Poll: Most Doctors Favor Public

Neser Boha

upgrade your gray matter
Mar 4, 2009
Nordic Bayou
Poll Finds Most Doctors Support Public Option : NPR


When polled, "nearly three-quarters of physicians supported some form of a public option, either alone or in combination with private insurance options," says Dr. Salomeh Keyhani. She and Dr. Alex Federman, both internists and researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, conducted a random survey, by mail and by phone, of 2,130 doctors. They surveyed them from June right up to early September.

Most doctors — 63 percent — say they favor giving patients a choice that would include both public and private insurance. That's the position of President Obama and of many congressional Democrats. In addition, another 10 percent of doctors say they favor a public option only; they'd like to see a single-payer health care system. Together, the two groups add up to 73 percent.
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Poll Finds Most Doctors Support Public Option : NPR


When polled, "nearly three-quarters of physicians supported some form of a public option, either alone or in combination with private insurance options," says Dr. Salomeh Keyhani. She and Dr. Alex Federman, both internists and researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, conducted a random survey, by mail and by phone, of 2,130 doctors. They surveyed them from June right up to early September.

Most doctors — 63 percent — say they favor giving patients a choice that would include both public and private insurance. That's the position of President Obama and of many congressional Democrats. In addition, another 10 percent of doctors say they favor a public option only; they'd like to see a single-payer health care system. Together, the two groups add up to 73 percent.

In other words, they want to get paid.
10% of them favor "public only" care, proving that America's medical schools are a complete and utter failure.

Anyways, I thought the Dems were the party of the average working man. Why so much emphasis on what doctors think?
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10% of them favor "public only" care, proving that America's medical schools are a complete and utter failure.

Anyways, I thought the Dems were the party of the average working man. Why so much emphasis on what doctors think?

Yeah, good thing we still have Witch Doctors in Indiana since those kind that go to medical schools suck so bad!

Does granny make you a special potion when you're sick too?

Aren't doctors working men/women too? I think they are, hmmmmmmmmmmmm.
10% of them favor "public only" care, proving that America's medical schools are a complete and utter failure.

Anyways, I thought the Dems were the party of the average working man. Why so much emphasis on what doctors think?

Sweetie, there are Democrats against public option, just as there are Republicans for public option. What are you trying to prove?
Poll Finds Most Doctors Support Public Option : NPR


When polled, "nearly three-quarters of physicians supported some form of a public option, either alone or in combination with private insurance options," says Dr. Salomeh Keyhani. She and Dr. Alex Federman, both internists and researchers at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York, conducted a random survey, by mail and by phone, of 2,130 doctors. They surveyed them from June right up to early September.

Most doctors — 63 percent — say they favor giving patients a choice that would include both public and private insurance. That's the position of President Obama and of many congressional Democrats. In addition, another 10 percent of doctors say they favor a public option only; they'd like to see a single-payer health care system. Together, the two groups add up to 73 percent.

In other words, they want to get paid.

I guess the other 27% don't ...
10% of them favor "public only" care, proving that America's medical schools are a complete and utter failure.

Anyways, I thought the Dems were the party of the average working man. Why so much emphasis on what doctors think?
Pathetic argument.
83% of Americans (53% strongly, 30% moderately) favor a public option (not that this means much). This poll was sponsored by conservative organizations (private and public), but unfortunately, they're not inclined to promote the results!


Fortunately, what the American public thinks only illustrates how uneducated we (as a people) really are, and doesn't dictate policy. Our opinions are defined by who we listen to, and how gullible we are. We "accept" only evidence that supports our personal view, and search only as far as necessary to contradict evidence to the contrary. It's been "bred" into us by entities in our society that shouldn't even have a say (corporate america). I know of nowhere in the Constitution that indicates that corporations should have the same rights (or greater) than an individual has. Civil law has "interpreted" it to give such power, but the whole concept is absurd. Anyway....

I challenge ANYONE to honestly look at the issues surrounding healthcare reform, without all the deflection created and propogated by the those in-the-pocket-of-profiteers in our government (both parties) and the media (again that "profit" motive that doesn't work), and NOT come to the conclusion that a "public option" is not only necessary, but anything short of that will do NOTHING to reform healthcare.

Why? Because ultimately, the questions all boils down to: 1)Do you, or don't you believe that healthcare should be a "social right" (not to be confused with "socialism"), or do you not? and 2) In the long term, will the remedy reduce the COST of healthcare (which is, after all, the problem).

