Pocahontas is politically finished

FEBRUARY 6, 2019

Elizabeth Warren once again caught pretending to be a Native American

By Rick Moran

Howie Carr of the Boston Herald has got it exactly right: "Stick a fork in cold crab omelette – the fake Indian is all done now."

The Washington Post has revealed that Warren, who said in the past that she never used her fake Indian heritage to further her career, used a registration card for the Texas bar in 1986 where she described herself as "American Indian."

This, along with a DNA test showing a minuscule amount of Indian blood, should be enough to sink her candidacy for the Democratic nomination for president before it even starts.

She speak-um with forked tongue one time too many, and now The Washington Post, of all places, has scalped her. The smoke signals went out last night – as early as 1986 she was lying on a Texas bar application that she was "American Indian."

Lieawatha admit-um she talk with forked tongue, only she use white-eye language, calling it "furthering confusion."

No confusion anywhere. You are an utter fraud. Fake Indian, you will have many moons to reflect on your serial lies. Never will you be great white father.

Never live-um in white tee-pee. Heap big fraud since buffalo roam the plain, blue-eyed squaw lie about DNA, to make-um more wampum.

So the Boston Globe story last fall claiming she'd never tried to pass as an honest injun, was as phony as a Kevin Cullen column. But hey, it's the Globe – right, Mike Barnicle? Jason Blair? Patricia X. Smith? Why do you think the fake Indian went to a fake news rag to print her buffalo excrement?

Elizabeth Warren cannot credibly go to the voters and make a case for "justice" or "fairness" with these allegations. And justice and fairness are going to be the buzzwords of the Democratic primary race.

More at link.


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It almost seems like you can file a Democrat in one of the following boxes:

1. Liar

2. Racist

3. Cultural appropriationist

4. Sex offender

5. Thief

6. Tax cheat

7. Baby murderer

8. Communist sympathizer

Did I miss anything?
She’s a terrible campaigner. I can only hope that she is off the stage ASAP. Go back to reeking havoc in the Senate Ms. Warner; you’re doing God’s work.

Culturally-appropriating (AKA "stealing") educational and corporate benefits that should have gone to real Native Americans is doing "God's work"? I'm sure there were more than a few Native American children who went hungry because a parent or spouse was denied the benefits she received.

She's no better than those Spaniards who arrived on the shores of South America and decided to murder the savages because they were "Godless heathens."

And then steal their gold.
No need to officially run for president now -- she is toast!
She was toast when Mr. Trump started referring to her as Pocahontas, Like I've said before they hate him because they can't buy him or bribe him and he knows all their dirty little secrets from Decades of having to deal with them in his Business. He knows who's palms are getting greased and by who. It's all ammo he keeps in reserve until the Idiots decide to attack him. The smart Dems are the ones who just keep there mouths shut . They know he knows about their Skeletons, and where they're hiding.
She’s a terrible campaigner. I can only hope that she is off the stage ASAP. Go back to reeking havoc in the Senate Ms. Warner; you’re doing God’s work.

Culturally-appropriating (AKA "stealing") educational and corporate benefits that should have gone to real Native Americans is doing "God's work"? I'm sure there were more than a few Native American children who went hungry because a parent or spouse was denied the benefits she received.

She's no better than those Spaniards who arrived on the shores of South America and decided to murder the savages because they were "Godless heathens."

And then steal their gold.
More than likely an Actual Native American didn't get the opportunity to get into law school due to her claim of native American Heritage. It is conceiveable, that a native American could actually have risen to the prominence she has achieved and be a US Senator, but for her Dishonesty. She should resign and Surrender her Law License.
Warren isn't done, but none of the early announcers really stand a chance. They are, at best, jockeying for the VP position or a top-shelf cabinet position.

Yes, the fake media will sweep it under the carpet, but Trump won't. He will call her Pocahontas at every opportunity, and if she objects, he simply has to bring up the evidence. She can't win. I hope she gets the nomination because it will be a slaughter.

Yeah.....Fauxcahontas. It is beginning to look like Sacrificial Lamb territory. That's a political expression for people who run when it's obvious the other guy is going to win. Like Obama: they weren't really going to take the second term away from THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT. So Romney was doomed. AND he was a Mormon, for heaven's sake, as if people would vote for that!

That often happens, espec. in local elections when someone of a doomed party agrees to run just to be a good sport. I don't think we're there yet, but all these obvious losers-of-color popping up like popcorn now (I have better sense than to bother my brain with their names, because they'll be gone so soon), it's looking like that's possible.

