Perry's meeting with cancer patient was AFTER exe. order--not before as he stated.


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
In his third GOP presidential debate Gov. Rick Perry had a way of fumbling and tripping over words. But it was a familiar issue, and perhaps the most articulate answer he delivered at Thursday evening’s Fox News/Google debate, that was perhaps most misleading.

Perry was asked to readdress his controversial 2007 executive order requiring middle school girls to receive the HPV vaccine, in light of criticisms lodged by opponent Michele Bachmann and others, who linked Perry’s decision to his financial ties with Merck, the vaccine’s only manufacturer at the time.

Those ties include nearly $30,000 in campaign donations and a former Perry chief of staff who served as a lobbyist to the company, as the Texas Independent previously reported.

Perry’s answer was that he’d been “lobbied” by a woman suffering from cervical cancer as a result of HPV. But as he took political cover behind Burcham, who died months after they met, Perry wrongly suggested his controversial executive order came after she “lobbied” him. In fact, Perry did not meet her until after he had already issued the order, as ABC News reports, in an unsuccessful attempt to keep the Texas Legislature from shooting down his order.

“I got lobbied on this issue. I got lobbied by a 31-year-old young lady who had stage 4 cervical cancer. I spent a lot of time with her. She came by my office. She talked to me about this program,” said Perry. “I readily admitted we should have had an opt-in but I don’t know what part of opt out most parents don’t get and the fact is I erred on the side of life. I will always err on the side of life as a governor as a president of the United States.”

But by the time he met Burcham, Perry had already made up his mind. The two first greeted one another while she was lobbying the Texas Legislature to endorse the HPV vaccine order; they became friends after that. During Burchman’s 2007 memorial service, Perry called the Legislature’s decision to not pass his order a missed opportunity.

The issue has drawn ire from many Republicans, including GOP presidential contender Rick Santorum, for what he and others see as an attempt at government intervention into a family’s personal choice. In addition to the thousands given to Perry’s campaign by the drug manufacturer’s PAC, they have also donated even more generously to the Republican Governor’s Association, a group Perry led until he launched his presidential campaign.

Perry's meeting with cancer patient 'lobbyist' only came after his executive order | The American Independent

We witnessed Perry jumping into this campaign and leading by double-digits before even participating in a single debate. We have seen him in 3 debates since--and his poll numbers are dropping. Primary voters are starting to see sides of Perry that they do not like. His stance on Social Security--Immigration and now this over his executive order.--and what he stated during the debate last night

While during the debate he mentioned he had only one lobbyist on his executive order for all young 11 and 12 years to have this drug--to prevent some type of cervical cancer--he stated" "I only had one lobbyist--it was a 31 year old woman who was dying from cervical cancer." It turns out that he didn't meet this woman until AFTER he issued this executive order.

I think this executive order came out of the typical you scratch my back--I'll scratch yours--aka croni Capitalism. This is not good news for Rick Perry--Americans are sick and tired of politicians being lobbied by special interest groups--and politicians bending to their demands out of political--profitable reasons.
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I really am not into Perry.

As we see he is imploding right in front of our eyes. And there's no WAY I am going to vote for a politician that can be bought off by Merck--and that's exactly what happened here.

Politicians like this--are one of the reasons this country is in such a mess. It's all about them and the financing to their re-election campaigns--and take it out on 11 and 12 year old girls and dam be the side effects of this new drug.

STUPID move by RICK PERRY> and dumber that he lied about it--in front of the American public. He's toast now.
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Immigration destroyed Perry. I will NEVER vote for anyone that would screw our country like he wishes to do with this issue.

Yeah--according to that poll they took after the debate this is Perry's biggest negative--illegal immigration.

My biggest problem with him is this issue. I don't like politicians that can be bought off.
Why do you feel the need to lie?

It's not my problem that you can't read. It's in your face--Perry lied last night.

First, he didn't lie.

Second, he wasn't "bought off by Merck".

That's a bald faced lie.