Personally, I see NO value in a healthcare "industry". By it's very nature, it relies on illness to make a profit. There is no incentive to create health. They'd have to settle for less if they really focused on "health"! Insurance companies take 30% of every healthcare dollar. For what? Creating a "middle-man" paper-shuffling institution that does NOTHING to improve or facilitate care, and in fact, uses the very methods to control costs that those against a public option complain about. Sure, I'm free to go to whatever doctor I choose, as long as they're on the list! Rationing? What if you've been sick, and lost your job. Even if you could afford it, you couldn't get covered for the care you really need. I could go on, but the cold reality is most of the arguments against the public option are the very arguments for it! Hmmm, seems silly to me.

But, I'm rambling. Sorry! I'm new here, and glad to be amongst people that care, and are open to ideas.


-You need not seek the truth. It will present itself when you challenge your own opinion - Willis
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I wonder how many of the respondents to the poll have been padding Medicare/Medicaid claims for decades and see this as just another "opportunity"?
I wonder how many of the respondents to the poll have been padding Medicare/Medicaid claims for decades and see this as just another "opportunity"?

You see?!!! Already a good example of the "uneducated" using idiotic rhetoric instead of thoughtfully considering the issue... The answer to your question is simple. 0 "zero"....why? Because DOCTORS submit claims to medicare and medicaid, patients do not.

So, therein lies the problem, doesn't it? This person's vote counts as much as everyone else's, and yet he/she doesn't even understand the issues, and votes by intuition, hype, fear, prejudice and self-interest, instead of being open to facts.


-You need not seek the truth. It will present itself when you challenge your own opinion - Willis
I wonder how many of the respondents to the poll have been padding Medicare/Medicaid claims for decades and see this as just another "opportunity"?

You see?!!! Already a good example of the "uneducated" using idiotic rhetoric instead of thoughtfully considering the issue... The answer to your question is simple. 0 "zero"....why? Because DOCTORS submit claims to medicare and medicaid, patients do not.

So, therein lies the problem, doesn't it? This person's vote counts as much as everyone else's, and yet he/she doesn't even understand the issues, and votes by intuition, hype, fear, prejudice and self-interest, instead of being open to facts.


-You need not seek the truth. It will present itself when you challenge your own opinion - Willis

Of course doctors submit claims to medicare and medicaid. That was his point. Let me know if you still didn't get it.

Not so fast...

Two of every three practicing physicians oppose the medical overhaul plan under consideration in Washington, and hundreds of thousands would think about shutting down their practices or retiring early if it were adopted, a new IBD/TIPP Poll has found.

The poll contradicts the claims of not only the White House, but also doctors' own lobby — the powerful American Medical Association — both of which suggest the medical profession is behind the proposed overhaul.

It also calls into question whether an overhaul is even doable; 72% of the doctors polled disagree with the administration's claim that the government can cover 47 million more people with better-quality care at lower cost.

(more at link)

Investor's Business Daily -- 45% Of Doctors Would Consider Quitting If Congress Passes Health Care Overhaul
I wonder how many of the respondents to the poll have been padding Medicare/Medicaid claims for decades and see this as just another "opportunity"?

You see?!!! Already a good example of the "uneducated" using idiotic rhetoric instead of thoughtfully considering the issue... The answer to your question is simple. 0 "zero"....why? Because DOCTORS submit claims to medicare and medicaid, patients do not.

So, therein lies the problem, doesn't it? This person's vote counts as much as everyone else's, and yet he/she doesn't even understand the issues, and votes by intuition, hype, fear, prejudice and self-interest, instead of being open to facts.


-You need not seek the truth. It will present itself when you challenge your own opinion - Willis

Of course doctors submit claims to medicare and medicaid. That was his point. Let me know if you still didn't get it.

I think his common sensor is broken or in serious need of an upgrade.
Get government out of medical care completely. Do away with Medicare, Medicaid, FDA, CDC, NIH, SSDI ... the whole enchilada. Every damn bit of it. Do away with all insurance regulations and state regulators of insurance. Rescind every damn statute on the books that has ANYTHING to do with health care, even peripherally. Let pharma and insurance do as they damn well please and it's every man for himself.

If that's what you people want, that's what the hell you deserve.
The survey was published online Monday by the New England Journal of Medicine. It was funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, a health care research organization that favors health reform.
Golly...You don't thinks it's possible that they formulated their questions and cherry picked which doctors they surveyed to get the desired result, do ya?? :eusa_think:
A little tidbit from my earlier link:

Nowhere in the (LA) Times story does it say doctors as a whole back the overhaul. It says only that the AMA — the "association representing the nation's physicians" and what "many still regard as the country's premier lobbying force" — is "lobbying and advertising to win public support for President Obama's sweeping plan."

The AMA, in fact, represents approximately 18% of physicians and has been hit with a number of defections by members opposed to the AMA's support of Democrats' proposed health care overhaul.

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