Police Chief Shoots His 16 Year Old Daughter

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He should have called out before he shot
Fuck da po lice.

I'd just shoot myself. That would be worthy death and worth the price. I feel bad fo the fool.
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The irony... Trying to protect his family because the house alarm went off and shoots his daughter. :( You know he was devastated too cause he crashed on the way to the hospital - though I'm assuming that's media speak for "ran into something" (perhaps his daughter was passing out and he was panicking, or the tears overwhelmed his vision)

I do hope she's alright and he learned the lesson to confirm target before shooting >.< And I'd assume she won't be sneaking out again...
Everybody is afraid of everybody. And this is the kind of tragedy that results from that.

People, guns are not the answer. If you don't know how to use that tool, don't own it. Far too many stories like this.
Clearly police can't be trusted with guns.

I wonder whether he actually earned his place on the police force.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery for his daughter.
Not only are they assholes, abusers, and insecure about their masculinity, they are also trigger happy.
America's stupid laws allow these things to happen.
Any daft bastard can shoot anyone on their property, without so much as trying to find out if it's your daughter or not.
Really, moronic laws, mixed with morons, makes for such things.
America's stupid laws allow these things to happen.
Any daft bastard can shoot anyone on their property, without so much as trying to find out if it's your daughter or not.
Really, moronic laws, mixed with morons, makes for such things.

yeah, we should all just trust the police to protect us instead, they never make mistakes.

oh, wait.....
The little twat should have known better than to act like a criminal. I hate to say it but as tragic as it is I don't know if HE should have called out and revealed his position if he truly believed it was an intruder.

I know that sounds heartless but in a combat situation you can't always act in accordance to Marquess of Queensberry rules.

Obviously he had no idea it could have been his daughter. If he even considered that a possibility he would have acted differently.

She must have been drunk or very high to sneak into their home.

I can't believe he and his family never had any conversations about what to do in case of an intruder.

It is tragic but it is the daughter that was acting wrongly ...not her father.
The little twat should have known better than to act like a criminal. I hate to say it but as tragic as it is I don't know if HE should have called out and revealed his position if he truly believed it was an intruder.

I know that sounds heartless but in a combat situation you can't always act in accordance to Marquess of Queensberry rules.

Obviously he had no idea it could have been his daughter. If he even considered that a possibility he would have acted differently.

She must have been drunk or very high to sneak into their home.

I can't believe he and his family never had any conversations about what to do in case of an intruder.

It is tragic but it is the daughter that was acting wrongly ...not her father.
Man, that's some twisted logic there.
The little twat should have known better than to act like a criminal. I hate to say it but as tragic as it is I don't know if HE should have called out and revealed his position if he truly believed it was an intruder.

I know that sounds heartless but in a combat situation you can't always act in accordance to Marquess of Queensberry rules.

Obviously he had no idea it could have been his daughter. If he even considered that a possibility he would have acted differently.

She must have been drunk or very high to sneak into their home.

I can't believe he and his family never had any conversations about what to do in case of an intruder.

It is tragic but it is the daughter that was acting wrongly ...not her father.
If the guy was not a police chief I would say you're right, but this guy has been trained how to handle these type of situations.

He over reacted
The little twat should have known better than to act like a criminal. I hate to say it but as tragic as it is I don't know if HE should have called out and revealed his position if he truly believed it was an intruder.

I know that sounds heartless but in a combat situation you can't always act in accordance to Marquess of Queensberry rules.

Obviously he had no idea it could have been his daughter. If he even considered that a possibility he would have acted differently.

She must have been drunk or very high to sneak into their home.

I can't believe he and his family never had any conversations about what to do in case of an intruder.

It is tragic but it is the daughter that was acting wrongly ...not her father.
Man, that's some twisted logic there.

How so?

Do you know the history of what may or may have not occured with him and past break ins or assaults?

It is easy to point to the gun owner but I would want to know the WHOLE story including recent history before assuming the gun owner was in the wrong.

Was the daughter trained and warned to not act like a burglar?

It is a sad situation but he still had the right and responsibility to defend his property even if he has a reckless daughter.

See, you can't win with some people.

They complain that there's not enough black police officers, so police departments drastically lower their standards and in this case they've completely done away with police exams in the hiring process. They find some black applicants who now qualify to be police officer. Does that make people happy? No, now that police officers are hired and are shooting their kids people complain about the idiots that are hired.

Well, do you want an idiot-free police force or a racially balanced one?
The little twat should have known better than to act like a criminal. I hate to say it but as tragic as it is I don't know if HE should have called out and revealed his position if he truly believed it was an intruder.

I know that sounds heartless but in a combat situation you can't always act in accordance to Marquess of Queensberry rules.

Obviously he had no idea it could have been his daughter. If he even considered that a possibility he would have acted differently.

She must have been drunk or very high to sneak into their home.

I can't believe he and his family never had any conversations about what to do in case of an intruder.

It is tragic but it is the daughter that was acting wrongly ...not her father.
Man, that's some twisted logic there.

How so?

Do you know the history of what may or may have not occured with him and past break ins or assaults?

It is easy to point to the gun owner but I would want to know the WHOLE story including recent history before assuming the gun owner was in the wrong.

Was the daughter trained and warned to not act like a burglar?

It is a sad situation but he still had the right and responsibility to defend his property even if he has a reckless daughter.
Nobody should EVER fire a gun at somebody unless he verifies whether or not the person is a threat. If you have people living with you, and they are not at home, chances are the "intruder" could be THEM!!! Only an idiot opens fire on somebody before he knows it's not a family member.
America's stupid laws allow these things to happen.
Any daft bastard can shoot anyone on their property, without so much as trying to find out if it's your daughter or not.
Really, moronic laws, mixed with morons, makes for such things.

Wow. Look at that. Indonesia is number 78 in the world for deaths due to violence. And would you look at that. The USA is only number 92. Looks like Indonesia's policies are leading to more violent deaths than the USA.

indofred fail....


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