Poll on position.

What are you politically?

  • Total voters
Somewhere between a libertarian and a social democrat
Absolute rubbish... conservatism is not defined by talk show entertainers....

Apparently it is.

Nothing "apparent" about it, in fact.

It is silly to even pretend that conservatism is defined by talk show entertainers.

ahhhh but perfedct legitimate to allow them to define "liberlism", huh?

Anyway - this poll is what is rubbish. No better than every other attempt to pigeon hole or label folks. Most people hold views on some issues that would be considered "consertvative" while on other issues that hold views that would be considered "liberal."
Why the obession with attaching a label?

I can think of several reasons that folks may WANT to attach labels, and none of them are very honest or useful imho.
Apparently it is.

Nothing "apparent" about it, in fact.

It is silly to even pretend that conservatism is defined by talk show entertainers.

Ahh denied by those who listen/watch?

Of course we never get pundit talking points posted on here?

No. Just CLAIMED by a liberoidal ignorant troll.

Your claim doesn't make ANYTHING so.

And of course we get some folks offering mere talking points on here. That's a different matter, you fucking numbskull, than the proposition that conservatism is "defined" by talk show hosts.

Good grief, you fucking liberoidals are a brain dead lot.
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Apparently it is.

Nothing "apparent" about it, in fact.

It is silly to even pretend that conservatism is defined by talk show entertainers.

ahhhh but perfedct legitimate to allow them to define "liberlism", huh?

Anyway - this poll is what is rubbish. No better than every other attempt to pigeon hole or label folks. Most people hold views on some issues that would be considered "consertvative" while on other issues that hold views that would be considered "liberal."
Why the obession with attaching a label?

I can think of several reasons that folks may WANT to attach labels, and none of them are very honest or useful imho.

No. It is NOT perfectly legitmate to define "liberal" by virtue of their idiot talk show hosts, either. And, of course, I didn't make any such claim nor did anybody else when YOU made that self-serving but baseless contention.

And the poll is not rubbish. It may not be perfect. Self-defintion can be a tricky thing for a number of reasons.

But it can serve as a point of departure.

Furthermore, sometimes assigning labels is a very valid tool.

In summary, your post is quite misguided.
Nothing "apparent" about it, in fact.

It is silly to even pretend that conservatism is defined by talk show entertainers.

Ahh denied by those who listen/watch?

Of course we never get pundit talking points posted on here?

No. Just CLAIMED by a liberoidal ignorant troll.

Your claim doesn't make ANYTHING so.

And of course we get some folks offering mere talking points on here. That's a different matter, you fucking numbskull, than the proposition that conservatism is "defined" by talk show hosts.

Good grief, you fucking liberoidals are a brain dead lot.

Right wingers are such great debators with such curteous and nice manners.
Ahh denied by those who listen/watch?

Of course we never get pundit talking points posted on here?

No. Just CLAIMED by a liberoidal ignorant troll.

Your claim doesn't make ANYTHING so.

And of course we get some folks offering mere talking points on here. That's a different matter, you fucking numbskull, than the proposition that conservatism is "defined" by talk show hosts.

Good grief, you fucking liberoidals are a brain dead lot.

Right wingers are such great debators with such curteous and nice manners.

Yeah. Yeah. Nothing like the debating skillz of and the civility shown by you liberoidals. :cuckoo:
Nothing "apparent" about it, in fact.

It is silly to even pretend that conservatism is defined by talk show entertainers.

ahhhh but perfedct legitimate to allow them to define "liberlism", huh?

Anyway - this poll is what is rubbish. No better than every other attempt to pigeon hole or label folks. Most people hold views on some issues that would be considered "consertvative" while on other issues that hold views that would be considered "liberal."
Why the obession with attaching a label?

I can think of several reasons that folks may WANT to attach labels, and none of them are very honest or useful imho.

No. It is NOT perfectly legitmate to define "liberal" by virtue of their idiot talk show hosts, either. And, of course, I didn't make any such claim nor did anybody else when YOU made that self-serving but baseless contention.

And the poll is not rubbish. It may not be perfect. Self-defintion can be a tricky thing for a number of reasons.

But it can serve as a point of departure.

Furthermore, sometimes assigning labels is a very valid tool.

In summary, your post is quite misguided.

I believe you missed my point. My point was that it is not legitimate to allow idiot right-wing talk show hosts to define "liberal."

The only convience of label in politics is the luxury of branding someone else a fool without ever having to actually listen to what they are saying (or passing judgement on a po0st without ever having understood what it meant ???????????????)

