Photo of Leann Tweeden (Al Franken's accuser) grabbing a man's butt goes viral

A new photo is sparking a debate of whether sexual assault goes one way (male-female) or both:

Did he object to being grabbed?

If I grab a woman's tits and she doesn't object, was my action appropriate?

Depends on the context. If you're in bed with her, probably fine. If you're in church and she's the reverend's daughter, probably not.

If she's asleep and has not made it clear it's okay for you to do that while she's sleeping, no.
Big deal. Frankin did the honorable thing and apologized as soon as he was aware of the need to apologize. Whatever she might have done doesn't change that.

Really! Dumb Al did the Honorable thing? A picture surfaces of him molesting a sleeping woman, so he apologizes. How in your liberal whacked out mind is that honorable? He got caught and apologized, BFD. Trump apologized for his grabbing pussy comment. Why wasn’t that honorable?

He apologized for the pussy grabbing remark recorded on the bus. He never apologized for pussy grabbing.

None was ever proven, so there’s that.

He admitted to doing it.

You mean he did the honorable thing by apologizing and admitting his mistake, right?
A new photo is sparking a debate of whether sexual assault goes one way (male-female) or both:

Did he object to being grabbed?

Why does that matter? She didn’t know while she was doing it .

If he enjoyed it it's not harassment.

Yeah, I’m sure that he was happy to have his ass grabbed in the middle of performing song !

The point is that if you are calling people out, you better be clean .

So where is his complaint?
Little homos such as yourself may be adverse to having a hot Woman touch your ass but the rest of us real Men will continue to enjoy those encounters and strike em up as wins.
A new photo is sparking a debate of whether sexual assault goes one way (male-female) or both:

Did he object to being grabbed?

Flip floppery at its finest.

So you're actually going to say it's sexual harassment if he enjoyed it?
I dont know about you but if some hot chick grabbed my butt I'd be just fine with it.
That's not how it works. You need permission to touch someone like this, not an after the fact reaction to affirm it. If she asked in advance and he said it's fine, I guess this is a non-issue.

Thats exactly how it works.
Are you going to complain if someone does something to you that you enjoy?
Big deal. Frankin did the honorable thing and apologized as soon as he was aware of the need to apologize. Whatever she might have done doesn't change that.

Really! Dumb Al did the Honorable thing? A picture surfaces of him molesting a sleeping woman, so he apologizes. How in your liberal whacked out mind is that honorable? He got caught and apologized, BFD. Trump apologized for his grabbing pussy comment. Why wasn’t that honorable?

He apologized for the pussy grabbing remark recorded on the bus. He never apologized for pussy grabbing.

None was ever proven, so there’s that.

He admitted to doing it.

You mean he did the honorable thing by apologizing and admitting his mistake, right?

The only mistake he admitted as saying it. He didn't admit doing it, and certainly didn't apologize to any of the women.
A new photo is sparking a debate of whether sexual assault goes one way (male-female) or both:

I think there is an issue here of comedians fooling around rather than sexual harassment. They both need to apologize and make clear what the limits are. I'm not sure she has a strong case if she is doing this.

How does that, weaken her case?
I'm not trying to weaken anyone's case. They are comedians and did the things they're accused of in public, in front of cameras. They were clearly goofing off. Just trying to be reasonable.

That isn't in public, and she didn't consent to it, moron. There is no get-out-of-jail-free card especially for comedians.
A new photo is sparking a debate of whether sexual assault goes one way (male-female) or both:

I think there is an issue here of comedians fooling around rather than sexual harassment. They both need to apologize and make clear what the limits are. I'm not sure she has a strong case if she is doing this.

How does that, weaken her case?
I'm not trying to weaken anyone's case. They are comedians and did the things they're accused of in public, in front of cameras. They were clearly goofing off. Just trying to be reasonable.

One is on stage. THe other was while the woman was asleep, not working.

Your words are not accurate.
He was posing for the camera. He was clearly goofing off, not doing something behind closed doors, not trying to hide what he was doing.

That doesn't make a bit of difference. She didn't consent to it. Furthermore, he was obviously trying to humiliate her. That makes it even worse.

Some people think rape is "goofing off." Just members of ISIS.

Here's a clue for you and all the other idiots: if she isn't in on the joke, then she's a victim of sexual assault.
Really! Dumb Al did the Honorable thing? A picture surfaces of him molesting a sleeping woman, so he apologizes. How in your liberal whacked out mind is that honorable? He got caught and apologized, BFD. Trump apologized for his grabbing pussy comment. Why wasn’t that honorable?

He apologized for the pussy grabbing remark recorded on the bus. He never apologized for pussy grabbing.

None was ever proven, so there’s that.

He admitted to doing it.

You mean he did the honorable thing by apologizing and admitting his mistake, right?

The only mistake he admitted as saying it. He didn't admit doing it, and certainly didn't apologize to any of the women.

Because saying it was the prank. Locker room talk. With Franken we have a photo. One pictures worth a thousand words. Remember?
He apologized for the pussy grabbing remark recorded on the bus. He never apologized for pussy grabbing.

None was ever proven, so there’s that.

He admitted to doing it.

You mean he did the honorable thing by apologizing and admitting his mistake, right?

The only mistake he admitted as saying it. He didn't admit doing it, and certainly didn't apologize to any of the women.

Because saying it was the prank. Locker room talk. With Franken we have a photo. One pictures worth a thousand words. Remember?

He wasn't "just saying it" when a dozen women claim he actually did it, and countless girls say he walked in on them at pageants.
None was ever proven, so there’s that.

He admitted to doing it.

You mean he did the honorable thing by apologizing and admitting his mistake, right?

The only mistake he admitted as saying it. He didn't admit doing it, and certainly didn't apologize to any of the women.

Because saying it was the prank. Locker room talk. With Franken we have a photo. One pictures worth a thousand words. Remember?

He wasn't "just saying it" when a dozen women claim he actually did it, and countless girls say he walked in on them at pageants.

Nice deflection Dog. "claims"

Got links to the photo's?

I can get you one to Frankens
Big deal. Frankin did the honorable thing and apologized as soon as he was aware of the need to apologize. Whatever she might have done doesn't change that.

11 years later he apologized.

The honorable thing for him to have done was not grab her boobs at all.
Lame photo. But seriously, if she really did grab a man's butt any real man wouldn't care. What Al Franken did was reprehensible. That's just how it is and how it always will be. It's the difference between the sexes.
Lame photo. But seriously, if she really did grab a man's butt any real man wouldn't care. What Al Franken did was reprehensible. That's just how it is and how it always will be. It's the difference between the sexes.

Who is anyone to tell anyone else what they should or should not care about?

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