Planned Parenthood Cleared in Fetal Tissue Investigation

Quite right. So they need to prosecute CMP immediately for.

False representation
Filing a fraudulent tax status
You're correct as well. If an organization has the official support of the government, and a group begins releasing what it claims to be evidence of that organization's wrongdoing, then the obvious position to take is that this group needs to be stopped from releasing the rest of its evidence by court order as soon as possible, the initial third of the claimed evidence needs to be thrown out on the basis that the organization considers it fraudulent, and the group needs to be immediately prosecuted for the misrepresentation of the organization in its evidence. That's just the proper, enlightened, American way of doing things.

... Da, tovarisch?
Last edited:
Quite right. So they need to prosecute CMP immediately for.

False representation
Filing a fraudulent tax status
You're correct as well. If an organization has the official support of the government, and a group begins releasing what it claims to be evidence of that organization's wrongdoing, then the obvious position to take is that this group needs to be stopped from releasing the rest of its evidence by court order, the initial third of the claimed evidence needs to be thrown out on the basis that the organization considers it fraudulent, and the group needs to be prosecuted for the misrepresentation of the organization in its evidence immediately. That's just the proper, enlightened, American way of doing things.

... Da, tovarisch?

Once again, what laws has PP broken? You seem to be adamant about PP having done something wrong. Give us the details of the laws they broke.
Once again, what laws has PP broken? You seem to be adamant about PP having done something wrong. Give us the details of the laws they broke.
Well, you see, мой това́рищ, you could find them by actually looking at our case on probably any pro-life website at this point, but I'll provide the laws themselves from neutral sources here:

42 USC 289g Fetal research
Google Scholar
42 U.S. Code 289g 1 - Research on transplantation of fetal tissue US Law LII Legal Information Institute

This is all in addition to our other problems with it outside of this specific case, such as facilitating statutory rape and the sex trafficking industry.
Once again, what laws has PP broken? You seem to be adamant about PP having done something wrong. Give us the details of the laws they broke.
Well, you see, мой това́рищ, you could find them by actually looking at our case on probably any pro-life website at this point, but I'll provide the laws themselves from neutral sources here:

42 USC 289g Fetal research
Google Scholar
42 U.S. Code 289g 1 - Research on transplantation of fetal tissue US Law LII Legal Information Institute

This is all in addition to our other problems with it outside of this specific case, such as facilitating statutory rape and the sex trafficking industry.

The law you linked actually shows that the use of fetal tissue for research is perfectly legal.

"(a)Establishment of program
(1) In general
The Secretary may conduct or support research on the transplantation of human fetal tissue for therapeutic purposes.
(2) Source of tissue
Human fetal tissue may be used in research carried out under paragraph (1) regardless of whether the tissue is obtained pursuant to a spontaneous or induced abortion or pursuant to a stillbirth."

The law even states that the tissue may be obtained thru an abortion. Thanks.
Whether you like it or not, abortion is legal. No one has been caught selling anything. It's not illegal to donate tissue.
Quit fucking lying! The video shows it all.

It's a fraud, Doofus.
You're still lying. The video is legit. Those aren't actors and they will soon be in jail.

Educate yourself.

Abortion rights groups have suggested that Daleiden needed a new company to issue his videos, since the work of Live Action has been discredited. He appears to have created a sham business called Biomax Procurement Services as a cover, so he and colleagues (and occasionally paid actors) could pose as buyers of fetal tissue, secretly recording the Planned Parenthood officials during meetings. The Center for Medical Progress was created in 2013, and its only focus seems to be the recent videos.

Despite massive media coverage and a rush by Republicans to investigate, Daleiden's videos so far contain no evidence that Planned Parenthood has done anything illegal.

A 1993 law says clinics can't profit when women donate fetal tissue, and in the first video Planned Parenthood official Deborah Nucatola says repeatedly that the group does not. It is, however, standard practice for clinics to be compensated for staff time, resources, and transportation involved in providing tissue, which is what Planned Parenthood says Nucatola is seen discussing. Experts say such donations are crucial for medical research.

Sting Videos Part Of Longtime Campaign Against Planned Parenthood The Two-Way NPR
. You ghouls just don't get the outrage, do you? The public hates the idea of donating tissue from murdered babies. Who give a shit if the film crew was fake buyers. It's a sting and is a perfectly valid way to bring this disgusting practice of killing babies and selling body parts to the public. This secret practice is now out in the open and the optics don't look good for your side. The public doesn't want our tax money going to this organization.

This has been going on since the 1930's. Whether you like it or not, medical research saves lives. Women have abortions, they have since before it was legal. They will continue to have abortions even if the practice is made illegal. I would prefer for women to have a safe option, instead of back-alley abortions.

