Poland sees Putin behind border blackmail. "hybrid war on behalf of the Kremlin." Warsaw has dispatched 12,000 troops to police the border.


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017

Poland sees Putin behind border blackmail. "hybrid war on behalf of the Kremlin." Warsaw has dispatched 12,000 troops to police the border.​

Poland has no doubt who’s orchestrating a bitter humanitarian crisis on the border: Moscow tsar Vladimir Putin.

Since the summer, Belarusian dictator Alexander Lukashenko has brought thousands of Middle Eastern migrants into his country and pressed them to attempt to cross the Polish border into the EU. The crisis escalated on Monday when a group of some 1,500 migrants ripped down fences and cut barbed wire near the village of Kuźnica, in northeastern Poland.

The men failed to smash their way through, but are likely to try again. Indeed, columns of migrants have been marched to the border by Belarusian soldiers with no possibility to go back. That raises the specter of a humanitarian emergency, with the migrants caught in a wooded no man’s land as temperatures dip beneath zero by night. While many of the migrants are young men, there are also elderly people among them, as well as women and children. Warsaw has dispatched 12,000 troops to police the border.

what is Putin´s end plan here? I dont think that he has 0, he is not a strategist he is a tactician but still situation is very dangerous, our resets and 30 years soft approach to Moscow oriental expansionism create this situation ....

We should let Moscow horde take over your family just so you stop making such posts .

If your weakling country can't defend itself from a gas station then maybe it deserves to be conquered. Lol
Of course it's an attempt by Putin/Lukashenko to exert pressure on the EU. They have the declared goal of destroying freedom and democracy, so anything that's bad for Western democracy is good for them.

Too bad it isn't feasible to just invade these shitholes of countries and restore some order there. They got nukes, so we can't do it ... otherwise I'd support this idea to make these autocratical fuckers shut up once and for all.
..all countries should stop immigration/etc or at least cut it massively .....can't cross the border until you've been given authorization ...FORCE will be used to stop all ''''migrants
..all countries should stop immigration/etc or at least cut it massively .....can't cross the border until you've been given authorization ...FORCE will be used to stop all ''''migrants

It's so funny the righties all get their pants in a twist about Merkel, because that's exactly what she did ever since she touched the hot stove in 2015.

After not closing the borders for more than a million refugees, she was well aware of the backlash and made many deals with North African countries, but especially Turkey, to reduce and minimize the number of refugees coming in. She basically fortified Europe against immigrants.

Now it's Putin & Lukashenko attempting to pressure Merkel by undermining this fortress.

Yet for some strange reason, wokes still love her and righties still hate her.
It's so funny the righties all get their pants in a twist about Merkel, because that's exactly what she did ever since she touched the hot stove in 2015.

After not closing the borders for more than a million refugees, she was well aware of the backlash and made many deals with North African countries, but especially Turkey, to reduce and minimize the number of refugees coming in. She basically fortified Europe against immigrants.

Now it's Putin & Lukashenko attempting to pressure Merkel by undermining this fortress.

Yet for some strange reason, wokes still love her and righties still hate her.
lefties are the ones who are going apeshit all over the place
lefties are the ones who are going apeshit all over the place

I keep reading hate filled paranoid schizophrenic rants about "evil Muslims" and immigrants from righties all the time here ... stuff and paranoia that can only be explained by retardation or severe mental illness.
I keep reading hate filled paranoid schizophrenic rants about "evil Muslims" and immigrants from righties all the time here ... stuff and paranoia that can only be explained by retardation or severe mental illness.
not hate at all--that's a HUGE myth--you are babbling crap
facts are not paranoia
YOU are the praranoid one

1. UNDENIABLE Africa is a shithole--less educated- FACTS!! --I've linked it many times
2. UNDENIABLE terrorism is part of the mulsim culture--I've linked it many times
3. the Middle East is less educated
4. 9-11
San Bernadino attack
Ft Hood
Boston Bombing
out of a population of 600,000 with just ONE percent muslim, the muslims committed the Boston terrorist bombing....I've linked MANY other examples
etc etc
I keep reading hate filled paranoid schizophrenic rants about "evil Muslims" and immigrants from righties all the time here ... stuff and paranoia that can only be explained by retardation or severe mental illness.
not to mention the MANY crimes/murders committed by immigrants/illegals
not hate at all--that's a HUGE myth--you are babbling crap
facts are not paranoia
YOU are the praranoid one

1. UNDENIABLE Africa is a shithole--less educated- FACTS!! --I've linked it many times
2. UNDENIABLE terrorism is part of the mulsim culture--I've linked it many times
3. the Middle East is less educated
4. 9-11
San Bernadino attack
Ft Hood
Boston Bombing
out of a population of 600,000 with just ONE percent muslim, the muslims committed the Boston terrorist bombing....I've linked MANY other examples
etc etc
View attachment 563549

Oh, of course it's true that people from Muslim countries are by average less educated, culturally perhaps a bit backwards and that an extremist political ideology exists among Muslims that mixes the religion of Islam with extremist political ideas ...

