Peter Ridd case: JCU appeals for their right to threaten and scare staff and ignore potential fraud


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2018
An University that behaves like an immature cavewoman has been exposed for their free speech violations and their new restrictive policy, thus ensuring their reputation remain tarnished.

They are a truly STUPID bunch.

Jo Nova

Peter Ridd case: JCU appeals for their right to threaten and scare staff and ignore potential fraud
May 26th, 2020


Today and tomorrow are the Appeal Days for James Cook University. They sacked Professor Peter Ridd for daring to say that some of our reef expert institutions “could not be trusted” then wasted $600,000 in court defending their work only to lose on every single count. James Cook Uni was ordered to pay $1.2m to Peter Ridd. Judge Vasta was scathing. Yet JCU barrelled on to waste more taxpayer money on an appeal.

Think about how pointless this JCU appeal is — even if they were to win the legal war, they lose the scientific, academic and educational one — they prove that they are not the kind of institute taxpayers should be funding.

Peter Ridd was JCU’s best asset until they sacked him. He helped expose manipulated photos of reef fish by a JCU researcher, Oona Lönnstedt, who had already been caught fabricating data in Sweden, and yet JCU “investigated” and sacked Ridd faster than it investigated her suspicious lionfish shots. Other JCU researchers claimed that “acidification” would make reef fish act strangely. But, Peter Ridd warned a lot of research could not be replicated, and so it was with the odd fish. In January a new paper tried to repeat eight JCU experiments and every one of them failed. Reef fish will be fine, but JCU’s reputation may never recover.

JCU management have learnt nothing. Since losing the case JCU has changed its employment contracts, not to give their academics the unequivocal right to speak freely, but to make sure they can’t. Enough is enough — all universities need to guarantee free speech in employment contracts or no more government funds.



This is the same university where Cook and Lewandowsky works at, it is unsurprising that it is devolving into the Keystone Cops quality for Universities.
Peter Ridd did well. The judge did well. Nice to see your court systems work well at times.
Reef fish DO act strangely ... I've seen the evidence.


But, I'm pretty sure it's a different kind of acidification.

Sunscreen washing off humans into the reef ecosystem is part of what's collapsing them ... the American Cancer Society is recommending we kill off all the coral to protect us from sagging skin ...

Average ocean pH is increasing from 7.6 to 7.4 or somesuch ... apparently pH at any particular spot on the ocean surface can vary from 5.5 to 8.5 depending on season and location; if I remember correctly, this was in the western Pacific where pH has this extreme range, your results may differ ...

Carbonic acid is weak, we can find it's supersaturated form in a bottle of beer ... drink up m8s, S'Tommy's paying this round ...
the American Cancer Society is recommending we kill off all the coral to protect us from sagging skin ..

I have to agree with them. Screw coral. There is nothing nicer than smooth, human skin.

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