POLL: Which scenario spreads racism more quickly?

Which scenario spreads racism more quickly?

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Interesting, you didn't vote, but you don't have to.

And I'm glad you were at least honest enough to put quotes around "cover", because the situations are clearly different. Unlike you folks, I want everyone to be allowed to speak their mind without interference, without being intimidated, without being shouted down, without threat of violence. I'm not afraid of words. If I don't like it, I don't pay attention.

Swing and a miss.

Come on, be honest again, vote for Scenario 1.

I actually agree with you (as I did when you brought it up on another thread). I think it gives the lesser lights among us oxygen; I think it gives them a platform that their stances do not deserve.

I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of your position. In one breath you decry the media giving oxygen to these folks and in the next, you criticize the media when they don’t.

And for the millionth time….not giving someone your megaphone or airwaves or auditorium doesn’t keep them from speaking their mind. I am happy that my tax dollars are not being used by the universities in my state to give white supremacists a forum to “educate” people. they can rent out a theater somewhere else and say whatever they want.
And again, your comparison is warped. Facebook and Twitter are not "the media" in a traditional sense. The media shows up because they know the left wing groups are going to be there and there will be juicy footage as a result. They also report on it the minute they hear of it, to get as many protestors there as they can.

And I suspect you don't complain much about left wing groups on campus.

Save your outrage over my supposed "hypocrisy".

Your hypocrisy is your business.
Our pointing it out is the risk you run when you make it public on a message board.
I feel zero risk from you folks, but I do appreciate your concern! And your rapt attention!

I feel zero risk that I will not have more of your hypocrisy to point out tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day….
I do know how closely you follow my posts, and you're certainly free to point out whatever you'd like.

I'm so far up in your heads at this point, I know there's no getting out.
I actually agree with you (as I did when you brought it up on another thread). I think it gives the lesser lights among us oxygen; I think it gives them a platform that their stances do not deserve.

I was just pointing out the hypocrisy of your position. In one breath you decry the media giving oxygen to these folks and in the next, you criticize the media when they don’t.

And for the millionth time….not giving someone your megaphone or airwaves or auditorium doesn’t keep them from speaking their mind. I am happy that my tax dollars are not being used by the universities in my state to give white supremacists a forum to “educate” people. they can rent out a theater somewhere else and say whatever they want.
And again, your comparison is warped. Facebook and Twitter are not "the media" in a traditional sense. The media shows up because they know the left wing groups are going to be there and there will be juicy footage as a result. They also report on it the minute they hear of it, to get as many protestors there as they can.

And I suspect you don't complain much about left wing groups on campus.

Save your outrage over my supposed "hypocrisy".

Your hypocrisy is your business.
Our pointing it out is the risk you run when you make it public on a message board.
I feel zero risk from you folks, but I do appreciate your concern! And your rapt attention!

I feel zero risk that I will not have more of your hypocrisy to point out tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day….
I do know how closely you follow my posts, and you're certainly free to point out whatever you'd like.

I'm so far up in your heads at this point, I know there's no getting out.

mmmm okay.

It’s good to know you feel beholden to reply to everything I write when I point out your hypocrisy. Seems like I’m living rent free between your ears too.
And again, your comparison is warped. Facebook and Twitter are not "the media" in a traditional sense. The media shows up because they know the left wing groups are going to be there and there will be juicy footage as a result. They also report on it the minute they hear of it, to get as many protestors there as they can.

And I suspect you don't complain much about left wing groups on campus.

Save your outrage over my supposed "hypocrisy".

Your hypocrisy is your business.
Our pointing it out is the risk you run when you make it public on a message board.
I feel zero risk from you folks, but I do appreciate your concern! And your rapt attention!

I feel zero risk that I will not have more of your hypocrisy to point out tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day….
I do know how closely you follow my posts, and you're certainly free to point out whatever you'd like.

I'm so far up in your heads at this point, I know there's no getting out.

mmmm okay.

