Perfect example of political corruption


Diamond Member
Feb 22, 2013
Now think about this for a moment.
This state Senator currently has a salary of $33,000 a year. She's been in the Oregon legislature for 25 years, and if she retired now she would receive an annual pension from Public Employees Retirement System of around $12,000 a year.
However, if she serves just 3 years on this power council with an annual salary of $142,848, her PERS pension would then be $66,000 a year!

This woman is a personal friend and ally of the governor who is appointing her to this council DESPITE the fact she has no previous experience dealing with energy or fish issues.
How disgusting can you get! Taxpayers once again get screwed.

Oregon governor taps long-time political ally as not-obvious choice for high-paid energy policy post

Gov. Kate Brown has tapped Sen. Ginny Burdick, D-Portland, to serve on the Northwest Power and Conservation Council, giving her long-time political ally a well-paid position that would also deliver a major boost to her public pension after a single three-year term

Oregon governor taps long-time political ally as not-obvious choice for high-paid energy policy post (
Now think about this for a moment.
Okay, you have revealed the crony corruption.
The solution is to eliminate the superfluous committee that does not do anything, because it is a crony appointment. The problem is the government is improperly organized. The three-part separation theory is inadequate. A more sophisticated separation system that, in this situation, provides for the proper oversight system that is needed that is not crony appointed.

You see what happens is that years ago when the committee was established it was not cronied-up. But as the years go by, and there is no urgent need for the committee - well, things change - don't they???

Think about it for a moment. Can you handle the possibility that someone else may have figured out the underlying root problem and the eventual solution? You're not going to be jealous are you???
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Now think about this for a moment.
Okay, you have revealed the crony corruption.
The solution is to eliminate the superfluous committee that does not do anything, because it is a crony appointment. The problem is the government is improperly organized. The three-part separation theory is inadequate. A more sophisticated separation system that, in this situation, provides for the proper oversight system that is needed that is not crony appointed.

You see what happens is that years ago when the committee was established it was not cronied-up. But as the years go by, and there is no urgent need for the committee - well, things change - don't they???

Think about it for a moment. Can you handle the possibility that someone else may have figured out the underlying root problem and the eventual solution? You're not going to be jealous are you???

It's an 8 member council, made up of 2 people from Oregon, Montana, Washington, and Idaho.
Seems like they could just go with the people that actually do the work, and have them report directly to their own governors, but that would save taxpayers a fair amount of money so you know it would never happen. Once these "councils" are created, they'll never go away.

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