It is the luxury to massage one's own deflated ego by declaring an entire class of people as inferior by simply attaching a label.

It's rubbish
Pole postion was a fun game.

I feel the way quite a few of us feel about this particular poll.

This poll does not include me in any of the categories because the views I hold are spread out among those from the Extremist of Right Wingers......to the Extremist of Left Wingers.

Here is an example which immediately places me in the Extreme of Left Wingers' category (Or, categorically NOT a CONSERVATIVE): I am very close to being an Atheist in that I consider ALL the followers of the Organized Religions of the World as DELUSIONAL. Approx 90% of the World's population believe in an Anthropomorphic God (Christians, Muslims, Jews, etc) who is petty, vainglorious, vengeful, sadistic, and is decidedly worse than scores of people I know.

My god, IF there is one, is Einstein's or Spinoza's god: The Sum Total of the Laws of the Universe.

Praying to my god is like praying to a lightening so it does not strike you. Praying to your god has the same statistical results as praying to the nearest rock in your garden. When we die, we become fertilizer, just like any cockroach, etc., that is bustling around this very moment.

I suppose what makes me an extremist Right Winger is that I firmly believe that voting for MARXIST Obami Salami, and his avowed Dem Agenda....and, BEING AWARE OF WHAT THAT AGENDA MEANS......is being a TRAITOR TO OUR COUNTRY.

Please note that I am, emphatically, NOT calling those who voted-in Obama Salami as being traitors. THEY ARE POLITICAL FOOLS.

Note: the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of the people who voted in Obama WERE BRAINWASHED by the 24/7 Lib Controlled National Media.....A propaganda machine that is infinitely more powerful than Nazi Germany Goebbel's BULLSHIT factory.

The other major factor involved is the admitted Charm of the "Snake-oil" Scam Artiste, the Political Charlatan Obama working on the UNJUSTIFIED guilt of our past Slavery.....and the ensuing PC BULLSHIT that has been CLEARLY OVERCOMPENSATED by the outdated Affirmative Action, and the control of the DEM Party by the Black Racist Thugs of the Congressional Black Caucus.

Let's face it: While corrective measures were necessary, AT THE PRESENT TIME: The Black Racist MONOLITHIC VOTE of close to 13% of the population of America goes to elect CORRUPT Dem Party hacks. Consider ANY election and the result of that election when it has approx 13% of the vote going DEM !!!!

OBVIOUSLY the DEM Party's EXISTENCE depends on this CORRUPT Black Racist MONOLTHIC VOTE !!! The Dem Party KNOWS this. The CORRUPT Black Racist Thugs in the CORRUPT Black Congressional Caucus KNOW this. And these Black Racist Thugs are taking ADVANTAGE of this.

As stated, I am NOT a Republican. However, I am a staunchly committed ANTI - LIEBERAL.

Let me expand on that:

I am not the regular type of Republican who is usually devoutly religious, anti Embryonic Stem Cell Research, and against Abortion from the moment of impregnation.

On the issue of Abortion: I am against abortion once the "fetus " can experience pain. To me Abortion is justifiable because it's part of a woman's body and she.....up to that moment of the "fetus's" pain...has the ULTIMATE CHOICE.

Until that moment of the "fetus's" pain, the "fetus" is simply a collection of nerve-less cells that are just flopping around on some petri-dish. There isn't any GOD-ORDAINED mysticism regarding "murder", "soul" etc.

I am for the EXPANSION OF BENEFITS to the hardworking Americans that have been laid off because of downsizing, jobs shipped overseas, etc and/or have proof of their diligence....... AT THE EXPENSE of the SOCIETAL PARASITES such as the lazies that fooled around instead of studying in HIgh School, etc., flopping around moaning and whining about their self-esteem considering themselves above readily available "lower" jobs, dopers, etc.....In other words, the other POLITICAL BASE of the DEMOCRATIC PARTY.

These are off-the-top reasons why..... while I am NOT a Republican....I am STILL compelled to vote Republican because of the alternative.....which is to vote for a CATASTROPHIC DISASTER !!!

Not knowing how I fit in this poll's categories, I voted, uncomfortably, that I was in the "middle".
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Had to vote conservative for lack of a better option.

A more fitting description for me would "conservative constitutionalist."

So get the females out of the workplace and the voting booth?
I think one of the categories should be "Too Stupid To Answer" based on some of the retorts here. Geezus God, like herding cats in this nation. No wonder we are fvcked as a nation. Sometimes people just need to shut the fvck up and get busy. Can't happen today. Today's Americans would never have stormed Normandy, pussified whiners.

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