It’s good to know you feel beholden to reply to everything I write when I point out your hypocrisy. Seems like I’m living rent free between your ears too.
Stop bitching about my posts and we'd never communicate.

You do know that, right? Maybe not. Whatever you'd like.
Interesting that we're not getting any Regressives voting for Scenario 1.

Obviously they don't want to admit it.

The last thing they want is to see race relations improve.

Perhaps race relations aren't as bad as the media likes to suggest ... :dunno:

There are idiots in every crowd.
Focusing on the idiots sometimes gives the impression they hold more sway than they do in reality.
That still doesn't mean that focusing on them is going to create a lot more of them.

Good post.
Your hypocrisy is your business.
Our pointing it out is the risk you run when you make it public on a message board.
I feel zero risk from you folks, but I do appreciate your concern! And your rapt attention!

I feel zero risk that I will not have more of your hypocrisy to point out tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day….
I do know how closely you follow my posts, and you're certainly free to point out whatever you'd like.

I'm so far up in your heads at this point, I know there's no getting out.

mmmm okay.

It’s good to know you feel beholden to reply to everything I write when I point out your hypocrisy. Seems like I’m living rent free between your ears too.
Stop bitching about my posts and we'd never communicate.

You do know that, right? Maybe not. Whatever you'd like.

My my..getting testy aren’t we? I guess when you get called a hypocrite for being a hypocrite; the only thing left for you to do is to get angry and have a meltdown.

We’re all hypocrites to some extent. The only thing that makes you the least bit interesting is that you deny your blatant hypocrisy; it’s fun to burst the bubble again and again.
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Still waiting for your explanation on how you can criticize the media for covering the upcoming event since it will give oxygen to the morons


criticizing the media for banning the morons from their airwaves as you did earlier this week.

Has anyone actually held out that scenario #1 is worse than #2 or are you just imagining things again?
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Tell me which scenario will spread racism more quickly, which scenario will recruit more racists, and why, please:

Scenario 1
22 mouth-breathing, ignorant racists gather at Town Square to chant ignorant, shallow racist talking points. No one gives a shit. No media shows up, no protestors show up. A few tourists laugh and take pictures as if they're seeing monkeys at a zoo. The dummies get bored after 40 minutes of chanting and go home.

Scenario 2
22 mouth-breathing, ignorant racists gather at Town Square to chant ignorant, shallow racist talking points. The press descends on the area, actually outnumbering the actual mouth-breathing, ignorant racists six to one. Three different left wing groups arrive to hold up signs and scream. Several scuffles break out, with the press desperately trying to get good shots for the evening news. 11 people are injured, six of them the mouth-breathers, two of whom have to go to the hospital for stitches. The fights are recorded and go viral online. MSNBC and CNN hold a multitude of "panel discussions" that include four left wingers and one right winger, discussing how the 22 racists are making America worse.

So. Which scenario is more likely to spread racism and recruit more racists?

Or do you even care?

How about a system built on racism and maintained now for 242 years?
Tell me which scenario will spread racism more quickly, which scenario will recruit more racists, and why, please:

Scenario 1
22 mouth-breathing, ignorant racists gather at Town Square to chant ignorant, shallow racist talking points. No one gives a shit. No media shows up, no protestors show up. A few tourists laugh and take pictures as if they're seeing monkeys at a zoo. The dummies get bored after 40 minutes of chanting and go home.

Scenario 2
22 mouth-breathing, ignorant racists gather at Town Square to chant ignorant, shallow racist talking points. The press descends on the area, actually outnumbering the actual mouth-breathing, ignorant racists six to one. Three different left wing groups arrive to hold up signs and scream. Several scuffles break out, with the press desperately trying to get good shots for the evening news. 11 people are injured, six of them the mouth-breathers, two of whom have to go to the hospital for stitches. The fights are recorded and go viral online. MSNBC and CNN hold a multitude of "panel discussions" that include four left wingers and one right winger, discussing how the 22 racists are making America worse.

