Poll: Fox Best T'V News Network


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
CNN, Fox News, MSNBC

What’s the Best TV News Network?

By Chris Ariens on September 19, 2011 11:56 AM

Poll Position, the week-old polling company set up by former CNN executive Eason Jordan has a new poll out today asking people what is the best TV news network.

In a national Poll Position telephone survey, Fox News came out on top. Among all the 1,180 surveyed, 36% said Fox News was best, with 28% saying CNN and 17% MSNBC. Among independents, 36% chose Fox News, 31% CNN, 9% MSNBC, and 24% were undecided.

Since leaving CNN in 2005 after 23 years, Jordan has launched several small companies, including Poll Position which bills itself as a “non-partisan news, polling, and social media company.”
Fox News - TVNewser
Fox always leads in ratings. The others, waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay behind. As they should be.
What's your vested interest in defending ANY of the biased assed news stations we have? Also, why does it happen that the one you defend is the one biased right wing?

End of the day, they all have an agenda.
End of the day, defending them shows that you have an agenda, as well.
Fox sued for the right to lie claiming they are an "Opinion" network, not a news network. Too bad the right doesn't know the difference. If they say it on TV, it must be true.
What's your vested interest in defending ANY of the biased assed news stations we have? Also, why does it happen that the one you defend is the one biased right wing?

End of the day, they all have an agenda.
End of the day, defending them shows that you have an agenda, as well.

Let's be clear...

Fox is not biased, rather it's crime against the Left is that it actually reports news that is less than flattering to the Left...something the Left didn't have to contend with prior to Drudge and Fox News.

The interesting revelation is that all the brickbats that the Left tried to throw at Fox failed, as indicated by by polls such as mentioned in the OP.
But the bumperstickers that the Left tried to use is still reprised in the worldview of the weak mined and easily led....that would be you.

Now, my prob is that there are entirely too many Leftists and liberals given a platform by Fox News!!!
Don't you agree?
Fox sued for the right to lie claiming they are an "Opinion" network, not a news network. Too bad the right doesn't know the difference. If they say it on TV, it must be true.

See, that's what I mean by the weak minded...this claim is entirely untrue...but truth is hardly a factor to deanie.

"Clearly, the story that FOX News got a court ruling in favor of its right to "lie" in its news broadcasts has become something of a talking point among the cable news channel's detractors. There's only one problem - the story as popularly told is completely false, and is based almost exclusively on hysteria, hyperbole, and half-truths.

There was indeed a lawsuit filed by journalists Jane Akre and Steve Wilson over their dismissal from FOX affiliate WTVT in Tampa, Florida. After that fact, however, the story is far different than how it is popularly portrayed.

To begin with, the popular portrayal almost always omits the rather crucial fact that Akre and Wilson lost almost every one of their claims at the trial court.

It is also worth noting that of all the web sites, blog postings, and online commentary on the subject of the FOX "right to lie" argument, not a single one that I've seen links to anything that would substantiate the claim. Very few even bother to link to the actual 2nd District opinion overturning Akre's whistleblower verdict, or anything else related to the case itself.

Yet in all the claims and charges leveled directly by Akre and Wilson against the FOX affiliate across multiple venues and platforms, there is not a single mention of any "right to lie" argument allegedly offered by WTVT. They seemingly accuse the station of nearly every other sin imaginable in the world of journalism, but are completely silent on this charge.

FOX, Lies & Videotape: debunking an internet myth*»*Blog*»* Center for Competitive Politics

FOX, Lies & Videotape: debunking an internet myth*»*Blog*»* Center for Competitive Politics

Poor baby...need a tissue to get that egg off your face?
No need to watch TV, you can get all your news online. Plus, reading forces you to pay attention and actually comprehend what you're reading.

TV just puts you into a trance that shuts yer brain off.
What's your vested interest in defending ANY of the biased assed news stations we have? Also, why does it happen that the one you defend is the one biased right wing?

End of the day, they all have an agenda.
End of the day, defending them shows that you have an agenda, as well.

Let's be clear...

Fox is not biased, rather it's crime against the Left is that it actually reports news that is less than flattering to the Left...something the Left didn't have to contend with prior to Drudge and Fox News.

The interesting revelation is that all the brickbats that the Left tried to throw at Fox failed, as indicated by by polls such as mentioned in the OP.
But the bumperstickers that the Left tried to use is still reprised in the worldview of the weak mined and easily led....that would be you.

Now, my prob is that there are entirely too many Leftists and liberals given a platform by Fox News!!!
Don't you agree?

If you think that Fox news is not biased, you're on drugs.
What's your vested interest in defending ANY of the biased assed news stations we have? Also, why does it happen that the one you defend is the one biased right wing?

End of the day, they all have an agenda.
End of the day, defending them shows that you have an agenda, as well.

Let's be clear...

Fox is not biased, rather it's crime against the Left is that it actually reports news that is less than flattering to the Left...something the Left didn't have to contend with prior to Drudge and Fox News.

The interesting revelation is that all the brickbats that the Left tried to throw at Fox failed, as indicated by by polls such as mentioned in the OP.
But the bumperstickers that the Left tried to use is still reprised in the worldview of the weak mined and easily led....that would be you.

Now, my prob is that there are entirely too many Leftists and liberals given a platform by Fox News!!!
Don't you agree?

If you think that Fox news is not biased, you're on drugs.

Just for the record, I have never taken the kind of drugs you seem most familar with...

and the word 'biased' is relative.

Relative to the other two, MSNBC and CNN, they are not biased.

But they do have far more libs on staff and on shows than the other have....so they couldn't be biased in the sense you mean it.

Your side is offended that they will feature stories such as the ACORN scandal or Solyndra...

