Pilgrim's Electoral College Prediction Thread

1000's of soldiers disenfranchised.
GOP senators: Thousands of ballots unlikely to reach military voters in time - The Hill's Floor Action

Totally uncool.. No excuses and I blame both sides for this.. Libs under Leon Panetta for not making certain these soldiers had their ballots, and republicans for not keeping up on the status and making certain these soldiers got their ballots. NO EXCUSE for either party , so shame on both of you!

I travel a lot and spend a lot of time on foreign US bases. I see commercials on AFN all the time telling the troops who to contact and when to vote. I see these commercials all the time.
Both Gallup and Rasmussen have Romney winning.

And the boys in Vegas have Obama winning. who you putting your money on? lol

It's getting tougher by the hour.. Polls are tightening all over.. I think all of us would be wise to root for our guy and hope for the best! LOL
1000's of soldiers disenfranchised.
GOP senators: Thousands of ballots unlikely to reach military voters in time - The Hill's Floor Action

Totally uncool.. No excuses and I blame both sides for this.. Libs under Leon Panetta for not making certain these soldiers had their ballots, and republicans for not keeping up on the status and making certain these soldiers got their ballots. NO EXCUSE for either party , so shame on both of you!

I travel a lot and spend a lot of time on foreign US bases. I see commercials on AFN all the time telling the troops who to contact and when to vote. I see these commercials all the time.

Read the article.. It has ZERO to do with soldiers requesting their absentee ballot.. Broken and outdated machinery.
With one day to go before the first polls close what do you predict the electoral college results will be?

You can explain why if you want or just post your prediction. Winner gets bragging rights and some rep points from me (now you're excited, aren't you! :lmao:)

My prediction:

Obama: 237

I feel that a few people, when polled, actually say Obama but when they get in the booth are going to pick Romney. I think it will be a very close race in each state.

Popular vote...I think Romney wins the popular by ~1,000,000 votes.

What are your predictions?

I think your prediction on the Electoral College votes is about right.
1000's of soldiers disenfranchised.
GOP senators: Thousands of ballots unlikely to reach military voters in time - The Hill's Floor Action

Totally uncool.. No excuses and I blame both sides for this.. Libs under Leon Panetta for not making certain these soldiers had their ballots, and republicans for not keeping up on the status and making certain these soldiers got their ballots. NO EXCUSE for either party , so shame on both of you!

In the end it is up to the voter. Military voters can register via email, online in some states and by fax. They can get their ballots delivered by email and return them by fax. This sound like a reason for the GOP to whine when they lose.

Why did they wait so long? It's e-1 for shit sake. (and we've already emailed dozens of ballots TODAY)
I read the story. I took the time to get my ballot in and out and sent back home. I made sure a few days ago to call the FL voting office and double check me ballot was cast. No offense but every enlisted man or woman could have done the same.
I read the story. I took the time to get my ballot in and out and sent back home. I made sure a few days ago to call the FL voting office and double check me ballot was cast. No offense but every enlisted man or woman could have done the same.

Are you in the military? Did you ask every single person in the military serving in Afghanistan, etc.. if it's their fault? Do me a favor.. DO NOT BLAME our military members who are in God forsaken countries.. The article SAYS DIFFERENTLY.. Your opinion is just that.
Check out the liberals as usual, BLAMING the military.. You liberals are some pathetic jerks. You really are.. THE FUCKING ARTICLE addressed by US SENATORS says differently.. Are you a SENATOR???
No, im ex Military, I did 8 years in the USAF.

I have spent time on all the nations you mentioned. Again, I re-stress the fact if you mean to vote in the Military you do have to take actions into your own hands. Their is a person on base that has one job, that job is to assist in voting.

Budgets are really tight due to this Congress not having its act together, so if the GOP does not like this sort of activity then have them allocate more funds to the DOD for voting infrastructure upgrades. As I said, its been allover AFN for MONTHS, I see little room to bitch and moan with that said.
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No, im ex Military, I did 8 years in the USAF.

I have spent time on all the nations you mentioned. Again, I re-stress the fact if you mean to vote in the Military you do have to take actions into your own hands.

Budgets are really tight due to this Congress not having its act together, so if the GOP does not like this sort of activity then have them allocate more funds to the DOD for voting infrastructure upgrades. As I said, its been allover AFN for MONTHS, I see little room to bitch and moan with that said.

Your opinion.. I'll take the word of Senator John McCain, a former POW in regard to ANYTHING related to the military , over yours.
Check out the liberals as usual, BLAMING the military.. You liberals are some pathetic jerks. You really are.. THE FUCKING ARTICLE addressed by US SENATORS says differently.. Are you a SENATOR???

Liberals blaming the military? You're the one that thinks the troops are too dumb to figure how to vote. Paper ballots in the mail aren't the only way these days, which I'm sure everyone but rightie political hacks knows by now. :cool:
Your opinion.. I'll take the word of Senator John McCain, a former POW in regard to ANYTHING related to the military , over yours.

hun, hate to break it to you but McCain has a political agenda to push, I do not. But I dont blame you tho. McCain would never tell you a load of BS to get you worked up.
I won't venture an EC count, but I predict Romney. I honestly believe the polling and media are biased in favor of Obama and it is reflected in the numbers we have been seeing. I don't know by how much Romney will win, but it will be one of those WTF just happened moments for all the sheeple grazing on the MSM. There will be sackcloth and ashes and wailing and gnashing of teeth. Chris Matthews will blame racism before committing suicide on air.
I won't venture an EC count, but I predict Romney. I honestly believe the polling and media are biased in favor of Obama and it is reflected in the numbers we have been seeing. I don't know by how much Romney will win, but it will be one of those WTF just happened moments for all the sheeple grazing on the MSM. There will be sackcloth and ashes and wailing and gnashing of teeth. Chris Matthews will blame racism before committing suicide on air.

I think you are dead on accurate!@ There is a HUGE groundswell coming tomorrow.. :)
Hello nutters. Why........does........Mitt.........Romney..........have ......a......chance......to......win......

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