So. Which scenario is more likely to spread racism and recruit more racists?

Or do you even care?

How about a system built on racism and maintained now for 242 years?

While strictly refraining from applying 21st Century mores to 18th Century views and beliefs, explain how the American foundation is "built on racism".
Tell me which scenario will spread racism more quickly, which scenario will recruit more racists, and why, please:

Scenario 1
22 mouth-breathing, ignorant racists gather at Town Square to chant ignorant, shallow racist talking points. No one gives a shit. No media shows up, no protestors show up. A few tourists laugh and take pictures as if they're seeing monkeys at a zoo. The dummies get bored after 40 minutes of chanting and go home.

Scenario 2
22 mouth-breathing, ignorant racists gather at Town Square to chant ignorant, shallow racist talking points. The press descends on the area, actually outnumbering the actual mouth-breathing, ignorant racists six to one. Three different left wing groups arrive to hold up signs and scream. Several scuffles break out, with the press desperately trying to get good shots for the evening news. 11 people are injured, six of them the mouth-breathers, two of whom have to go to the hospital for stitches. The fights are recorded and go viral online. MSNBC and CNN hold a multitude of "panel discussions" that include four left wingers and one right winger, discussing how the 22 racists are making America worse.

So. Which scenario is more likely to spread racism and recruit more racists?

Or do you even care?

How about a system built on racism and maintained now for 242 years?

Looks like you didn't vote.
Tell me which scenario will spread racism more quickly, which scenario will recruit more racists, and why, please:

Scenario 1
22 mouth-breathing, ignorant racists gather at Town Square to chant ignorant, shallow racist talking points. No one gives a shit. No media shows up, no protestors show up. A few tourists laugh and take pictures as if they're seeing monkeys at a zoo. The dummies get bored after 40 minutes of chanting and go home.

Scenario 2
22 mouth-breathing, ignorant racists gather at Town Square to chant ignorant, shallow racist talking points. The press descends on the area, actually outnumbering the actual mouth-breathing, ignorant racists six to one. Three different left wing groups arrive to hold up signs and scream. Several scuffles break out, with the press desperately trying to get good shots for the evening news. 11 people are injured, six of them the mouth-breathers, two of whom have to go to the hospital for stitches. The fights are recorded and go viral online. MSNBC and CNN hold a multitude of "panel discussions" that include four left wingers and one right winger, discussing how the 22 racists are making America worse.

So. Which scenario is more likely to spread racism and recruit more racists?

Or do you even care?

Every story you hear from the media has a purpose behind it. They are not there to report the news, rather, they are there to steer public opinion.

Case in point, is how they handled Ron Paul during his bid for the Presidential nomination.

If the media does not want you elected, they just ignore you. Notice that both CNN and Fox news treated him this way. This is why I question whether the press really wants to get rid of Trump because he has been front and center since day one.

If you look at what Trump has done, he has reenergized the Dim party. There is no border wall, abortion is still the law of the land, and spending is as big as ever in the government. If he had really wanted to do away with any of those things, they would have ignored him as well.
Tell me which scenario will spread racism more quickly, which scenario will recruit more racists, and why, please:

Scenario 1
22 mouth-breathing, ignorant racists gather at Town Square to chant ignorant, shallow racist talking points. No one gives a shit. No media shows up, no protestors show up. A few tourists laugh and take pictures as if they're seeing monkeys at a zoo. The dummies get bored after 40 minutes of chanting and go home.

Scenario 2
22 mouth-breathing, ignorant racists gather at Town Square to chant ignorant, shallow racist talking points. The press descends on the area, actually outnumbering the actual mouth-breathing, ignorant racists six to one. Three different left wing groups arrive to hold up signs and scream. Several scuffles break out, with the press desperately trying to get good shots for the evening news. 11 people are injured, six of them the mouth-breathers, two of whom have to go to the hospital for stitches. The fights are recorded and go viral online. MSNBC and CNN hold a multitude of "panel discussions" that include four left wingers and one right winger, discussing how the 22 racists are making America worse.