It LOOKS like Trump is winning HUGE and the Dems are losing, losing, losing. Maybe it'll be more complicated later, but so far, so good.
She’s a terrible campaigner. I can only hope that she is off the stage ASAP. Go back to reeking havoc in the Senate Ms. Warner; you’re doing God’s work.

Culturally-appropriating (AKA "stealing") educational and corporate benefits that should have gone to real Native Americans is doing "God's work"? I'm sure there were more than a few Native American children who went hungry because a parent or spouse was denied the benefits she received.

She's no better than those Spaniards who arrived on the shores of South America and decided to murder the savages because they were "Godless heathens."

And then steal their gold.
More than likely an Actual Native American didn't get the opportunity to get into law school due to her claim of native American Heritage. It is conceiveable, that a native American could actually have risen to the prominence she has achieved and be a US Senator, but for her Dishonesty. She should resign and Surrender her Law License.

White liberal bigotry is subtle and hidden, but it's still white liberal bigotry at the end of the day.
FEBRUARY 6, 2019

Elizabeth Warren once again caught pretending to be a Native American

By Rick Moran

Howie Carr of the Boston Herald has got it exactly right: "Stick a fork in cold crab omelette – the fake Indian is all done now."

The Washington Post has revealed that Warren, who said in the past that she never used her fake Indian heritage to further her career, used a registration card for the Texas bar in 1986 where she described herself as "American Indian."

This, along with a DNA test showing a minuscule amount of Indian blood, should be enough to sink her candidacy for the Democratic nomination for president before it even starts.

She speak-um with forked tongue one time too many, and now The Washington Post, of all places, has scalped her. The smoke signals went out last night – as early as 1986 she was lying on a Texas bar application that she was "American Indian."

Lieawatha admit-um she talk with forked tongue, only she use white-eye language, calling it "furthering confusion."

No confusion anywhere. You are an utter fraud. Fake Indian, you will have many moons to reflect on your serial lies. Never will you be great white father.

Never live-um in white tee-pee. Heap big fraud since buffalo roam the plain, blue-eyed squaw lie about DNA, to make-um more wampum.

So the Boston Globe story last fall claiming she'd never tried to pass as an honest injun, was as phony as a Kevin Cullen column. But hey, it's the Globe – right, Mike Barnicle? Jason Blair? Patricia X. Smith? Why do you think the fake Indian went to a fake news rag to print her buffalo excrement?

Elizabeth Warren cannot credibly go to the voters and make a case for "justice" or "fairness" with these allegations. And justice and fairness are going to be the buzzwords of the Democratic primary race.

More at link.


Sent from my LG-M154 using Tapatalk

It almost seems like you can file a Democrat in one of the following boxes:

1. Liar

2. Racist

3. Cultural appropriationist

4. Sex offender

5. Thief

6. Tax cheat

7. Baby murderer

8. Communist sympathizer

Did I miss anything?
Probably there are so many more.
It's funny about Liz Warren ---- I know she's a really scary socialist, but I just can't keep that in mind. All I can think of is my real repugnance about the Indian lies.

According to Fox News tonight, she hinted there are MORE of these applications she lied about being an Indian on! Darn, just totally lied, over and over. I can't get past this; I know I'm a bit of a Puritan, but all that lying! For personal gain. How is that okay??

Yes, the fake media will sweep it under the carpet, but Trump won't. He will call her Pocahontas at every opportunity, and if she objects, he simply has to bring up the evidence. She can't win. I hope she gets the nomination because it will be a slaughter.

Yeah.....Fauxcahontas. It is beginning to look like Sacrificial Lamb territory. That's a political expression for people who run when it's obvious the other guy is going to win. Like Obama: they weren't really going to take the second term away from THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT. So Romney was doomed. AND he was a Mormon, for heaven's sake, as if people would vote for that!

That often happens, espec. in local elections when someone of a doomed party agrees to run just to be a good sport. I don't think we're there yet, but all these obvious losers-of-color popping up like popcorn now (I have better sense than to bother my brain with their names, because they'll be gone so soon), it's looking like that's possible.

It LOOKS like Trump is winning HUGE and the Dems are losing, losing, losing. Maybe it'll be more complicated later, but so far, so good.

Mr. Romney was doomed when he refused to fight back against libs. He was strictly a babyface, stuck strictly to the rules while the Democrats and the Media slandered him 6 ways to Sunday.

Yes, the fake media will sweep it under the carpet, but Trump won't. He will call her Pocahontas at every opportunity, and if she objects, he simply has to bring up the evidence. She can't win. I hope she gets the nomination because it will be a slaughter.

