Poll Shows Dems Do Believe War Is Lost

You are a angry lib in a constant state of mouth forthing hysteria

I'm not now nor have I ever been a liberal... I am an ex republican... I am anti-bush because of he invaded a country that had absolutely nothing to do with catching Osama Been Forgotten...

and I despise chickenhawkscum.

If a US victory in Iraq is so important to you, when will you be taking an active part in the fight?
I'm not now nor have I ever been a liberal... I am an ex republican... I am anti-bush because of he invaded a country that had absolutely nothing to do with catching Osama Been Forgotten...

and I despise chickenhawkscum.

If a US victory in Iraq is so important to you, when will you be taking an active part in the fight?

You are a liberal with a sever anger problem

I strongly suggest you seek professional help - you need it bad

How important is a US victory in Iraq?

Very or Somewhat important - 61%

Not important - 33%

Percent important

Dems 44%

Republicnas - 84%

Enjoy your [] burger

If a US victory in Iraq is so important to you, when will you be taking an active part in the fight?


here's rsr looking for his courage so he can waddle down to the recruiters and sign up...
They can still cut off all funding

But they do not have the guts since the polls show Americans want VICTORY in Iraq

they don't have the votes to override the veto... yet.

the democrats want the troops home alive, you want them in Iraq and in harm's way...

when will your insatiable blood lust end?

when it's your turn to go?
You do not seem to want victory - you are a surrender monkey like the rest of the far left

I want the troops home from Iraq... you want them there in harm's way forever... why do you hate our military?

But if winning in Iraq is so important to you, when will you be taking an active part in the fight?
they don't have the votes to override the veto... yet.

the democrats want the troops home alive, you want them in Iraq and in harm's way...

when will your insatiable blood lust end?

when it's your turn to go?

Another good question in the poll

Are you hopeful the US will be able to to succeed in Iraq?


Dems - 42%

Republicans - 80%

My, don;t you love the support the left shows the troops?
I want the troops home from Iraq... you want them there in harm's way forever... why do you hate our military?

But if winning in Iraq is so important to you, when will

you be taking an active part in the fight?

Looking at the answers to this poll - it is the Dems who have little love and support for the military
Here is another question that shows the Dems for what they really are

Would you say setting a deadline for troop withdrawal is setting a deadline for failure

Dems - 32%

Republicans- 62%

manipulating the polls again to justify your warped reasoning? what is it about you right wingers that you can't tell the truth and be done with it?

If winning in Iraq is so important to you, when will

you be taking an active part in the fight?
That question PROVES the title of this thread

Thank you for posting it again

BTW - didn't you post how I had a misleading title to this thread

Thank you for making my case

no, that was mm... are you confused?

If winning in Iraq is so important to you, when will

you be taking an active part in the fight?
manipulating the polls again to justify your warped reasoning? what is it about you right wingers that you can't tell the truth and be done with it?

If winning in Iraq is so important to you, when will

you be taking an active part in the fight?


you were oh so happy when the party breakdown was NOT being posted - now the poll is manipulated when those numbers are included

You are a liberal - a true blue liberal
If anyone would know how facts piss off a liberal - you would know

Thanks again for proving me right on the title of this thread

you don't know what a fact is... I've asked you and asked you and asked you for links to substantiate the drivel that comes off of your keyboard and you have yet to provide any...

you do know how to use a search engine don't you? if not, just say so... :eusa_boohoo:
you don't know what a fact is... I've asked you and asked you and asked you for links to substantiate the drivel that comes off of your keyboard and you have yet to provide any...

you do know how to use a search engine don't you? if not, just say so... :eusa_boohoo:

I see you are still ducking the issue of this thread

I try to be nice, I thank you for proving my point, and your anger still comes thru

My it must suck being a liberal these days
You are a liberal with a sever anger problem

I strongly suggest you seek professional help - you need it bad

nope... I despise chickenhawkscum... you know the type I'm sure, you see one in the mirror every morning...

If a US victory in Iraq is so important to you, when will you be taking an active part in the fight?

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