POLL: Anti-Semitism Remains Problem in Europe


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
Actually, the NeoNazis and the Islamofascists in Europe are the ones behind this revival of anti-Semitism in Europe. Not that the NeoNazis are so fond of the Islamofascists, but when it comes to playing "the enemy of my enemy is my friend" game, they all join together.

POLL: Anti-Semitism Remains Problem in Europe
Tuesday, January 28, 2014 | Yossi Aloni

Think anti-Semitism, the kind that gave rise to the Holocaust, is dead? Think again.
A survey conducted in Poland on the occasion of International Holocaust Remembrance Day revealed 63 percent of locals believe that there is a Jewish conspiracy to control the banking system and the world media.

On the religious front, 18 percent said the Jews were responsible for the death of Christ, and 13 percent of those surveyed still believe that Jews use Christian blood for ritual purposes.

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POLL: Anti-Semitism Remains Problem in Europe - Israel Today | Israel News
anti-semitic posters at nazi death camps, pigs heads at holocaust memorials or embassies, raise in hate crimes....
shame people forget the horrific lessons of the past and think this type of behavior is in any way helpful
The european people tried to free themselves from the juden during the last century but failed.

History shows that they will try again. ... :cool:

Naturally you are hoping they will finish the job. Sunni Man reminds me of the Muslim woman in Europe holding a sign at some protest which read "Hitler should have finished the job."
The european people tried to free themselves from the juden during the last century but failed.

History shows that they will try again. ... :cool:

Naturally you are hoping they will finish the job. Sunni Man reminds me of the Muslim woman in Europe holding a sign at some protest which read "Hitler should have finished the job."
Silly-Sally, this thread has nothing to do with me.

It's about the people of europe and their dealings with the jews.

Try to focus and address the OP's topic. ... :cool:
The european people tried to free themselves from the juden during the last century but failed.

History shows that they will try again. ... :cool:

No they didn't. That isn't at all what happened. Why do you use the term the juden? Are you deliberately trying to offend people here?
The european people tried to free themselves from the juden during the last century but failed.

History shows that they will try again. ... :cool:

No they didn't. That isn't at all what happened. Why do you use the term the juden? Are you deliberately trying to offend people here?

One time several years ago, Jerimiah, Jack Kelly (who was a Green Beret and an Undersecretary of Defense) wrote an article saying that the only thing holding back another Holocaust was America. Thank goodness there are not many Americans like Sunni Man. Can you imagine what would happen if more Americans converted to Islam like he has? Between Muslims like him along with the American NeoNazis, the same thing would be happening here like we now see in Europe.
The european people tried to free themselves from the juden during the last century but failed.

History shows that they will try again. ... :cool:

Naturally you are hoping they will finish the job. Sunni Man reminds me of the Muslim woman in Europe holding a sign at some protest which read "Hitler should have finished the job."
Silly-Sally, this thread has nothing to do with me.

It's about the people of europe and their dealings with the jews.

Try to focus and address the OP's topic. ... :cool:

From your comment, Mr. Cuckoo, I think I can include you into the mix. Don't forget, however, that there are many Europeans who are trying to free themselves of the Muslims.
Naturally you are hoping they will finish the job. Sunni Man reminds me of the Muslim woman in Europe holding a sign at some protest which read "Hitler should have finished the job."
Silly-Sally, this thread has nothing to do with me.

It's about the people of europe and their dealings with the jews.

Try to focus and address the OP's topic. ... :cool:

From your comment, Mr. Sunni Man, I think I can include you into the mix. Don't forget, however, that there are many Europeans who are trying to free themselves of the Muslims.
Silly-Sally, re-read my post.

My comment was only about the europeans and their historical animosity towards the jews.

And had nothing to do with me or my opinion.

So please don't derail this thread like you usually do with personal attacks. ... :cool:
Sunni's comment selecting the words "the juden" is very anti semitic in my opinion. WWII was most definitely not about the people of Europe and their dealings with anything. It was about the people of Europe and their FAILURE to deal with the nazis just as they are now once again failing to deal with the Muslims who are threatening to take over Europe today. If they don't learn from history they are destined to repeat it.
The european people tried to free themselves from the juden during the last century but failed.

History shows that they will try again. ... :cool:

Free themselves from a tiny fraction of the population oppressed and kept in large part in ghettos?

Are you serious?

It was not "europeans", it was nazis
Silly-Sally, this thread has nothing to do with me.

It's about the people of europe and their dealings with the jews.

