Please Compassionate Joe Biden Liberals, please explain this.


Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2014
How is it compassionate for this Biden Admin to welcome by virtue of his policies and campaign promises to foreign nationals who want to come here without due process, to create this situation we now have on the Southern border?

Places like Mexico, Honduras and Guatemala need to achieve positive change and that will never happen as long as their governments have the outlet of sending their poor and young North to the U.S.
They are probably just fine with the Billions of dollars that are sent back home via Western Union and Money Gram, but it further assures that these countries really never need to be serious about reform.
By trying to do something compassionate, Democrats are once again achieving the opposite result. The journey north is not a safe one for these kids and others. It's also not fair to our own poor Americans and legal immigrants alike.
How is Biden living up to his promises of compassion and Unity? In a time of a pandemic and shutdown this insane immigration policy is only dividing and hurting people more.
Brazil is experiencing a new covid variant strain that is killing children and Joe opened our southern border...hey libtards!!! Brazil is in SOUTH America...look at a map...if you tards want to wear masks the rest of your lives keep that border open and on catch and release rules...
The 103 covid positive illegal immigrants were put on a bus and sent to New Hampshire....WTF?....

Trump was better....
Brazil is experiencing a new covid variant strain that is killing children and Joe opened our southern border...hey libtards!!! Brazil is in SOUTH America...look at a map...if you tards want to wear masks the rest of your lives keep that border open and on catch and release rules...
The 103 covid positive illegal immigrants were put on a bus and sent to New Hampshire....WTF?....

Trump was better....
That is not the only disease these vagrants carry. TB is back. Measels. Small Pox. Many others.

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