed by police in 2019"
The options to answer were:
1. About 10
2. About 100
3. About 1,000
4. About 10,000
5. More than 10,000

The correct answer is about 10.

As far as those polled?

In regards to being correct, and answering "about 10",
Conservative 46%
Very Conservative 45%
Moderate 34%
Liberal 22%
Very Liberal 16%

So obviously, as far as having the data correct, Conservatives are far more informed and accurate to base their opinions on the subject. That's not in dispute.

But, it gets crazy when you see how exaggerated the left's answers are.

In regards to thinking that About 10,000 or more unarmed black men are killed by police in 2019 (thousands of times higher than the actual number)
Very Liberal 22%
Liberal 14%
Moderate 9%
Very Conservative 7%
Conservative 4%

That's a shocking statistic. One out of every 4 leftists thinks the cops killed 10,000 unarmed black people in 2019, when the answer is around 10.

Half of Survey's Very Liberal Respondents Believe 1,000 or More Unarmed Black Men Killed by Police in 2019

1. Why are Leftists and Democrats so wrong?
2. Is it alarming to those on the left that so many of you are so wrong?
My first answer was 100, but the only research I have ever done has been on total police related deaths in a year by race. I knew the number would be low glad to see its a mere 10 and the propaganda is really off base.
A poll shows that when questioned, Democrats and Leftists are overall way off.

The Question asked "How many unarmed black men were killed by police in 2019"
The options to answer were:
1. About 10
2. About 100
3. About 1,000
4. About 10,000
5. More than 10,000

The correct answer is about 10.

As far as those polled?

In regards to being correct, and answering "about 10",
Conservative 46%
Very Conservative 45%
Moderate 34%
Liberal 22%
Very Liberal 16%

So obviously, as far as having the data correct, Conservatives are far more informed and accurate to base their opinions on the subject. That's not in dispute.

But, it gets crazy when you see how exaggerated the left's answers are.

In regards to thinking that About 10,000 or more unarmed black men are killed by police in 2019 (thousands of times higher than the actual number)
Very Liberal 22%
Liberal 14%
Moderate 9%
Very Conservative 7%
Conservative 4%

That's a shocking statistic. One out of every 4 leftists thinks the cops killed 10,000 unarmed black people in 2019, when the answer is around 10.

Half of Survey's Very Liberal Respondents Believe 1,000 or More Unarmed Black Men Killed by Police in 2019

1. Why are Leftists and Democrats so wrong?
2. Is it alarming to those on the left that so many of you are so wrong?

Your odds of winning the lottery are greater than being shot while unarmed by a cop, if your black.
Yet, the media makes it front and center so socialist policies can be pushed by the other political arm of the media... The Democrats! (or do i have that reversed? I'm not sure)
..there is no problem of police brutality/etc--I've got a thread on it that explains it all

''''Contrary to the Black Lives Matter narrative, the police have much more to fear from black males than black males have to fear from the police. In 2015, a police officer was 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male was to be killed by a police officer.''''
etc etc etc
Common sense shows leftists are way off on every issue....

These fucking jabbering retards believe that the 0.03% of the atmospheric CO2 human beings produce collectively, which accounts for MAYBE 3% of the overall "greenhouse effect" is something to freak out about, when they live in the country that produces less than 16% of it.

It would be one thing if they had the excuse that they've been "mislead" or "malinformed" but they have better access to information than anyone on earth and every sniveling bed wetter on this forum has been exposed to it ad nauseam. Yet they remain deliberately ignorant. Like the parasites, malcontents and traitors who continue to insist America is a racist hell hole or that BLM isn't a terrorist organization, or that queen antifa's minions are just an "idea".

These ARE NOT "people" we merely disagree with. They're mindless drones, traitors, subversives and enemies of our republic and beloved Constitution. We must eventually absolve ourselves of our political binds to these parasites and expatriate them to borders outside the territory of the USA and build fortifications and barriers so that they're less likely to be able to infest the tiny part of the earth left that isn't controlled by the most malevolent sociopaths inbred genetic accidents could produce.

So years ago, the Washington Post did an informal survey and found 75% of deadly police shootings were in a "return fire" situation ... bad people shooting at cops, cops shoot back, kinda their job ...

But still ... 10 cold-blooded murders per year is 10 too many ...
So years ago, the Washington Post did an informal survey and found 75% of deadly police shootings were in a "return fire" situation ... bad people shooting at cops, cops shoot back, kinda their job ...

But still ... 10 cold-blooded murders per year is 10 too many ...
Any may be too many but at least we should be able to count on accurate reporting and a halt to the incendiary propaganda
So years ago, the Washington Post did an informal survey and found 75% of deadly police shootings were in a "return fire" situation ... bad people shooting at cops, cops shoot back, kinda their job ...

But still ... 10 cold-blooded murders per year is 10 too many ...
wrong---10 is proof there is no problem of police brutality/etc
....there are over 10 MILLION arrests per year
..MILLIONS more police contacts and traffic stops
..one of the problems is you people think it's like TV or movies!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!
explained in my thread here:
So years ago, the Washington Post did an informal survey and found 75% of deadly police shootings were in a "return fire" situation ... bad people shooting at cops, cops shoot back, kinda their job ...

But still ... 10 cold-blooded murders per year is 10 too many ...
AND--not cold blooded/etc = that's total bullshit
..Chauvin was not trying to kill FLoyd
So years ago, the Washington Post did an informal survey and found 75% of deadly police shootings were in a "return fire" situation ... bad people shooting at cops, cops shoot back, kinda their job ...

But still ... 10 cold-blooded murders per year is 10 too many ...

Um, no, there's a difference between "unarmed person shot by cops" and "cold-blooded murder". Please do not paraphrase based on your own hormones.

"Unarmed" does not mean they were strolling down the street, sniffing the daisies. Depending on who's doing the classifying as "unarmed", this number can and does include people who are armed with non-conventional weapons like rocks or bricks; people who are actively assaulting the officer with their hands, feet, or teeth; people who are trying to take the officer's weapon; and sometimes, people who are trying to run the officer over with a car.

Here is an article about one such study:

Michael Brown is one such example of an "unarmed person shot by a cop". But as we now know, Michael Brown was shot because he physically assaulted the officer.

Adam Toledo is an example that's being waved under our noses lately. But Adam Toledo WAS armed, up until about a second or less before he was shot, and the cop had no way of knowing he'd thrown the gun away.

So cool your jets with the hyperbolic language.

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