Police State?


Jul 21, 2008
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NYC Area
Scores of U.S. cities are now using surveillance television camera systems to spy on citizens--shades of 1984. With video cameras perched atop buildings and poles, watching whatever American are doing, do you suppose there might be some potential for abuse in such systems? Christian Parenti's, article, "DC's Virtual Panopticon," in the June 3, 2002 issue of The Nation describes how "police in Detroit and DC have used CCTV [closed-circuit television] to stalk personal foes, political opponents and young women." Smile, you're on Kandid Kamera.

To justify its expanding obliteration of constitutional liberties, the Bush administration uses the most insane brand of logic--which should outrage American citizens:

Why did the intelligence agencies fail to detect or prevent 9/11? Because they didn't have enough money. So we'll give them billions more.

Why is the F.B.I. still failing in its fight against terrorism? Because the rights of American citizens are preventing the agency from carrying out its job. So we'll set up new Guidelines and take away more constitutional rights of citizens.

Why is it unnecessary for the Bush administration to provide records to Congress concerning Enron or prior knowledge of possible terrorist attacks? Because we're in a state of war and the executive branch must not be hamstrung by witchhunts or frivolous investigations.
Scores of U.S. cities are now using surveillance television camera systems to spy on citizens--shades of 1984. With video cameras perched atop buildings and poles, watching whatever American are doing, do you suppose there might be some potential for abuse in such systems? Christian Parenti's, article, "DC's Virtual Panopticon," in the June 3, 2002 issue of The Nation describes how "police in Detroit and DC have used CCTV [closed-circuit television] to stalk personal foes, political opponents and young women." Smile, you're on Kandid Kamera.

To justify its expanding obliteration of constitutional liberties, the Bush administration uses the most insane brand of logic--which should outrage American citizens:

Why did the intelligence agencies fail to detect or prevent 9/11? Because they didn't have enough money. So we'll give them billions more.

Why is the F.B.I. still failing in its fight against terrorism? Because the rights of American citizens are preventing the agency from carrying out its job. So we'll set up new Guidelines and take away more constitutional rights of citizens.

Why is it unnecessary for the Bush administration to provide records to Congress concerning Enron or prior knowledge of possible terrorist attacks? Because we're in a state of war and the executive branch must not be hamstrung by witchhunts or frivolous investigations.
Well, it seems to be working well as a crime deterrent in NYC!
Scores of U.S. cities are now using surveillance television camera systems to spy on citizens--shades of 1984. With video cameras perched atop buildings and poles, watching whatever American are doing, do you suppose there might be some potential for abuse in such systems? Christian Parenti's, article, "DC's Virtual Panopticon," in the June 3, 2002 issue of The Nation describes how "police in Detroit and DC have used CCTV [closed-circuit television] to stalk personal foes, political opponents and young women." Smile, you're on Kandid Kamera.

To justify its expanding obliteration of constitutional liberties, the Bush administration uses the most insane brand of logic--which should outrage American citizens:

Why did the intelligence agencies fail to detect or prevent 9/11? Because they didn't have enough money. So we'll give them billions more.

Why is the F.B.I. still failing in its fight against terrorism? Because the rights of American citizens are preventing the agency from carrying out its job. So we'll set up new Guidelines and take away more constitutional rights of citizens.

Why is it unnecessary for the Bush administration to provide records to Congress concerning Enron or prior knowledge of possible terrorist attacks? Because we're in a state of war and the executive branch must not be hamstrung by witchhunts or frivolous investigations.

You mean they don't use the FBI or private detectives anymore ?
No way. The main way that the FBI and DEA get all their casees handed to them is through the confidential informant program.

And it works really good.
FBI has a 97 percent conviction rate.

Justice served!
Careful talking about implanted microchips Gunny. That's flirting with conspiracy theory.
No way. The main way that the FBI and DEA get all their casees handed to them is through the confidential informant program.

And it works really good.
FBI has a 97 percent conviction rate.

Justice served!

Not criminals silly---babes and political opponents.
You mean kinda like ankle bracelets for airline passengers?

Kind of. But there's just something more sinister to a microchip being permanently implanted inside your body. The bracelet is bad enough, but the chip is just flat out strange.
Kind of. But there's just something more sinister to a microchip being permanently implanted inside your body. The bracelet is bad enough, but the chip is just flat out strange.

The chip's not a problem. No one's putting one in me while I'm still breathing. If they do it after I'm dead I won't care.
But you have zero problem with government watching your every move and becoming more and more invasive?

The government ? Why is it that people think the government can actually be effective at spying on all of it's citizens when it can't find it's ass with both hands ? We ARE talking about the USA government aren't we ?
The government ? Why is it that people think the government can actually be effective at spying on all of it's citizens when it can't find it's ass with both hands ? We ARE talking about the USA government aren't we ?

Seems to be the only thing they can spy on effectively. Think not? Don't pay your taxes. Our very own government terrorist organization will be up your ass and dismantle your life in an afternoon.
Seems to be the only thing they can spy on effectively. Think not? Don't pay your taxes. Our very own government terrorist organization will be up your ass and dismantle your life in an afternoon.

Only the very stupid get caught. And they don't need a spycam to do it with. I can just imagine a bunch of dorks sitting in front of a thousands of video monitors.
Paid for by our tax dollars, of course.

Of course---hell I told the cops who the guy was who ripped off my apt--they didnt give a rats ass. Too small time for them to mess with and they ain't gonna mess with blacks in Austin if they don't have to.
The chip's not a problem. No one's putting one in me while I'm still breathing. If they do it after I'm dead I won't care.

No verichip for me either.
Let the sheeple line up and get chipped!
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