Pipe blockage


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Pipe blockage
Progress on the Keystone XL pipeline was put on hold due to safety issues, to no one’s surprise.

Progress on the Keystone XL pipeline was put on hold for a few days due to potential safety risks, reported by the Associated Press last week. According to the report, “The possible safety issues were found on part of the pipeline that extends between Missouri and Illinois.” Engineers were sent to investigate the problem, which was referred to as a “small anomaly,” to ensure that the crude oil would not leak, despite the claims that the pipeline is the “safest ever built,” according to TransCanada, the company leading the project.

Pipe blockage - Green Space - Green - October 25, 2012 - Reno News & Review

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The case against constructing the pipeline -- which would carry oil from the tar sands of Canada to refineries in Texas -- is more about an uncertain, but increasingly frightening, future. Why should we, one could argue, spend $7 billion to further accelerate climate change and likely contaminate one of America's largest underground water reserves?
Neil Wagner: Tar Sands Tradeoff: Plentiful Petrol vs. Planet in Peril

Isn't this importing foreign oil that we want to get away from in order to become energy independent?
Oh brother.

Hey Lady answer me this: if the pipeline is a supposed "Canada to Texas" express, then why the reference to a Missouri/Illinois leg?

The XL pipeline will not only go from Canada to TX, it has some "spur lines".
One of the most important facts that is missing in the national debate surrounding the proposed Keystone XL tar sands pipeline is this — Keystone XL will not bring any more oil into the United State for decades to come. Canada doesn’t have nearly enough oil to fill existing pipelines going to the United States. However, existing Canadian oil pipelines all go to the Midwest, where the only buyer for their crude is the United States. Keystone XL would divert Canadian oil from refineries in the Midwest to the Gulf Coast where it can be refined and exported. Many of these refineries are in free trade zones where oil may be exported to international buyers without paying U.S. taxes. And that is exactly what Valero, one of the largest potential buyers of Keystone XL’s oil, has told its investors it will do. The idea that Keystone XL will improve U.S. oil supply is a documented scam being played on the American people by Big Oil and its friends in Washington DC.

Fact Check: Keystone XL Would Ship Foreign Oil To Foreign Lands | ThinkProgress
It's no wonder that Romney strongely support the XL Pipeline.
Pipe blockage
Progress on the Keystone XL pipeline was put on hold due to safety issues, to no one’s surprise.

Progress on the Keystone XL pipeline was put on hold for a few days due to potential safety risks, reported by the Associated Press last week. According to the report, “The possible safety issues were found on part of the pipeline that extends between Missouri and Illinois.” Engineers were sent to investigate the problem, which was referred to as a “small anomaly,” to ensure that the crude oil would not leak, despite the claims that the pipeline is the “safest ever built,” according to TransCanada, the company leading the project.

Pipe blockage - Green Space - Green - October 25, 2012 - Reno News & Review


Apparently, you have never built anything. There are always anomalies, possible issues and potential risks.
The case against constructing the pipeline -- which would carry oil from the tar sands of Canada to refineries in Texas -- is more about an uncertain, but increasingly frightening, future. Why should we, one could argue, spend $7 billion to further accelerate climate change and likely contaminate one of America's largest underground water reserves?
Neil Wagner: Tar Sands Tradeoff: Plentiful Petrol vs. Planet in Peril

Isn't this importing foreign oil that we want to get away from in order to become energy independent?

Is Canada really that Foreign? And what effect will this pipe line have on climate change? None you retard.
Oh brother.

Hey Lady answer me this: if the pipeline is a supposed "Canada to Texas" express, then why the reference to a Missouri/Illinois leg?

OMG. Do I have to spell in out in plainer English? What part of Canada to the Gulf coast do you not friggin' understand? If you cannot understand this, you must be a Romney supporter.:eusa_boohoo:
The case against constructing the pipeline -- which would carry oil from the tar sands of Canada to refineries in Texas -- is more about an uncertain, but increasingly frightening, future. Why should we, one could argue, spend $7 billion to further accelerate climate change and likely contaminate one of America's largest underground water reserves?
Neil Wagner: Tar Sands Tradeoff: Plentiful Petrol vs. Planet in Peril

Isn't this importing foreign oil that we want to get away from in order to become energy independent?

Is Canada really that Foreign? And what effect will this pipe line have on climate change? None you retard.

OMG? Canada’s Oil, the World’s Carbon you Vilage Idiot.

Left unregulated, carbon dioxide emissions from oil refineries are projected to increase rapidly in coming years, at nearly double the predicted rate of emissions growth from other sources. According to estimates from the Department of Energy, annual carbon emissions from petroleum refineries will increase to more than 415 million tons by 2030.

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The case against constructing the pipeline -- which would carry oil from the tar sands of Canada to refineries in Texas -- is more about an uncertain, but increasingly frightening, future. Why should we, one could argue, spend $7 billion to further accelerate climate change and likely contaminate one of America's largest underground water reserves?
Neil Wagner: Tar Sands Tradeoff: Plentiful Petrol vs. Planet in Peril

Isn't this importing foreign oil that we want to get away from in order to become energy independent?

Is Canada really that Foreign? And what effect will this pipe line have on climate change? None you retard.

Left unregulated, carbon dioxide emissions from oil refineries are projected to increase rapidly in coming years, at nearly double the predicted rate of emissions growth from other sources. According to estimates from the Department of Energy, annual carbon emissions from petroleum refineries will increase to more than 415 million tons by 2030.

Oil Refineries Targeted For Global Warming Emissions Cuts | Earthjustice
The case against constructing the pipeline -- which would carry oil from the tar sands of Canada to refineries in Texas -- is more about an uncertain, but increasingly frightening, future. Why should we, one could argue, spend $7 billion to further accelerate climate change and likely contaminate one of America's largest underground water reserves?
Neil Wagner: Tar Sands Tradeoff: Plentiful Petrol vs. Planet in Peril

Is Canada really that Foreign? And what effect will this pipe line have on climate change? None you retard.