Try to focus and address the OP's topic. ... :cool:

From your comment, Mr. Sunni Man, I think I can include you into the mix. Don't forget, however, that there are many Europeans who are trying to free themselves of the Muslims.
Silly-Sally, re-read my post.

My comment was only about the europeans and their historical animosity towards the jews.

And had nothing to do with me or my opinion.

So please don't derail this thread like you usually do with personal attacks. ... :cool:

Please knock off the Silly Sally personal attacks, Sunni. It isn't allowed and doesn't add a single thing to your arguement.
Sunni's comment selecting the words "the juden" is very anti semitic in my opinion.
"Juden" is just the German language word for Jew.

There is nothing anti-semitic about that form of the word.

Even today in Germany a Jewish person is referred to as Juden.

Some people need to take a chill pill. ... :cool:
Silly-Sally, this thread has nothing to do with me.

It's about the people of europe and their dealings with the jews.

Try to focus and address the OP's topic. ... :cool:

From your comment, Mr. Sunni Man, I think I can include you into the mix. Don't forget, however, that there are many Europeans who are trying to free themselves of the Muslims.
Silly-Sally, re-read my post.

My comment was only about the europeans and their historical animosity towards the jews.

And had nothing to do with me or my opinion.

So please don't derail this thread like you usually do with personal attacks. ... :cool:

Why not comment about how sad it is after millioins of Jews were killed by the Nazis that anti-Semitism is so prevalent in Europe now? Oh, I forgot. You have stated many times that the Holocaust was a hoax.
Sunni's comment selecting the words "the juden" is very anti semitic in my opinion. WWII was most definitely not about the people of Europe and their dealings with anything. It was about the people of Europe and their FAILURE to deal with the nazis just as they are now once again failing to deal with the Muslims who are threatening to take over Europe today. If they don't learn from history they are destined to repeat it.

Every time Sunni Man uses the term Juden, it makes me think what a good guard he would have made in a concentration camp where he could have yelled out Mach snell, Juden.
Back to the OP:

Historically, most of Europe has expelled the Jews several times.

In my opinion, the jews bring it upon themselves by their greedy character and secretive behavior. ... :cool:
How could the holocaust be a hoax when there are thousands of photographs, the death camps, the speeches from Hitler, records, holocaust museums, it is all there... for anyone who wants to the truth. No denying that.
Back to the OP:

Historically, most of Europe has expelled the Jews several times.

In my opinion, the jews bring it upon themselves by their greedy character and secretive behavior. ... :cool:

Greedy behavior? The Jews own .06% of the middle east with the Muslims owning 94.4% of the middle east and now these same Muslims are demanding half of King Davids City - Jerusalem - you must be kidding me! Greedy?

Secretive? Your religion has the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hizbollah, Al Qaeda, Al Shabbab and dozens more secret groups and you want to lecture the Jews on secrecy? :eek:
Back to the OP:

Historically, most of Europe has expelled the Jews several times.

In my opinion, the jews bring it upon themselves by their greedy character and secretive behavior. ... :cool:

Greedy behavior? The Jews own .06% of the middle east with the Muslims owning 94.4% of the middle east and now these same Muslims are demanding half of King Davids City - Jerusalem - you must be kidding me! Greedy?

Secretive? Your religion has the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hizbollah, Al Qaeda, Al Shabbab and dozens more secret groups and you want to lecture the Jews on secrecy? :eek:
Jeremiah, the thread is about the jews and the rise of anti-semitism in 'Europe'.

And has zero to do with muslims and the Middle East.

Please try to stay on topic. ... :cool:
Back to the OP:

Historically, most of Europe has expelled the Jews several times.

In my opinion, the jews bring it upon themselves by their greedy character and secretive behavior. ... :cool:

Greedy behavior? The Jews own .06% of the middle east with the Muslims owning 94.4% of the middle east and now these same Muslims are demanding half of King Davids City - Jerusalem - you must be kidding me! Greedy?

Secretive? Your religion has the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Hizbollah, Al Qaeda, Al Shabbab and dozens more secret groups and you want to lecture the Jews on secrecy? :eek:
Jeremiah, the thread is about the jews and the rise of anti-semitism in 'Europe'.

And has zero to do with muslims and the Middle East.

Please try to stay on topic. ... :cool:

I'm not so sure about the statement it has nothing to do with muslims. It does seem to me as the anti semitic signs, graffiti, marches & protests by Muslims in Europe, jihads against synagogues continue to happen in Paris and elsewhere - that anti semitism in Europe today is being fueled by radical Muslims who share Hitler's view of the Jewish people. How is that for staying on topic?

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