Politics - What I Learned Today At The Gym....


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
Trump is pro Waterboarding
Obama is hiding information about ISIS

That's about it -- oh they talked about Governors allowing or disallowing refugees also....

Nothing about the Dems today... of course, all they had on was local news and Fox News. I got stuck in front of a TV that was just running info on the stock market -
You (gym) prepping up to kicking some liberal butt, nose punching and such this political season, just wondering..:smile:
On the refugees, the plans that keep America safe as reasonable is fine with me.

I suppose an average cost of $23,000 per refugee (just what I heard per year) is a drop in the bucket as far as taxpayer funded extortion.
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Trump IS pro waterboarding. He said that we should bring it back.

No, Obama isn't hiding anything about Daesh, it's just that the intelligence agencies responsible for providing him with credible information made it sound better than what it really was, because some of the apple polishers in mid level government wanted to look good for promotion.

That's why Obama said that Daesh was contained the day before the Paris attacks.
Yeah, Trump is all for water boarding.

He says Sean Hannitty is up first on the table.
Yeah, Trump is all for water boarding.

He says Sean Hannitty is up first on the table.

I'd go with shock treatments for you Jake.. you're a left winger but don't even realize it, poor fellow....:laugh:
I knew you were an authoritarian fascist. You want to commit those with whom you disagree to psychiatric hospitals. Such a good little fascist, you are. :lol:
Yeah, Trump is all for water boarding.

He says Sean Hannitty is up first on the table.

I'd go with shock treatments for you Jake.. you're a left winger but don't even realize it, poor fellow....:laugh:
I knew you were an authoritarian fascist. You want to commit those with whom you disagree to psychiatric hospitals. Such a good little fascist, you are. :lol:

My Goodness, What an Outrage ...I forgot to add the word, "loony" left winger in previous post, thanks for reminding me and I apologize ...:laugh:...
I thought I had made this political enough to go in Politics.... I guess I needed to cut out the part about my being in the gym.....
I also realized I said nothing about the Dems but one of the 2 things I "learned" was about Obama. Duh!

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