Left unregulated, carbon dioxide emissions from oil refineries are projected to increase rapidly in coming years, at nearly double the predicted rate of emissions growth from other sources. According to estimates from the Department of Energy, annual carbon emissions from petroleum refineries will increase to more than 415 million tons by 2030.

Oil Refineries Targeted For Global Warming Emissions Cuts | Earthjustice

Okay you do realize that the oil is not going to just sit there in Canada if the US doesn't refine it?
The case against constructing the pipeline -- which would carry oil from the tar sands of Canada to refineries in Texas -- is more about an uncertain, but increasingly frightening, future. Why should we, one could argue, spend $7 billion to further accelerate climate change and likely contaminate one of America's largest underground water reserves?
Neil Wagner: Tar Sands Tradeoff: Plentiful Petrol vs. Planet in Peril

Isn't this importing foreign oil that we want to get away from in order to become energy independent?

Is Canada really that Foreign? And what effect will this pipe line have on climate change? None you retard.

Is Mexico foreign?

Our biggest suppliers of oil is Canada and Mexico and not the middle east. :mad: And if we want to to oil independent we have to stop importing oil from Canada and Mexico.
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Pipe blockage
Progress on the Keystone XL pipeline was put on hold due to safety issues, to no one’s surprise.

Progress on the Keystone XL pipeline was put on hold for a few days due to potential safety risks, reported by the Associated Press last week. According to the report, “The possible safety issues were found on part of the pipeline that extends between Missouri and Illinois.” Engineers were sent to investigate the problem, which was referred to as a “small anomaly,” to ensure that the crude oil would not leak, despite the claims that the pipeline is the “safest ever built,” according to TransCanada, the company leading the project.

Pipe blockage - Green Space - Green - October 25, 2012 - Reno News & Review


Apparently, you have never built anything. There are always anomalies, possible issues and potential risks.

These days entire highway systems are put on hold if a rare insect is discovered. Its insanity at its finest.
The case against constructing the pipeline -- which would carry oil from the tar sands of Canada to refineries in Texas -- is more about an uncertain, but increasingly frightening, future. Why should we, one could argue, spend $7 billion to further accelerate climate change and likely contaminate one of America's largest underground water reserves?
Neil Wagner: Tar Sands Tradeoff: Plentiful Petrol vs. Planet in Peril

Is Canada really that Foreign? And what effect will this pipe line have on climate change? None you retard.

Is Mexico foreign?
The Times Weekly, Joliet Illinois

Our biggest suppliers of oil is Canada and Mexico and not the middle east. :mad: And if we want to to oil independent we have to stop importing oil from Canada and Mexico.

so let's see, you were against oil drilling here before you were for it?
Oh brother.

Hey Lady answer me this: if the pipeline is a supposed "Canada to Texas" express, then why the reference to a Missouri/Illinois leg?

OMG. Do I have to spell in out in plainer English? What part of Canada to the Gulf coast do you not friggin' understand? If you cannot understand this, you must be a Romney supporter.:eusa_boohoo:

Do you have any idea of how many miles of pipelines run below the major cities in the US?
Is Canada really that Foreign? And what effect will this pipe line have on climate change? None you retard.

Left unregulated, carbon dioxide emissions from oil refineries are projected to increase rapidly in coming years, at nearly double the predicted rate of emissions growth from other sources. According to estimates from the Department of Energy, annual carbon emissions from petroleum refineries will increase to more than 415 million tons by 2030.

Oil Refineries Targeted For Global Warming Emissions Cuts | Earthjustice

Okay you do realize that the oil is not going to just sit there in Canada if the US doesn't refine it?

Tar sand oil from Canada is already pipelined into the USA and refined for use in the USA. But it is not exported thru Texas which will raise it's price and therby raise the price to the US consumers as well.

educate thyself.
Oh brother.

Hey Lady answer me this: if the pipeline is a supposed "Canada to Texas" express, then why the reference to a Missouri/Illinois leg?

OMG. Do I have to spell in out in plainer English? What part of Canada to the Gulf coast do you not friggin' understand? If you cannot understand this, you must be a Romney supporter.:eusa_boohoo:

Who I support politically isn't the focus of this thread now is it?

But I do happen to have 35 years of my life invested in the petroleum industry, and this pipeline most definitely affects my livelihood.

Your "understanding" of the pipeline issue amounts to mindless cut and paste exercises laced with anti-business pro-environment propaganda.

You're a brainwashed hack with a keyboard. Nothing more.
The case against constructing the pipeline -- which would carry oil from the tar sands of Canada to refineries in Texas -- is more about an uncertain, but increasingly frightening, future. Why should we, one could argue, spend $7 billion to further accelerate climate change and likely contaminate one of America's largest underground water reserves?
Neil Wagner: Tar Sands Tradeoff: Plentiful Petrol vs. Planet in Peril

Is Canada really that Foreign? And what effect will this pipe line have on climate change? None you retard.

OMG? Canada’s Oil, the World’s Carbon you Vilage Idiot.

Left unregulated, carbon dioxide emissions from oil refineries are projected to increase rapidly in coming years, at nearly double the predicted rate of emissions growth from other sources. According to estimates from the Department of Energy, annual carbon emissions from petroleum refineries will increase to more than 415 million tons by 2030.

Oil Refineries Targeted For Global Warming Emissions Cuts | Earthjustice

The proposed new refineries have the latest technology with extremely sophisticated crackers but they're denied permits. Sorry, but magical pixie dust aint cutting it ie solar, wind.

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