If you want to support your candidate, do it with facts, not muck-racking.

I'm disappointed in you.

That's an Rdean/Lakota/Chris/Truthmatters move.
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Why do you feel the need to lie?

It's not my problem that you can't read. It's in your face--Perry lied last night.

First, he didn't lie.

Second, he wasn't "bought off by Merck".

That's a bald faced lie.

If you want to support your candidate, do it with facts, not muck-racking.

I'm disappointed in you.

If you READ the link I provided you'll note that this article is from the TEXAS independent.

Now you're going to have to PROVE that he didn't lie--and you have not addressed that as yet.
Perry's response was misleading in the extreme, but I don't think it was completely inaccurate. Politicians get lobbied on issues after they make their decisions all the time. One could say the woman "lobbied" Perry and influenced him not to reverse his decision in the face of stiff political opposition. Politifact did rate it "false", but in the text of their explanation they only referred to it as misleading.

I could well believe that Perry was lobbied by pharmaceutical representatives on this issue. There's nothing wrong with a company, eg, providing a presentation describing the benefits and side effects of their drug. I think it is a bit unfair to Perry though to presume without evidence that his decision was the result of lobbying.
It's not my problem that you can't read. It's in your face--Perry lied last night.

First, he didn't lie.

Second, he wasn't "bought off by Merck".

That's a bald faced lie.

If you want to support your candidate, do it with facts, not muck-racking.

I'm disappointed in you.

If you READ the link I provided you'll note that this article is from the TEXAS independent.

Now you're going to have to PROVE that he didn't lie--and you have not addressed that as yet.

He didn't lie.

He said he was lobbied by a woman with stage four cervical cancer...which is true.

She lobbied him during the fight with the Texas Legislature.

Could he have been more clear...yes, if he remembered it was after the executive order, he should have mentioned that.

Does that make it a

Does it really make that much difference?

Of course not.

YOU KNOW his wife is a nurse, right?

Fighting cancer is a noble cause.

I'm not going to fault him for it.

He said he was wrong in implementing this policy by executive order.

That's all I needed to hear.

The guys heart was in the right place, but he went about it the wrong way.

He was rubuked for it by the Texas Legislature, and he admitted it was a mistake.

When's the last time you heard that from a politician?
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Now it's your turn to prove your assertion that Merck "bought off" Perry.

I'll wait.

Because of course you have proof, otherwise it's a lie.
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Perry's response was misleading in the extreme, but I don't think it was completely inaccurate. Politicians get lobbied on issues after they make their decisions all the time. One could say the woman "lobbied" Perry and influenced him not to reverse his decision in the face of stiff political opposition. Politifact did rate it "false", but in the text of their explanation they only referred to it as misleading.

I could well believe that Perry was lobbied by pharmaceutical representatives on this issue. There's nothing wrong with a company, eg, providing a presentation describing the benefits and side effects of their drug. I think it is a bit unfair to Perry though to presume without evidence that his decision was the result of lobbying.

A governor that would issue an executive order for ALL 11 and 12 year old girls to get a NEW type of injection--that has side effects---some serious-- for a RARE type of cancer--is kind of hard to believe that it was just out of concern?

Especially knowing that he does have ties to lobbyists in the pharmaceutical industry.
Romney received $43,000 from health professionals and $35,000 from insurance companies.

Obviously he was "bought off" to pass Romneycare. :rolleyes:

ROMNEY, MITT | Follow The Money

LOOK--unlike YOU--I am not married to any of these candidates. You don't see me out here throwing my full support to any one of them.

I am going to VET these candidates & eventually PICK the candidate that I think can beat Barack Obama. Right now Rick Perry isn't that person. He has problems with social security--that he will get nailed to wall with--he has immigration issues--and NOW he has this issue--that I believe to be very serious. Mitt Romney never signed an executive order for Romneycare--it had to go through and be passed by the state legislature.
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I really am not into Perry.

As we see he is imploding right in front of our eyes. And there's no WAY I am going to vote for a politician that can be bought off by Merck--and that's exactly what happened here.