...and it really galls you guys when they add up the money the Obamas spend frivolously.
I love it.
Let's be clear...

Fox is not biased, rather it's crime against the Left is that it actually reports news that is less than flattering to the Left...something the Left didn't have to contend with prior to Drudge and Fox News.

The interesting revelation is that all the brickbats that the Left tried to throw at Fox failed, as indicated by by polls such as mentioned in the OP.
But the bumperstickers that the Left tried to use is still reprised in the worldview of the weak mined and easily led....that would be you.

Now, my prob is that there are entirely too many Leftists and liberals given a platform by Fox News!!!
Don't you agree?

If you think that Fox news is not biased, you're on drugs.

Just for the record, I have never taken the kind of drugs you seem most familar with...

and the word 'biased' is relative.

Relative to the other two, MSNBC and CNN, they are not biased.

But they do have far more libs on staff and on shows than the other have....so they couldn't be biased in the sense you mean it.

Your side is offended that they will feature stories such as the ACORN scandal or Solyndra...

...and it really galls you guys when they add up the money the Obamas spend frivolously.
I love it.

I don't have a "side" just because I chide "your" threads. They're just bogus anomolies that are worth chiding because you act pompass while meanwhile, you're just another dumbshit who has no analytical thinking skills.
If you think that Fox news is not biased, you're on drugs.

Just for the record, I have never taken the kind of drugs you seem most familar with...

and the word 'biased' is relative.

Relative to the other two, MSNBC and CNN, they are not biased.

But they do have far more libs on staff and on shows than the other have....so they couldn't be biased in the sense you mean it.

Your side is offended that they will feature stories such as the ACORN scandal or Solyndra...

...and it really galls you guys when they add up the money the Obamas spend frivolously.
I love it.

I don't have a "side" just because I chide "your" threads. They're just bogus anomolies that are worth chiding because you act pompass while meanwhile, you're just another dumbshit who has no analytical thinking skills.

So, in reality you have no cogent response to the post, and must retreat to what you view as an attack...???


Would carry a bit more weight if you used spell check.

I was hoping you'd ask who the libs on Fox News might be...oh, well.

Thanks for playing the home game.
Just for the record, I have never taken the kind of drugs you seem most familar with...

and the word 'biased' is relative.

Relative to the other two, MSNBC and CNN, they are not biased.

But they do have far more libs on staff and on shows than the other have....so they couldn't be biased in the sense you mean it.

Your side is offended that they will feature stories such as the ACORN scandal or Solyndra...

...and it really galls you guys when they add up the money the Obamas spend frivolously.
I love it.

I don't have a "side" just because I chide "your" threads. They're just bogus anomolies that are worth chiding because you act pompass while meanwhile, you're just another dumbshit who has no analytical thinking skills.

So, in reality you have no cogent response to the post, and must retreat to what you view as an attack...???


Would carry a bit more weight if you used spell check.

I was hoping you'd ask who the libs on Fox News might be...oh, well.

Thanks for playing the home game.

Don't play the spell check game and then improperly structure a sentence in the same post, child.

The "libs" on Fox news are there so that the Hosts can downplay and overspeak the opposing opinions while simultaneously hiding under the guise of allowing said opinions. MSNBC does it, as well. Shocker, they do have right-wing guests. That doesn't mean they're not a biased station. If this is not obvious to you, then you're not as smart as you think you are. Anmy casual (even) observer can point out the slant of any of those given stations, and it's not very surprising that the station that leans "your way" appears to be "unbiased" to people who also "lean your way," and yourself. Gee, I wonder how that works.
What's your vested interest in defending ANY of the biased assed news stations we have? Also, why does it happen that the one you defend is the one biased right wing?

End of the day, they all have an agenda.
End of the day, defending them shows that you have an agenda, as well.

Let's be clear...

Fox is not biased
, rather it's crime against the Left is that it actually reports news that is less than flattering to the Left...something the Left didn't have to contend with prior to Drudge and Fox News.

The interesting revelation is that all the brickbats that the Left tried to throw at Fox failed, as indicated by by polls such as mentioned in the OP.
But the bumperstickers that the Left tried to use is still reprised in the worldview of the weak mined and easily led....that would be you.

Now, my prob is that there are entirely too many Leftists and liberals given a platform by Fox News!!!
Don't you agree?


Fox News supported GWB no matter what! They still gush all over GWB. Now we have Obama, basically a GWB clone on many issues and Fox News just can't help itself in continuously bashing the guy! Now if Fox News was consistent, but then it would be another story, but Fox News hasn't been consistent at all.
What's your vested interest in defending ANY of the biased assed news stations we have? Also, why does it happen that the one you defend is the one biased right wing?

End of the day, they all have an agenda.
End of the day, defending them shows that you have an agenda, as well.

Let's be clear...

Fox is not biased
, rather it's crime against the Left is that it actually reports news that is less than flattering to the Left...something the Left didn't have to contend with prior to Drudge and Fox News.

The interesting revelation is that all the brickbats that the Left tried to throw at Fox failed, as indicated by by polls such as mentioned in the OP.
But the bumperstickers that the Left tried to use is still reprised in the worldview of the weak mined and easily led....that would be you.

Now, my prob is that there are entirely too many Leftists and liberals given a platform by Fox News!!!
Don't you agree?


Fox News supported GWB no matter what! They still gush all over GWB. Now we have Obama, basically a GWB clone on many issues and Fox News just can't help itself in continuously bashing the guy! Now if Fox News was consistent, but then it would be another story, but Fox News hasn't been consistent at all.

Disagreeing with you doens't indicate bias...

...actually, disagreeing with you means that they are correct.

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