Yeah.....Fauxcahontas. It is beginning to look like Sacrificial Lamb territory. That's a political expression for people who run when it's obvious the other guy is going to win. Like Obama: they weren't really going to take the second term away from THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT. So Romney was doomed. AND he was a Mormon, for heaven's sake, as if people would vote for that!

That often happens, espec. in local elections when someone of a doomed party agrees to run just to be a good sport. I don't think we're there yet, but all these obvious losers-of-color popping up like popcorn now (I have better sense than to bother my brain with their names, because they'll be gone so soon), it's looking like that's possible.

It LOOKS like Trump is winning HUGE and the Dems are losing, losing, losing. Maybe it'll be more complicated later, but so far, so good.

Yes, the fake media will sweep it under the carpet, but Trump won't. He will call her Pocahontas at every opportunity, and if she objects, he simply has to bring up the evidence. She can't win. I hope she gets the nomination because it will be a slaughter.

Yeah.....Fauxcahontas. It is beginning to look like Sacrificial Lamb territory. That's a political expression for people who run when it's obvious the other guy is going to win. Like Obama: they weren't really going to take the second term away from THE FIRST BLACK PRESIDENT. So Romney was doomed. AND he was a Mormon, for heaven's sake, as if people would vote for that!

That often happens, espec. in local elections when someone of a doomed party agrees to run just to be a good sport. I don't think we're there yet, but all these obvious losers-of-color popping up like popcorn now (I have better sense than to bother my brain with their names, because they'll be gone so soon), it's looking like that's possible.

It LOOKS like Trump is winning HUGE and the Dems are losing, losing, losing. Maybe it'll be more complicated later, but so far, so good.
The problem with the democratic Party is they are all Democrats. The problem with their Candidates is they're all Democrats. And they all have a different vision of the Marxist Utopia they Strive for. You are right I think any Establishment Democrat hoping to be President will wait until 2024 the candidates out there now are just there to stir up the base and Who ever wins the Dem nomination will be a Throw away Candidate like Bernie, Or Biden.
It's funny about Liz Warren ---- I know she's a really scary socialist, but I just can't keep that in mind. All I can think of is my real repugnance about the Indian lies.

According to Fox News tonight, she hinted there are MORE of these applications she lied about being an Indian on! Darn, just totally lied, over and over. I can't get past this; I know I'm a bit of a Puritan, but all that lying! For personal gain. How is that okay??

How about if Warren said she was only doing what Chief Jay Strongbow did in pretending to be an Indian? And since everyone loved the chief, why shouldn't she be loved too.
It's funny about Liz Warren ---- I know she's a really scary socialist, but I just can't keep that in mind. All I can think of is my real repugnance about the Indian lies.

According to Fox News tonight, she hinted there are MORE of these applications she lied about being an Indian on! Darn, just totally lied, over and over. I can't get past this; I know I'm a bit of a Puritan, but all that lying! For personal gain. How is that okay??
It's because it's what they do. The truth is what I tell you today, When you find Out I lied it will either be to late to change the damage done or They Change what the truth is.
Mr. Romney was doomed when he refused to fight back against libs. He was strictly a babyface, stuck strictly to the rules while the Democrats and the Media slandered him 6 ways to Sunday.

Agreed. He was too nice early, and now he's being WAAAAAAAAAY too nasty. What is WRONG with that man?? I think he's gone crazy. I suppose he hopes to be in position to run for prez if something happens to Trump, but wow, I'd never vote for him after his mean nasty attacks on Trump.
Well that was easy! It's the same BS yr. after yr. like Obama programmed the website that crashed personally! Idiots! :aargh:

As though O'Bumbles might even be capable of "programming" his/her/its alarm clock to wake her/it/him up in the morning.

The delusion is real people! Obama worked around the clock while Trump gets to the Oval Office late, but still takes several hours of "TV time and Twitter reflection!" It's kind of pathetic with history of Trump kvetchin' about Obama playing too much golf! Trump lived on his courses around the country with the us footing the bill! He has The Secret Service overextended and overworked trying to secure too many venues instead of him spending more time at "Camp David" which is always secure off a base! The waste will all come to light and Republicans are going to look like fools after this all blows up! :47: :aargh: :ack-1:
It's funny about Liz Warren ---- I know she's a really scary socialist, but I just can't keep that in mind. All I can think of is my real repugnance about the Indian lies.

According to Fox News tonight, she hinted there are MORE of these applications she lied about being an Indian on! Darn, just totally lied, over and over. I can't get past this; I know I'm a bit of a Puritan, but all that lying! For personal gain. How is that okay??
I think that she actually believed it at the time.


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