Politicians like this--are one of the reasons this country is in such a mess. It's all about them and the financing to their re-election campaigns--and take it out on 11 and 12 year old girls and dam be the side effects of this new drug.

STUPID move by RICK PERRY> and dumber that he lied about it--in front of the American public. He's toast now.

What is really bad is his continued stance on in-state tuition for illegal immigrants. Can you imagine having a student who lives in New Mexico wanting to go to a Texas school and being charged out of state tuition, why the illegal gets in state. Tells me he was trying to buy votes along with the rest of the Texas politicians. Then he does not want a fence. What's up with that?? At least a fence would slow them down to where we can get some boots on the ground to detain them.:cuckoo::cuckoo:
I really am not into Perry.

As we see he is imploding right in front of our eyes. And there's no WAY I am going to vote for a politician that can be bought off by Merck--and that's exactly what happened here.

Politicians like this--are one of the reasons this country is in such a mess. It's all about them and the financing to their re-election campaigns--and take it out on 11 and 12 year old girls and dam be the side effects of this new drug.

STUPID move by RICK PERRY> and dumber that he lied about it--in front of the American public. He's toast now.

What is really bad is his continued stance on in-state tuition for illegal immigrants. Can you imagine having a student who lives in New Mexico wanting to go to a Texas school and being charged out of state tuition, why the illegal gets in state. Tells me he was trying to buy votes along with the rest of the Texas politicians. Then he does not want a fence. What's up with that?? At least a fence would slow them down to where we can get some boots on the ground to detain them.:cuckoo::cuckoo:

Michelle Bachman is no friend of Rick Perry and his policies, especially the part of being bought off with campaign donations.

[ame=]Michele Bachmann Post Debate - YouTube[/ame]
Now it's your turn to prove your assertion that Merck "bought off" Perry.

I'll wait.

Because of course you have proof, otherwise it's a lie.

Look if it waddles like a duck--quacks like a duck-and looks like duck--it's probably a duck.

You name me one other governor in the history of the United States that issued an executive order for girls ages 11 to 12 to get some NEW injection--that had serious possible side effects for a RARE cancer.

Sorry I just don't buy this executive order--literally risking--a multi--million dollar class action law suit--should more than one of these girls get sick or sustain permanent damage with this injection --would simply be--because the governor was concerned about them getting a RARE type of cervical cancer. I just don't buy that. I wasn't born yesterday.
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I really am not into Perry.

According to polls after this last debate--the HONEYMOON is over for Rick Perry. His stance on social security--(sending it back to the states)--COM'ON it's the younger generation that is paying for the elderly's social security TODAY.

Then immigration--in state tuition for illegals. What about the U.S. Citizen that happens to be Hispanic that lives in Arizona and want to go to a Texas college. They wouldn't get in state tuition--they would have to pay full price. But someone that doesn't even belong in this country get's a break on tuition? What kind of "heart" is that?

Then this scandal. Perry is not electable-Barack Obama would take him apart in any debate. It's time to get a couple of new front-runners.
Perry's response was misleading in the extreme, but I don't think it was completely inaccurate. Politicians get lobbied on issues after they make their decisions all the time. One could say the woman "lobbied" Perry and influenced him not to reverse his decision in the face of stiff political opposition. Politifact did rate it "false", but in the text of their explanation they only referred to it as misleading.

I could well believe that Perry was lobbied by pharmaceutical representatives on this issue. There's nothing wrong with a company, eg, providing a presentation describing the benefits and side effects of their drug. I think it is a bit unfair to Perry though to presume without evidence that his decision was the result of lobbying.

Mike Toomey, his former chief of staff, became a lobbyist for Merck. Now, could it be a coincidence that he got his former boss to commit to giving what, 8-10 million girls shots with a drug to which Merck had a patent at the time? Sure. And the sunrise each day is a coincidence as well.

Perry's Merck link in spotlight following vaccine order - politics -

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