Politics of denial


Diamond Member
May 6, 2007
North Carolina
Bush spending bad. Obama spending twice as fast good.

Bush wars bad. Obama wars Good.

Bush getting congressional authority to wage war, illegal. Obama ignoring Congress to wage war, good.

Bush bailout out banks bad. Obama bailing out Unions, his buddies and ACORN good.

Bush records open to the public. Obama records hidden.

Bush executive orders bad. Obama executive orders good

Bush following the rule of law and Congress. Obama using agencies to thwart the will of the people and Congress, good.

Tea Party forms to ELECTED people to Government to change it. BAD

Mobs form to illegally force their personal views on the majority, good.
So I take it you don't like what Bush did either?

Bush made a lot of mistakes. But he sure as hell was better then Obama.

By the way the left claims that what Bush did was evil and bad while defending worse behavior by Obama, get the point?

This is not about what I think it is about the abject denial of facts by the left.

Jillian actually said that Obama may be spending it twice as fast as Bush but it is OK cause it is being spent in the US.
So I take it you don't like what Bush did either?

Bush made a lot of mistakes. But he sure as hell was better then Obama.

By the way the left claims that what Bush did was evil and bad while defending worse behavior by Obama, get the point?

This is not about what I think it is about the abject denial of facts by the left.

Jillian actually said that Obama may be spending it twice as fast as Bush but it is OK cause it is being spent in the US.
So you're not denying that Obama is just as bad as Bush was? Fast and Furious was started during his watch by the way, that's why the Republicans aren't too eager to investigate. Obama re-authorized the Patriot Act, continued TARP.

Did you know the Federal Reserve gave trillions of dollars to foreign banks? Kinda' shoots holes in Jillians arguement. Oh you don't believe me? Read it and weep Marine:
Foreign Banks Tapped Fed
Fed Audited: $16 Trillion Loaned to Banks | USA Patriot News
Sorry they're not FauxNews or MSLSD links, but there they are. Ooo-Rah!

Americans went to sleep after WWII thinking that we were invinceable but this country was highjacked by the CIA in 1947 and an International Banking Cabal later on. The sooner you accept this the easier it will be to fight it. Think of it as your "New Mission".
So I take it you don't like what Bush did either?

Bush made a lot of mistakes. But he sure as hell was better then Obama.

By the way the left claims that what Bush did was evil and bad while defending worse behavior by Obama, get the point?

This is not about what I think it is about the abject denial of facts by the left.

Jillian actually said that Obama may be spending it twice as fast as Bush but it is OK cause it is being spent in the US.

Those aren't "facts". When you say X is bad and Y is good, you are stating opinions or conclusions, not facts. And the "facts" implicit in your statements are mostly wrong.

-- Even ignoring inflation and Bush's penchant for off-budget spending, federal spending hasn't doubled since the Bush years.

-- You don't seem to be using "bailout" the way I understand it-- providing funds to an organization to keep it afloat (IE, extant). In that sense the Obama administration has been bailing out financial and automotive institutions. While their policies have been more pro-union than Bush's, they haven't bailed out any unions. And of course ACORN was dissolved after Congress cut its funds, which is the exact opposite of a bailout (withholding money from an organization to kill it rather than giving it money to keep it alive).

-- You say Bush followed the law and Obama didn't. There were multiple Supreme Court decisions saying that Bush violated laws, codes, and the Constitution. There have been none (yet) for Obama.
So I take it you don't like what Bush did either?

Bush made a lot of mistakes. But he sure as hell was better then Obama.

By the way the left claims that what Bush did was evil and bad while defending worse behavior by Obama, get the point?

This is not about what I think it is about the abject denial of facts by the left.

Jillian actually said that Obama may be spending it twice as fast as Bush but it is OK cause it is being spent in the US.
-- You say Bush followed the law and Obama didn't. There were multiple Supreme Court decisions saying that Bush violated laws, codes, and the Constitution. There have been none (yet) for Obama.
Yet Obama continues many Bush policies, are we supposed to wait around for a court decision to affirm what we already know?

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