Police Officer Calls Out BLM as a Domestic Terrorist Group Fired.


May 23, 2014
Communist culture run amok in this nation and is going after true patriots.

She got what she deserved.
Yes, you absolutely despise the liberal value of free speech.
She should have known better. You absolutely can not be critical of any anyone or any group right now that has to do with black people, democrats, or trans people or you will get your ass handed to you in a public display. No matter how right you are.

And she is correct, they and antifa are terrorists. Not all of them, but enough of them most definitely are. The ones that aren't terrorists are racists because they demand special treatment and consideration. I'm sure a lot of people think it's noble when they say there needs to be more black required employment and so on but it's all racist because they want people to be hired by the color of their skin, or get into a college because of their skin color and so on.

I will support fair and equal treatment, but I won't ever support a group that basis everything on skin color.
Communist culture run amok in this nation and is going after true patriots.

America died the day you can be fired for expressing your own opinion on your own social site on your own time by an employer with no express policy against such things which have absolutely no effect on your job! Even worse, for telling the truth!

Anyone get fired yet for calling Trump supporters domestic terrorists for voting Republican?
Communist culture run amok in this nation and is going after true patriots.

She got what she deserved.

Remember that when what goes around comes back around and you get what YOU deserve.
Communist culture run amok in this nation and is going after true patriots.
See ya! It will be a long process but good to get as many bad cops out of there as possible!
She got what she deserved.

No, she didn't deserve that at all. BLM are a domestic terrorist group. And they should be treated as such. Why would you support a domestic terrorist group? :rolleyes:
and he has the audacity to claim to have had a cereer in the criminal justice system.

Claiming to have had such a career while being such an obvious fanboi for domestic terrorists -- what's wrong with this picture, folks?
How many of those above are law enforcement officers and make the claim she should not be fired?

As a manager in my law enforcement agency I had the power to fire anyone on probation on the sp;ot;, and if it were a certified deputy, I would report to HR that she should be fired and while waiting for their investigation put suspend her.
Communist culture run amok in this nation and is going after true patriots.

She got what she deserved.

Wrong. She was punished for having an opinion. If someone didn't like her opinion they could have talked to her about it. But we don't live in that type of country anymore. There are no warnings.
You can smoke crack on the job and keep your job, as long as you promise to go to rehab, but come up with an opinion that leftists consider un-pure and your a criminal. Zero tolerance.

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