Abortion is messy business, and it's not a pretty reality. You believe abortion is murder, I do not. The fetus not viable outside the womb before 20 weeks.

You appear to be an emotional train wreck with all of your concern going towards the fetus, whereas my main concern is for taking care of viable babies who you are trying to force into this world, by some woman who does not want or need a baby to take care of. We already see how the social right wants to cut SNAP benefits which was created to help feed these unwanted babies.

I hear the right complain that birth control is readily available to all, and how these young teens/women should have been more responsible. If these teens/women are so irresponsible, why would you trust them to raise a baby?

There was a thread started on a program that decreased teen pregnancy/abortions by 40%, however it's expensive ($900). They are getting ready to lose their funding. It seems to me that this program would be a win win for everyone. If you're so concerned, why don't you fight for these programs the help decrease abortion and unwanted pregnancies?

CDZ - Teen pregnancy rate reduced abortion rate reduced what s wrong with this US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Yeppers, you are correct! :)

"Donating remains is legal. It is also legal for facilities to recoup the costs involved in harvesting, storing and shipping the tissues and organs. That is precisely what PP did."

Yeppers, you are correct!

You agree organs were being harvested, but you previously stated.

"Please save your irrational drama. There is nothing illegal about donating tissue, that would otherwise be thrown in the garbage without the consent from the woman to donate. There are no baby body parts being used because they haven't developed lungs, kidney's...etc."

I happen to know that lungs, kidney's...etc are organs. I thought you said you were smart!

Again, and?

A fetus isn't a baby.

You said it was merely tissues and then agreed that organs were harvested. Which is it?

Organs are not formed before the fetus is 20 wks. The majority of abortions take place by the 8th week.

Not only are the organs developed, they start to function at 10 weeks. No point in arguing with a dumbass. You get the last word if you want it.

10 weeks

"The embryo has become a fetus. His vital organs – such as kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver – are starting to function. Tiny fingernails and toenails.. are forming."

11 weeks

"Your baby is almost fully formed. Her bones are beginning to harden, and her genitalia are developing externally. She can hiccup, though it's too soon for you to feel it."

Fetal development timeline Your growing baby s milestones BabyCenter

The fetus not viable outside the womb before 20 weeks.

The earliest baby to be born and survive was James Elgin Gill, born in Canada at 21 weeks and 5 days gestation.

James is now a healthy young man, but he is the exception. The chances of survival for babies born at 21 weeks gestation is very low, and the chance of severe disability is high in the few babies who live.

Premature Baby Survival
This entire fiasco relies on the idea that PP was selling body parts for profit. This is simply not the case. Donating remains is legal. It is also legal for facilities to recoup the costs involved in harvesting, storing and shipping the tissues and organs. That is precisely what PP did.

Yeppers, you are correct! :)

"Donating remains is legal. It is also legal for facilities to recoup the costs involved in harvesting, storing and shipping the tissues and organs. That is precisely what PP did."

Yeppers, you are correct!

You agree organs were being harvested, but you previously stated.

"Please save your irrational drama. There is nothing illegal about donating tissue, that would otherwise be thrown in the garbage without the consent from the woman to donate. There are no baby body parts being used because they haven't developed lungs, kidney's...etc."

I happen to know that lungs, kidney's...etc are organs. I thought you said you were smart!

Again, and?

A fetus isn't a baby.
Carla tells us a fetus isn't a baby. She just lost the argument. It's obvious we are arguing with an idiot fool who likely thinks that "fetus" would develop into a frog or something other than a baby human. LOL.

We are wasting our time. It is like wrestling with a pig. You just get filthy from the mess and the pig loves it.

What Carla was probably talking about is the development of the fetus and it not being viable outside the wom
A few people being outraged does not change the facts. The funding isn't going anywhere.
Okay, look. Albert Fish might have killed a few people, but you know what? What's done is done. Your outrage changes nothing. Punishing him will do nothing. Just turn the other cheek and let him go, okay? He did nothing wrong.

LMAO! Yeah, that is so much like what I am saying.

I have not addressed abortion, per se, at all. I have tried to stay with the actual topic. And that is what is done with the tissues after the legal abortion is performed.

The loonieCons have ranted and raved about PP selling body parts for profit. That is simply not the case. And PP broke no laws that I am aware of.

This is what Carla posted

"Organs are not formed before the fetus is 20 wks. The majority of abortions take place by the 8th week."

I see an uninformed twit talking about organs and nothing about viablilty.

Then you come up with this nonsense:

"What Carla was probably talking about is the development of the fetus and it not being viable outside the womb."

