Playing with Paint Shop Pro


que sera, sera
Feb 13, 2013
It was just me a gracie with her tennis ball after she died. Then I added Pretties. I figured I would do all my furkids around me. So..the two on the right went over Rainbow Bridge. The two on the left are still with me.

Been awhile since I made stuff with PSP. Thought I'd share.

It was just me a gracie with her tennis ball after she died. Then I added Pretties. I figured I would do all my furkids around me. So..the two on the right went over Rainbow Bridge. The two on the left are still with me.

Been awhile since I made stuff with PSP. Thought I'd share.


Too sweet, Gracie...:smiliehug:
I've had so many, I could not fit them all in....But nice job...I have not touched my pro paint in ages. I bought it for the kid when he was a youngun....
I've had so many, I could not fit them all in....But nice job...I have not touched my pro paint in ages. I bought it for the kid when he was a youngun....
It would take pages to add all my fur children. But..sine these are the last I will ever own..these are the ones I decided to do. Once the two on the left are gone..I'm done. I love dogs. But, I cannot walk them like they should be, nor have the funds for emergencies as they age. I have enough put aside for Moki and Karma, but no more than that. I'd love a puppy..but I am too old. I would be 80 when the dog hits 15. If I lived that long. And I don't want another dog I have to worry about if something happens to me. These two have daddy....and when he goes, they will go to Aunty barbara, so they are all set IF and WHEN.
Anyway...I wanted something to have to frame, not too perfect but a tad whimsical, and that is the results I posted. :)
It's kinda funny how I placed them without even thinking about it until it was done. Gracie next to me (cuz she went first) and her ball...then Pretties next to Gracie and the ball. Both LOVED tennis balls..and each other. Which is why Pretties is dead, but I don't want to talk about that. I just thought it strange when I looked at it again and saw the placement I did subconsciously.
I just ordered the new Paint Shop Pro. I've been a Corel man for years. That's a nice piece, Gracie. Looks kind of American primitive. I like it. I hope all you guys gave that moon a good howl before you went back in the house.
Thanks, hon! I love my PSP but mine is version 6. I am so familiar with it and hate new gadgetry so I am happy with it.
I howled and so did the two on the left. The two on the right are howling, sniffing, playing, fat and healthy over Rainbow Bridge..waiting for the rest of the pack to join them. :)
I use PSP in preference to Adobe Photoshop. I own older copies of each. I hear the latest 64 bit issue of PSP is almost as complex as Photoshop. I used PSP on these. I like to shoot my critters:

I Shoot Dogs US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Great pics! I began to read the whole thread but hastily backed out when the stories of dumped dogs started being discussed. It makes me too sad. And sometimes I even cry reading that stuff. Just can't do it. But loved the pics!

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