Picking Up Right Where Obama Left Off.....


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
...discipline policies based on race.

"Washington State schools will begin disciplining students based on RACE

Just when you think it canā€™t get any more absurd, leftists find a way to prove you wrong.

In Washington State, thanks to a law passed by Democrats last year, a school district just approved a new policy where teachers and school officials must consider a studentā€™s race when doling out discipline.

Which means that white students will likely be disciplined more severely than non-white students.

...new ā€œculturally responsiveā€ student discipline policy. It means student discipline would not be consistent based on conduct. Instead, a school considers a studentā€™s race and background. It would likely offer harsher punishments to white students, even if the conduct is identical to that of a black or Hispanic student.

The disparate treatment is championed in the name of inclusion. But itā€™s not just a Clover Park School District controversy.

The culturally responsive policy impacts every Washington school district after Democrats passed a law institutionalizing critical race theory in student discipline."
Not a new concept. The Soetoro Administration warned school districts around the country that if their "numbers didn't work out" - that is, if POC's were disciplined more often than "whites," they could risk losing Federal funds. But of course, even Soetoro knew that Blacks are more disruptive, violent, and attitudinal than "whites," so...draw your own conclusions.

This is yet another reason why the categorization of humans by "race" or "ethnicity" is itself evil. It should be illegal to classify students in this way, illegal to keep statistics on race, to identify anyone in that manner. Only then can fairness begin to come back.
Not a new concept. The Soetoro Administration warned school districts around the country that if their "numbers didn't work out" - that is, if POC's were disciplined more often than "whites," they could risk losing Federal funds. But of course, even Soetoro knew that Blacks are more disruptive, violent, and attitudinal than "whites," so...draw your own conclusions.

This is yet another reason why the categorization of humans by "race" or "ethnicity" is itself evil. It should be illegal to classify students in this way, illegal to keep statistics on race, to identify anyone in that manner. Only then can fairness begin to come back.

Exactly so.

They forced a thug in Parkland Florida to be given numerous passes, because his name sounded Hispanic, and the result was 17 innocents killed.

The results were exactly what any normal person would have anticipated: crime, unpunished, multiplied.

"Cruz assaulted students, cursed out teachers, kicked in classroom doors, started fist fights, threw chairs, threatened to kill other students, mutilated small animals, pulled a rifle on his mother, drank gasoline and cut himself, among other "red flags."

Threatening to kill someone is a felony. In addition to locking Cruz away for a while, having a felony record would have prevented him from purchasing a gun.

Cruz was never arrested. He wasn't referred to law enforcement. He wasn't even expelled."

The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline

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