People Within the FBI Need to Go to Prison

they do have subpoena power, but they do NOT with opened and on going official investigations, until after the investigation is complete.
They will get their chance after the on going investigation is completed.
THIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN the rules and regs and protocol.
What these congress critters are doing, breaks all rules and protocol, and is bordering on obstruction of an official investigation.

Fine, but again, what IF you're wrong?
What if the investigation is just a show?
What if it's ALL about keeping YOU distracted and polarized, while the thief picks your pocket?

And besides, it's common knowledge that The DOJ and FBI can make a guilty sinner out of Mother Theresa.
When you have that kind of power, you can find "dirt" on a 2 year old and use it to bring charges, then offer an "escape path", if you "cooperate" (for example: say what they want you to say)

AND....If you're so worried about Russian influence, how do you know for certain that the Russians aren't manipulating Mueller, Rosenstein and Sessions? The media told you Trump was a Russian agent....and you believed it. C'mon.
WOW, send the law enforcers rather than the law breakers to jail. Welcome to the new conservatism.

They are the law breakers, idiot. What a surprise that the Dims would defend a KGB style police agency. Next you'll be proposing Gulags for Republicans.
Congress with virtually no subpoena powers?
they do have subpoena power, but they do NOT with opened and on going official investigations, until after the investigation is complete.

They will get their chance after the on going investigation is completed.

THIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN the rules and regs and protocol.

What these congress critters are doing, breaks all rules and protocol, and is bordering on obstruction of an official investigation.

That's just a scam to delay getting what they deserve until the next election. There is absolutely no reason that Congress and the public isn't entitled to see the documents that started this witch hunt.
the Deep State is deep.


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The FISA court was not told that the Clinton campaign was behind Steele’s work.
This sentence right here is proof you are a cut-and-paste parrot who drinks piss and regurgitates it.

You never think for yourself, and you sure as shit didn't read the warrant application for yourself. You just copied and pasted manufactured bullshit from your propagandist's and never engaged a single brain cell.

The warrant application states quite plainly the source of the Steele dossier. For half a page.

You can't miss it. If you aren't a partisan hack rube.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions and House Speaker Paul Ryan on Thursday defended Rod Rosenstein after a handful of right-wing Republican lawmakers who zealously back President Trump moved to impeach the deputy AG.

“My deputy, Rod Rosenstein, is highly capable. I have the highest confidence in him,” Sessions said during an appearance in Boston, before essentially thumbing his nose at the 11 Republicans who launched the effort.


Republicans Accuse Rosenstein of Secretly Plotting to Uphold Constitution

—House Republicans on Thursday accused the Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein, of “secretly and nefariously” implementing a plot to uphold the United States Constitution.

In a joint press conference, Representatives Mark Meadows, of North Carolina, and Jim Jordan, of Ohio, said that they had “ample evidence” that Rosenstein was prepared to protect the Constitution “by any and all means at his disposal.”

“There is only one way to describe Rosenstein’s obsession with putting the Constitution before all other concerns,” Meadows said. “Conflict of interest.”

“It is almost as if Rod Rosenstein had taken some kind of solemn oath to defend a centuries-old document,” Jordan said. “This should make every American very, very scared.”

Though the Republicans have shelved their articles of impeachment against Rosenstein for now, they hope that their impeachment threat will send a clear message to Rosenstein that his reckless allegiance to the Constitution will no longer be tolerated.
It is also obvious if you read the application that the Steele dossier was not the only source of probable cause for the warrant.
trumptards never let facts get in the way of their permanent DERANGEMENT SYNDROME. :eusa_clap:
Imagine if, after 9/11, the president had said that the World Trade Center and Pentagon could have been attacked by “China” or “lots of other people.” Imagine if he had dismissed claims of al-Qaeda’s responsibility as a “hoax” and said that he “really” believed Osama bin Laden’s denials. Imagine if he saw the attack primarily as a political embarrassment to be minimized rather than as a national security threat to be combated. Imagine if he threatened to fire the investigators trying to find out what happened.

Imagine, moreover, if the president refused to appoint a commission to study how to safeguard America. Imagine if, as a result, we did not harden cockpit doors. If we did not create a Transportation Security Administration and a Department of Homeland Security. If we did not lower barriers between law enforcement and intelligence. If we did not pass a USA Patriot Act to enhance surveillance. And if we did not take myriad other steps to prevent another 9/11.

That’s roughly where we stand after the second-worst foreign attack on America in the past two decades. The Russian subversion of the 2016 election did not, to be sure, kill nearly 3,000 people. But its longer-term impact may be even more corrosive by undermining faith in our democracy.

The evidence of Russian meddling became “incontrovertible,” in the word of national security adviser H.R. McMaster, after special counsel Robert S. Mueller III indicted 13 Russians and three Russian organizations on Friday for taking part in this operation. “Defendants’ operations included supporting the presidential campaign of then-candidate Donald J. Trump (‘Trump Campaign’) and disparaging Hillary Clinton,” the indictment charges.

Yet in a disturbing weekend tweetstorm, President Trump attacked the FBI, Democrats, even McMaster — anyone but the Russians. He sought to minimize the impact of the Kremlin’s intrusion, tweeting: “The results of the election were not impacted. The Trump campaign did nothing wrong - no collusion!” Actually, there’s plenty of evidence of collusion, including the infamous June 2016 meeting that Trump’s son, son-in-law and campaign manager held with Russian representatives who promised to “incriminate” Hillary Clinton.

There is also considerable evidence that the Kremlin impacted the election, which was decided by fewer than 80,000 votes in three states. Trump must have thought the Russian operation was significant because he mentioned its handiwork — the release of Democratic Party documents via WikiLeaks — 137 times in the final month of the campaign. On top of that, Russian propaganda reached at least 126 million Americans via Facebook alone.

The onslaught did not end in 2016. Russian trolls have continued promoting hashtags such as #ReleaseTheMemo to sow dissension and division. Director of National Intelligence Daniel Coats just testified that Russia “views the 2018 U.S. midterm elections as a potential target for Russian influence operations.” Yet Trump has never convened a Cabinet meeting to address this threat and has resisted implementing sanctions passed by Congress.

The president’s obstructionism makes it impossible to appoint an 11/8 Commission to study this cyber-assault and to recommend responses. Various agencies, such as the FBI, are trying to combat the Russians on their own, but there is no coordinated response.

Everything you wrote was complete except for the part that every time the FBI has indicated Russians for meddling the FBI says no votes were changed, did you forget that or just simply leave that part out?

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