You may notice I gave her the benefit of the doubt by not calling her a liar.
"Donating remains is legal. It is also legal for facilities to recoup the costs involved in harvesting, storing and shipping the tissues and organs. That is precisely what PP did."

Yeppers, you are correct!

You agree organs were being harvested, but you previously stated.

"Please save your irrational drama. There is nothing illegal about donating tissue, that would otherwise be thrown in the garbage without the consent from the woman to donate. There are no baby body parts being used because they haven't developed lungs, kidney's...etc."

I happen to know that lungs, kidney's...etc are organs. I thought you said you were smart!

Again, and?

A fetus isn't a baby.

You said it was merely tissues and then agreed that organs were harvested. Which is it?

Organs are not formed before the fetus is 20 wks. The majority of abortions take place by the 8th week.

Not only are the organs developed, they start to function at 10 weeks. No point in arguing with a dumbass. You get the last word if you want it.

10 weeks

"The embryo has become a fetus. His vital organs – such as kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver – are starting to function. Tiny fingernails and toenails.. are forming."

11 weeks

"Your baby is almost fully formed. Her bones are beginning to harden, and her genitalia are developing externally. She can hiccup, though it's too soon for you to feel it."

Fetal development timeline Your growing baby s milestones BabyCenter

The fetus not viable outside the womb before 20 weeks.

The earliest baby to be born and survive was James Elgin Gill, born in Canada at 21 weeks and 5 days gestation.

James is now a healthy young man, but he is the exception. The chances of survival for babies born at 21 weeks gestation is very low, and the chance of severe disability is high in the few babies who live.

Premature Baby Survival

You clearly stated that organs are not developed until 20 weeks. Tell me how the non-existent organs in James developed enough in 1 week and 5 days to keep him alive after he was born.

This has NOTHING to do with PP selling organ and tissue from aborted fetus but you had to change the subject to pretend you are smarter than everyone else. And you aren't!
Again, and?

A fetus isn't a baby.

You said it was merely tissues and then agreed that organs were harvested. Which is it?

Organs are not formed before the fetus is 20 wks. The majority of abortions take place by the 8th week.

Not only are the organs developed, they start to function at 10 weeks. No point in arguing with a dumbass. You get the last word if you want it.

10 weeks

"The embryo has become a fetus. His vital organs – such as kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver – are starting to function. Tiny fingernails and toenails.. are forming."

11 weeks

"Your baby is almost fully formed. Her bones are beginning to harden, and her genitalia are developing externally. She can hiccup, though it's too soon for you to feel it."

Fetal development timeline Your growing baby s milestones BabyCenter

The fetus not viable outside the womb before 20 weeks.

The earliest baby to be born and survive was James Elgin Gill, born in Canada at 21 weeks and 5 days gestation.

James is now a healthy young man, but he is the exception. The chances of survival for babies born at 21 weeks gestation is very low, and the chance of severe disability is high in the few babies who live.

Premature Baby Survival

You clearly stated that organs are not developed until 20 weeks. Tell me how the non-existent organs in James developed enough in 1 week and 5 days to keep him alive after he was born.

This has NOTHING to do with PP selling organ and tissue from aborted fetus but you had to change the subject to pretend you are smarter than everyone else. And you aren't!

They are not viable before 20 weeks. The majority of abortions take place at 8 weeks, when the organs are not fully developed and is about the size of a grape.

According to my link, Less than 10% of babies born at 22 weeks live to NICU discharge.
Again, and?

A fetus isn't a baby.

You said it was merely tissues and then agreed that organs were harvested. Which is it?

Organs are not formed before the fetus is 20 wks. The majority of abortions take place by the 8th week.

Not only are the organs developed, they start to function at 10 weeks. No point in arguing with a dumbass. You get the last word if you want it.

10 weeks

"The embryo has become a fetus. His vital organs – such as kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver – are starting to function. Tiny fingernails and toenails.. are forming."

11 weeks

"Your baby is almost fully formed. Her bones are beginning to harden, and her genitalia are developing externally. She can hiccup, though it's too soon for you to feel it."

Fetal development timeline Your growing baby s milestones BabyCenter

The fetus not viable outside the womb before 20 weeks.

The earliest baby to be born and survive was James Elgin Gill, born in Canada at 21 weeks and 5 days gestation.

James is now a healthy young man, but he is the exception. The chances of survival for babies born at 21 weeks gestation is very low, and the chance of severe disability is high in the few babies who live.

Premature Baby Survival

You clearly stated that organs are not developed until 20 weeks. Tell me how the non-existent organs in James developed enough in 1 week and 5 days to keep him alive after he was born.

