PG&E...If Anti-Business California Wont Have Ya’ Come to the South


May 23, 2014
PG&E please invest in the pro-business Dixieland. Will will take your revenue, jobs, and tax base. California Governor Gavin Newsome can go to the beach and pound sand up his ass (if he can avoid the human shit and used hypodermic needles) and sign away more Californian’s right to illegals crossing the border. Come South PG&E...we like $$$ down har!
PG&E will be shutting off for major wind events, like the one that took down their wires , and sparked a major conflagration

Yes you read that right

The courts blamed them for a weather related event, and this is their response

and 'free market' folks wish to back that up here???

PG&E will be shutting off for major wind events, like the one that took down their wires , and sparked a major conflagration

Yes you read that right

The courts blamed them for a weather related event, and this is their response

and 'free market' folks wish to back that up here???

Workers of the world Unite!
PG&E is bankrupt. It can't give anyone anything. Gads our politicians are truly, truly idiots.

People depending on electrical equipment to keep them alive are dying in these blackouts. Not everyone can afford to run out and buy a generator.

Instead of demanding that PG&E give out credits let the company clear away the dead brush around those power lines. Tell the insane environmentalists to shove a cactus up their asses. Clean it up.
PG&E is bankrupt. It can't give anyone anything. Gads our politicians are truly, truly idiots.

People depending on electrical equipment to keep them alive are dying in these blackouts. Not everyone can afford to run out and buy a generator.

Instead of demanding that PG&E give out credits let the company clear away the dead brush around those power lines. Tell the insane environmentalists to shove a cactus up their asses. Clean it up.
Typical. Democratic Socialism always plays they victim card so egotistical wannabe Presidents like Newsome can exploit peoples suffering. Corporate America pays more taxes thus pays for free lunch programs in schools, public housing and food stamps for bums, free medical care for bums, city parks for bums (gangs will fight over them) and all the other free shit that the worthless non-contributor portions of our society sponge from.
PG&E please invest in the pro-business Dixieland. Will will take your revenue, jobs, and tax base. California Governor Gavin Newsome can go to the beach and pound sand up his ass (if he can avoid the human shit and used hypodermic needles) and sign away more Californian’s right to illegals crossing the border. Come South PG&E...we like $$$ down har!

PG&E went bankrupt because of their own liability after they caused the Paradise Fire a year ago, ya dumb fuckin' schlemiel.

Fer fuxsake, you must think "context" is some kind of electric shock.
PG&E will be shutting off for major wind events, like the one that took down their wires , and sparked a major conflagration

Yes you read that right

The courts blamed them for a weather related event, and this is their response

and 'free market' folks wish to back that up here???

Workers of the world Unite!

A union gawd you tell 'em Bush!

PG&E will be shutting off for major wind events, like the one that took down their wires , and sparked a major conflagration

Yes you read that right

The courts blamed them for a weather related event, and this is their response

and 'free market' folks wish to back that up here???

Workers of the world Unite!

A union gawd you tell 'em Bush!

I was a Union steward for the USWA. Trumpka is a piece of shit. You want to try to educate me on labor law? I have met and talked to Obama 5 times. I will never vote Democrat again. Union leadership is corrupt.
PG&E please invest in the pro-business Dixieland. Will will take your revenue, jobs, and tax base. California Governor Gavin Newsome can go to the beach and pound sand up his ass (if he can avoid the human shit and used hypodermic needles) and sign away more Californian’s right to illegals crossing the border. Come South PG&E...we like $$$ down har!

PG&E went bankrupt because of their own liability after they caused the Paradise Fire a year ago, ya dumb fuckin' schlemiel.

Fer fuxsake, you must think "context" is some kind of electric shock.
Their bankruptcy helps how? How much $$$ did they pump into the economy for years? How much $$$ did they pump into education for years? You people are blinded by your “social justice warrior” bullshit.
To try and blame PG E for the massive fires is like blaming God for your small penis Sparky.

Power lines can only handle so much stress, and thousands of miles of lines are going to have issues from time to time. To sue the power companies into oblivion for forest fires is the POLICY OF IDIOCY.

I could care less if they turn the grid off.............They are doing it so they don't get sued again by Brain Dead Liberals.

Buy the utility California...........and do what you do business away from the state you have ruined.
I remember the black outs there. I was building a gas turbine power plant in Mohave Arizona...........

Why did the plants to get electricity into California get built in other might ask......Because no businesses wanted to invest money in California with their Wacked regulations and taxes.

California don't need PG E.................Build your Solar dreams there.........and live in the Dark.
To try and blame PG E for the massive fires is like blaming God for your small penis Sparky.

and i pray so hard too.....


Power lines can only handle so much stress, and thousands of miles of lines are going to have issues from time to time. To sue the power companies into oblivion for forest fires is the POLICY OF IDIOCY.

They've publicly announced shutdowns for the same weather related events they were sued for

I'd image sales in generators soar!

PG&E please invest in the pro-business Dixieland. Will will take your revenue, jobs, and tax base. California Governor Gavin Newsome can go to the beach and pound sand up his ass (if he can avoid the human shit and used hypodermic needles) and sign away more Californian’s right to illegals crossing the border. Come South PG&E...we like $$$ down har!

PG&E went bankrupt because of their own liability after they caused the Paradise Fire a year ago, ya dumb fuckin' schlemiel.

Fer fuxsake, you must think "context" is some kind of electric shock.
Their bankruptcy helps how? How much $$$ did they pump into the economy for years? How much $$$ did they pump into education for years? You people are blinded by your “social justice warrior” bullshit.

There ain't no "social justice warrior" even INVOLVED here, whatever that is, dickhead. I just told you the reason PG&E got into the trouble it's in is because of its own liability, nothing to do with fucking "anti-business California" as you TRIED to float in this turd bowl of a thread you fucking dishonest HACK.

What kind of hallucinogens are you snorting that enable you to think anybody buys your bullshit?

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