Petulant Pillow Man

It's not something you can fix?
I myself certainly can't, I don't know squat about coding. And everytime I make an attempt to manipulate those embeds to try to only post the parts I want? I fail miserably, because I haven't a clue what all that code is.

I seriously doubt there is a way to make it work though. . .

Hell, I just like the admin to make blog embeds work on this site, I have wanted that for a decade, doubt that would ever happen.
Dominion pillow.png
Pillow Man is quite perturbed.
Pillow Man is quite disturbed.
Pillow Man, by law, will be curbed.

Unfortunately, since USMB for some reason posts the previous tweet in addition to the main tweet, each tweet has the previous tweet embedded also.

If I didn't do that, clicking the non-main tweet would take you to Twitter and away from USMB. I want everyone to be able to watch these videos within USMB, never leaving the site. I wish USMB would fix this. But they haven't, and have shown no interest in doing so.

I love the way he's talking to that asshole.

You need to change tactics....because showing us people who are pissed about being fucked over by the Biden Adm will only hurt your cause.
But on the other hand... that probably proves the My Pillows are not lumpy..... you don't really get that with the synthetic filling
You consider that persecution? 🤷‍♂️
I guess I would have to hear and review the evidence. . . like I said, I don't really have a lot of faith in electoral politics at this point, especially given what went on with the shenanigans of the Empire in Ukraine in 2014, and what is going on in Africa right now. . .

You got every right to bleev what you want, go right on ahead . . .


. . . and I have every right to use Occum's Razor. . .

But yeah, looking at this entire thread, they seem to be totally wasting this guy's time, entirely based on shit he said, when the Empire itself, admitted it had a plan to corrupt an election. Everyone even saw, with those twitter files, that they did that. Stahp being so disingenuous already. . .

IMO? Where there is smoke, more than likely, there is probably fire. . .

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