This has NOTHING to do with PP selling organ and tissue from aborted fetus but you had to change the subject to pretend you are smarter than everyone else. And you aren't!

I should have said viable. Get over it. They certainly are not developed enough to be viable at 20 weeks. No fetus can survive on its own at 20 weeks.
Once again, what laws has PP broken? You seem to be adamant about PP having done something wrong. Give us the details of the laws they broke.
Well, you see, мой това́рищ, you could find them by actually looking at our case on probably any pro-life website at this point, but I'll provide the laws themselves from neutral sources here:

42 USC 289g Fetal research
Google Scholar
42 U.S. Code 289g 1 - Research on transplantation of fetal tissue US Law LII Legal Information Institute

This is all in addition to our other problems with it outside of this specific case, such as facilitating statutory rape and the sex trafficking industry.

The law you linked actually shows that the use of fetal tissue for research is perfectly legal.

"(a)Establishment of program
(1) In general
The Secretary may conduct or support research on the transplantation of human fetal tissue for therapeutic purposes.
(2) Source of tissue
Human fetal tissue may be used in research carried out under paragraph (1) regardless of whether the tissue is obtained pursuant to a spontaneous or induced abortion or pursuant to a stillbirth."

The law even states that the tissue may be obtained thru an abortion. Thanks.
This isn't what's being legally contested. We're well aware of what the law says, how Planned Parenthood and its clients conspiracy to break it, and why it should be changed.
You said it was merely tissues and then agreed that organs were harvested. Which is it?

Organs are not formed before the fetus is 20 wks. The majority of abortions take place by the 8th week.

Not only are the organs developed, they start to function at 10 weeks. No point in arguing with a dumbass. You get the last word if you want it.

10 weeks

"The embryo has become a fetus. His vital organs – such as kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver – are starting to function. Tiny fingernails and toenails.. are forming."

11 weeks

"Your baby is almost fully formed. Her bones are beginning to harden, and her genitalia are developing externally. She can hiccup, though it's too soon for you to feel it."

Fetal development timeline Your growing baby s milestones BabyCenter

The fetus not viable outside the womb before 20 weeks.

The earliest baby to be born and survive was James Elgin Gill, born in Canada at 21 weeks and 5 days gestation.

James is now a healthy young man, but he is the exception. The chances of survival for babies born at 21 weeks gestation is very low, and the chance of severe disability is high in the few babies who live.

Premature Baby Survival

You clearly stated that organs are not developed until 20 weeks. Tell me how the non-existent organs in James developed enough in 1 week and 5 days to keep him alive after he was born.

This has NOTHING to do with PP selling organ and tissue from aborted fetus but you had to change the subject to pretend you are smarter than everyone else. And you aren't!

I should have said viable. Get over it. They certainly are not developed enough to be viable at 20 weeks. No fetus can survive on its own at 20 weeks.

Coulda', woulda', shouda', but you didn't. How could you argue PP was only selling tissue an not organs if you had said that?
Once again, what laws has PP broken? You seem to be adamant about PP having done something wrong. Give us the details of the laws they broke.
Well, you see, мой това́рищ, you could find them by actually looking at our case on probably any pro-life website at this point, but I'll provide the laws themselves from neutral sources here:

42 USC 289g Fetal research
Google Scholar
42 U.S. Code 289g 1 - Research on transplantation of fetal tissue US Law LII Legal Information Institute

This is all in addition to our other problems with it outside of this specific case, such as facilitating statutory rape and the sex trafficking industry.

The law you linked actually shows that the use of fetal tissue for research is perfectly legal.

"(a)Establishment of program
(1) In general
The Secretary may conduct or support research on the transplantation of human fetal tissue for therapeutic purposes.
(2) Source of tissue
Human fetal tissue may be used in research carried out under paragraph (1) regardless of whether the tissue is obtained pursuant to a spontaneous or induced abortion or pursuant to a stillbirth."

The law even states that the tissue may be obtained thru an abortion. Thanks.
This isn't what's being legally contested. We're well aware of what the law says, how Planned Parenthood and its clients conspiracy to break it, and why it should be changed.

What law did they conspire to break? You still have not shown me any law that they broke, or even one they conspired to break.
Organs are not formed before the fetus is 20 wks. The majority of abortions take place by the 8th week.

Not only are the organs developed, they start to function at 10 weeks. No point in arguing with a dumbass. You get the last word if you want it.

10 weeks

"The embryo has become a fetus. His vital organs – such as kidneys, intestines, brain, and liver – are starting to function. Tiny fingernails and toenails.. are forming."