But what does that have to do with the fact that morons and extremists exist in any origin group, that in every origin group, there are assholes and decent people or that extremism and stupidity is by no means limited to Muslims?

Muslims are just humans like everybody else. Some are idiots, some are smart, some are nice, some are assholes. Is the number of political extremists larger among them than in other groups? Perhaps. But that doesn't change that most of them are more or less decent people.
Oh, of course it's true that people from Muslim countries are by average less educated, culturally perhaps a bit backwards and that an extremist political ideology exists among Muslims that mixes the religion of Islam with extremist political ideas ...

But what does that have to do with the fact that morons and extremists exist in any origin group, that in every origin group, there are assholes and decent people or that extremism and stupidity is by no means limited to Muslims?

Muslims are just humans like everybody else. Some are idiots, some are smart, some are nice, some are assholes. Is the number of political extremists larger among them than in other groups? Perhaps. But that doesn't change that most of them are more or less decent people.
1. yes, they are--but stop the ''RACISM'' and ''HATE''' stupidshit
-but they commit terrorism MUCH much more
-less educated
--this is not good..sure, not ALL of them are bad--but a good percentage are
..I know the US does not have the $$$$$ for all this immigration--we are in HUGE debt
with more people wages down -prices up--California is a perfect example--it is the immigration capital of the US--and it's high priced and high in poverty
etc etc
not to mention the MANY crimes/murders committed by immigrants/illegals

The number of native Germans i.e. attempting to burn down refugee shelters and committing hate crimes against Muslims is a fact, too, and these numbers are much higher than the number of serious crimes committed by refugees.

I'm all for limiting immigration, because it's difficult and costly to integrate people from foreign cultures here, so there shouldn't be too many of them coming at once ... and I also believe backwards cultural values must be addressed and questioned.

However, this is no simple black/white matter of "evil Muslim refugees vs. decent natives".

That so many on the right try to paint this complicated matter this way, makes me think the much bigger problem is right-wing extremism and hate, rather than political/religious extremism among migrants.
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Poland is a member of NATO, so its really up to Sleepy Joe to take action.

We'll see if the libs follow thru with their obligations to their European allies.
1. yes, they are--but stop the ''RACISM'' and ''HATE''' stupidshit
-but they commit terrorism MUCH much more
-less educated
--this is not good..sure, not ALL of them are bad--but a good percentage are
..I know the US does not have the $$$$$ for all this immigration--we are in HUGE debt
with more people wages down -prices up--California is a perfect example--it is the immigration capital of the US--and it's high priced and high in poverty
etc etc

Well, I believe there is no such thing as "islamophobia" ... Islam/Islamism is a belief system, not a trait a person is born with. So it's perfectly legitimate to criticize it. Some Muslims got to learn that.

But racism against "Muslims" (not against Islam) does exist. Some people don't just want to criticize the ideas behind Islam or islamism. They hate people from Muslim countries just because they look different or appear strange to them.

I think the moment when people start painting all refugees or all Muslims with this broad brush alike, the point is reached when it crosses from legitimate criticism into hate. Because ... as I said: There are assholes and decent people among all origin groups. Simple as that.
We'll see if the libs follow thru with their obligations to their European allies.
You people seriously underestimate the minds running Russia if you think they'll start an actual war. They're aware of their relative power and their place in the world. Russia will not start a war with NATO. Y'all are just choking on old world paranoia at this point.
Well, I believe there is no such thing as "islamophobia" ... Islam/Islamism is a belief system, not a trait a person is born with. So it's perfectly legitimate to criticize it. Some Muslims got to learn that.

But racism against "Muslims" (not against Islam) does exist. Some people don't just want to criticize the ideas behind Islam or islamism. They hate people from Muslim countries just because they look different or appear strange to them.

I think the moment when people start painting all refugees or all Muslims with this broad brush alike, the point is reached when it crosses from legitimate criticism into hate. Because ... as I said: There are assholes and decent people among all origin groups. Simple as that.
racism against whites exist also
..well, if you see them committing terrorism A LOT, it's COMMON SENSE/natural to not want them in......
no no no--it's not because they look different..the Asians look different and people have a much different outlook on them
....it's mostly NOT racism or HATE--it's common sense...I've listed before the MANY reasons why it is just COMMON SENSE to cut immigration--from ANYWHERE!!!
racism against whites exist also
..well, if you see them committing terrorism A LOT, it's COMMON SENSE/natural to not want them in......
no no no--it's not because they look different..the Asians look different and people have a much different outlook on them
....it's mostly NOT racism or HATE--it's common sense...I've listed before the MANY reasons why it is just COMMON SENSE to cut immigration--from ANYWHERE!!!

Guess I'm not so far from your stance, after all ... I too think immigration should be limited. Not because I think certain immigrant groups are somehow bad or evil by default, but because it costs resources to integrate people materially and culturally.

And yeah, I agree, racism against whites exists, too. We don't need stories that divide different groups of people in a country, we need more stories that unite us, imo.

However, I think lurid stories about crimes committed by refugees doesn't help bringing us all together, just like stories about hateful white racists don't help. We all got to contribute to get along. In the end, you'll find decent people in any group. But social media doesn't make it easier these days.

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