So. Which scenario is more likely to spread racism and recruit more racists?

Or do you even care?

How about a system built on racism and maintained now for 242 years?

While strictly refraining from applying 21st Century mores to 18th Century views and beliefs, explain how the American foundation is "built on racism".

How about we start with the media.....
Tell me which scenario will spread racism more quickly, which scenario will recruit more racists, and why, please:

Scenario 1
22 mouth-breathing, ignorant racists gather at Town Square to chant ignorant, shallow racist talking points. No one gives a shit. No media shows up, no protestors show up. A few tourists laugh and take pictures as if they're seeing monkeys at a zoo. The dummies get bored after 40 minutes of chanting and go home.

Scenario 2
22 mouth-breathing, ignorant racists gather at Town Square to chant ignorant, shallow racist talking points. The press descends on the area, actually outnumbering the actual mouth-breathing, ignorant racists six to one. Three different left wing groups arrive to hold up signs and scream. Several scuffles break out, with the press desperately trying to get good shots for the evening news. 11 people are injured, six of them the mouth-breathers, two of whom have to go to the hospital for stitches. The fights are recorded and go viral online. MSNBC and CNN hold a multitude of "panel discussions" that include four left wingers and one right winger, discussing how the 22 racists are making America worse.

So. Which scenario is more likely to spread racism and recruit more racists?

Or do you even care?

How about a system built on racism and maintained now for 242 years?

While strictly refraining from applying 21st Century mores to 18th Century views and beliefs, explain how the American foundation is "built on racism".

How about we start with the media....Race of mass shooters influences how the media cover their crimes, new study shows - Media Bias/Fact Check
It's not the job of media to decide where the chips will fall. The media reports the news and sells advertising.
Tell me which scenario will spread racism more quickly, which scenario will recruit more racists, and why, please:

Scenario 1
22 mouth-breathing, ignorant racists gather at Town Square to chant ignorant, shallow racist talking points. No one gives a shit. No media shows up, no protestors show up. A few tourists laugh and take pictures as if they're seeing monkeys at a zoo. The dummies get bored after 40 minutes of chanting and go home.

Scenario 2
22 mouth-breathing, ignorant racists gather at Town Square to chant ignorant, shallow racist talking points. The press descends on the area, actually outnumbering the actual mouth-breathing, ignorant racists six to one. Three different left wing groups arrive to hold up signs and scream. Several scuffles break out, with the press desperately trying to get good shots for the evening news. 11 people are injured, six of them the mouth-breathers, two of whom have to go to the hospital for stitches. The fights are recorded and go viral online. MSNBC and CNN hold a multitude of "panel discussions" that include four left wingers and one right winger, discussing how the 22 racists are making America worse.

So. Which scenario is more likely to spread racism and recruit more racists?

Or do you even care?
It’s a great question. I’ve often made the arguement to starve these racist dipshits of the attention they so desire. By counter protesting and giving nonestop media coverage they pour gas on the fire.

I’ve had many conversations about this and understand the counter point to my argument. If there are systemic racial problems in this country like many black people feel, then the protest needs to not be whispered but yelled to actually see change.

We saw a spike in racial tensions during Obama’s presidency which just shows that there was a lot of shit festering below the surface which floated up after a black man won the office. We can choose to play the Long game and let that racism fester and hope it dies out after a few more generations... or we can bring it to the surface and attack, fight and condem.

I’m a white male so I am the least qualified to decide what is right and wrong here. I don’t feel the day to day hate discrimination and bias that many do feel. It’s easy for me to say “just ignore those assholes”... but the reality for those who have been and still feel oppressed is quite different. We should all listen with open minds which is what I’m trying to do.

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