11 weeks

"Your baby is almost fully formed. Her bones are beginning to harden, and her genitalia are developing externally. She can hiccup, though it's too soon for you to feel it."

Fetal development timeline Your growing baby s milestones BabyCenter

The fetus not viable outside the womb before 20 weeks.

The earliest baby to be born and survive was James Elgin Gill, born in Canada at 21 weeks and 5 days gestation.

James is now a healthy young man, but he is the exception. The chances of survival for babies born at 21 weeks gestation is very low, and the chance of severe disability is high in the few babies who live.

Premature Baby Survival

You clearly stated that organs are not developed until 20 weeks. Tell me how the non-existent organs in James developed enough in 1 week and 5 days to keep him alive after he was born.

This has NOTHING to do with PP selling organ and tissue from aborted fetus but you had to change the subject to pretend you are smarter than everyone else. And you aren't!

I should have said viable. Get over it. They certainly are not developed enough to be viable at 20 weeks. No fetus can survive on its own at 20 weeks.

Coulda', woulda', shouda', but you didn't. How could you argue PP was only selling tissue an not organs if you had said that?

Again, get over it. PP is not selling tissue or organs, they are donating them and recouping the expense. They have been doing this for years.
Again, get over it. PP is not selling tissue or organs, they are donating them and recouping the expense. They have been doing this for years.
"They are NOT extracting babies using illegal methods to preserve the most valuable organs, dissecting them to harvest those organs, and selling them to bio-research companies for human experimentation. I'm a decent person and would never support that. They are simply extracting fetuses using wrongly suppressed and perfectly legitimate methods, acquiring certain useful tissues from the resultant medical waste, and donating them to bio-research companies in exchange for a negotiated and mandatory monetary donation required to break even if not make a small reverse financial loss so those companies can use them to discover new medical breakthroughs. That's what I support. That sounds much more reasonable and scientific."
Quit fucking lying! The video shows it all.

It's a fraud, Doofus.
You're still lying. The video is legit. Those aren't actors and they will soon be in jail.

Educate yourself.

Abortion rights groups have suggested that Daleiden needed a new company to issue his videos, since the work of Live Action has been discredited. He appears to have created a sham business called Biomax Procurement Services as a cover, so he and colleagues (and occasionally paid actors) could pose as buyers of fetal tissue, secretly recording the Planned Parenthood officials during meetings. The Center for Medical Progress was created in 2013, and its only focus seems to be the recent videos.

Despite massive media coverage and a rush by Republicans to investigate, Daleiden's videos so far contain no evidence that Planned Parenthood has done anything illegal.

A 1993 law says clinics can't profit when women donate fetal tissue, and in the first video Planned Parenthood official Deborah Nucatola says repeatedly that the group does not. It is, however, standard practice for clinics to be compensated for staff time, resources, and transportation involved in providing tissue, which is what Planned Parenthood says Nucatola is seen discussing. Experts say such donations are crucial for medical research.

Sting Videos Part Of Longtime Campaign Against Planned Parenthood The Two-Way NPR
. You ghouls just don't get the outrage, do you? The public hates the idea of donating tissue from murdered babies. Who give a shit if the film crew was fake buyers. It's a sting and is a perfectly valid way to bring this disgusting practice of killing babies and selling body parts to the public. This secret practice is now out in the open and the optics don't look good for your side. The public doesn't want our tax money going to this organization.

This has been going on since the 1930's. Whether you like it or not, medical research saves lives. Women have abortions, they have since before it was legal. They will continue to have abortions even if the practice is made illegal. I would prefer for women to have a safe option, instead of back-alley abortions.

Abortion is messy business, and it's not a pretty reality. You believe abortion is murder, I do not. The fetus not viable outside the womb before 20 weeks.

You appear to be an emotional train wreck with all of your concern going towards the fetus, whereas my main concern is for taking care of viable babies who you are trying to force into this world, by some woman who does not want or need a baby to take care of. We already see how the social right wants to cut SNAP benefits which was created to help feed these unwanted babies.

I hear the right complain that birth control is readily available to all, and how these young teens/women should have been more responsible. If these teens/women are so irresponsible, why would you trust them to raise a baby?

There was a thread started on a program that decreased teen pregnancy/abortions by 40%, however it's expensive ($900). They are getting ready to lose their funding. It seems to me that this program would be a win win for everyone. If you're so concerned, why don't you fight for these programs the help decrease abortion and unwanted pregnancies?

CDZ - Teen pregnancy rate reduced abortion rate reduced what s wrong with this US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Nice RATIONAL post.
Thank you.
Found no evidence? Well to cons that means "we dont know what we dont know" like Benghazi. So lets spend millions chasing the ghosts or outrage

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