People who don't believe in climate change, why don't you believe in it?

What additional government, what lessened freedoms do you believe leftists are suggesting here?

The IPCC reports are riddled with unscientific opinion pieces produced by NGO's who get their funding based on the government grants that these "reports" generate. The IPCC stopped being a credible source years ago.
Are you MartyBegan? Are you operating a clone? Did he appoint you to speak for him? You can't even give an appropriate answer to the question.
Are you MartyBegan? Are you operating a clone? Did he appoint you to speak for him? You can't even give an appropriate answer to the question.

That's the best you got Abraham? You claim the IPCC is your evidence that addresses the OP, I pointed out the fact that the IPCC has been compromised and is no longer a credible source and this is the pathetic response I get? Non-sequitur and a personal attack? And you wonder why you guys have lost the argument?
What additional government, what lessened freedoms do you believe leftists are suggesting here?

The IPCC reports are riddled with unscientific opinion pieces produced by NGO's who get their funding based on the government grants that these "reports" generate. The IPCC stopped being a credible source years ago.

The NAS confirms AGW:

America s Climate Choices Final Report Climate Change at the National Academies

So does an independent study funded by skeptics:

Bombshell Koch-Funded Study Finds Global Warming Is Real On The High End And Essentially All Due To Carbon Pollution ThinkProgress
The IPCC reports are riddled with unscientific opinion pieces produced by NGO's who get their funding based on the government grants that these "reports" generate. The IPCC stopped being a credible source years ago.

If you had any science backing you up, you wouldn't have to constantly rely on such bizarro-world conspiracy theories.

That's why it's so good to be part of the reason-based community. We don't get any pressure from a political cult, commanding us to parrot deranged conspiracy nonsense.

Now, perhaps you could address the question you evaded so deftly. How have your freedoms been lessened? Be specific. Try to be more specific than "A tax policy slightly different than other tax policies was proposed, which is just like Hitler."
What additional government, what lessened freedoms do you believe leftists are suggesting here?

The IPCC reports are riddled with unscientific opinion pieces produced by NGO's who get their funding based on the government grants that these "reports" generate. The IPCC stopped being a credible source years ago.

The NAS confirms AGW:

America s Climate Choices Final Report Climate Change at the National Academies

So does an independent study funded by skeptics:

Bombshell Koch-Funded Study Finds Global Warming Is Real On The High End And Essentially All Due To Carbon Pollution ThinkProgress

No, they don't. The BEST study used the same Mann derived data that has been shown to be false. Further the statement that Muller was a sceptic who changed his mind is an outright lie. Muller has been an ardent AGW supporter for decades. In fact he is the owner of a "sustainability" company based in Berkely.

Anytime someone starts a news story with a provable lie you should be checking your wallet.
The IPCC reports are riddled with unscientific opinion pieces produced by NGO's who get their funding based on the government grants that these "reports" generate. The IPCC stopped being a credible source years ago.

If you had any science backing you up, you wouldn't have to constantly rely on such bizarro-world conspiracy theories.

That's why it's so good to be part of the reason-based community. We don't get any pressure from a political cult, commanding us to parrot deranged conspiracy nonsense.

Now, perhaps you could address the question you evaded so deftly. How have your freedoms been lessened? Be specific. Try to be more specific than "A tax policy slightly different than other tax policies was proposed, which is just like Hitler."
Now THAT is friggin funny!
It isn't a matter of belief anymore. It's a matter of admitting what is happening presently.
What additional government, what lessened freedoms do you believe leftists are suggesting here?

The IPCC reports are riddled with unscientific opinion pieces produced by NGO's who get their funding based on the government grants that these "reports" generate. The IPCC stopped being a credible source years ago.

The NAS confirms AGW:

America s Climate Choices Final Report Climate Change at the National Academies

So does an independent study funded by skeptics:

Bombshell Koch-Funded Study Finds Global Warming Is Real On The High End And Essentially All Due To Carbon Pollution ThinkProgress

No, they don't. The BEST study used the same Mann derived data that has been shown to be false. Further the statement that Muller was a sceptic who changed his mind is an outright lie. Muller has been an ardent AGW supporter for decades. In fact he is the owner of a "sustainability" company based in Berkely.

Anytime someone starts a news story with a provable lie you should be checking your wallet.

BEST used data from multiple sources:

Berkeley Earth
Is the earth getting warmer?. No, it isn't. Is it gettinbg cooler? Not by a lot. So, tell me. What IS happening?

Climate change itself is already in the process of definitively rebutting climate alarmists who think human use of fossil fuels is causing ultimately catastrophic global warming. That is because natural climate cycles have already turned from warming to cooling, global temperatures have already been declining for more than 10 years, and global temperatures will continue to decline for another two decades or more.
What additional government, what lessened freedoms do you believe leftists are suggesting here?

The IPCC reports are riddled with unscientific opinion pieces produced by NGO's who get their funding based on the government grants that these "reports" generate. The IPCC stopped being a credible source years ago.

The NAS confirms AGW:

America s Climate Choices Final Report Climate Change at the National Academies

So does an independent study funded by skeptics:

Bombshell Koch-Funded Study Finds Global Warming Is Real On The High End And Essentially All Due To Carbon Pollution ThinkProgress

No, they don't. The BEST study used the same Mann derived data that has been shown to be false. Further the statement that Muller was a sceptic who changed his mind is an outright lie. Muller has been an ardent AGW supporter for decades. In fact he is the owner of a "sustainability" company based in Berkely.

Anytime someone starts a news story with a provable lie you should be checking your wallet.

BEST used data from multiple sources:

Berkeley Earth

And all of them used data sets which were shown deficit after Berkley Earth Sciences adjusted them...
When I point out how nutty conspiracy theories are literally all the deniers conspiracy cult has now, it would probably be best for the deniers to not all stampede to confirm that point.

Is the earth getting warmer?. No, it isn't. Is it gettinbg cooler? Not by a lot. So, tell me. What IS happening?

The earth is getting a lot warmer, quickly., Only the most severely brainwashed cult fanatics still try to deny it. Only the clinically insane will say it's cooling.

Climate change itself is already in the process of definitively rebutting climate alarmists who think human use of fossil fuels is causing ultimately catastrophic global warming. That is because natural climate cycles have already turned from warming to cooling, global temperatures have already been declining for more than 10 years, and global temperatures will continue to decline for another two decades or more.

That's laughable bullshit, because all the data says so. A crank at Forbes pretending otherwise just means a crank at Forbes pretended otherwise.

The "natural cycles" theories do not explain the stratospheric cooling, the decrease it outgoing longwave, or the increase in backradiation. Therefore, all such theories are dead wrong. It really is that simple. When the facts contradict your fantasy, it means your fantasy is wrong.

In contrast, AGW theory does explain all those things. Since AGW theory is the only theory that explains all the observed data, it is the accepted theory.

Denier cultists, there is no socialist conspiracy. You're just a pack of morons babbling idiot pseudoscience.
Our President considers the problem as the most urgent one.
This is a curiosity question. I know there are plenty of individuals out there who do not believe in climate change, but I'm curious as to why you don't believe it regardless of all of the data and evidence science has provided.
So is climate change a real threat?

How much proof and evidence?
A mere drop in a bucket, considering how many billions of years old this planet is
When I point out how nutty conspiracy theories are literally all the deniers conspiracy cult has now, it would probably be best for the deniers to not all stampede to confirm that point.

Is the earth getting warmer?. No, it isn't. Is it gettinbg cooler? Not by a lot. So, tell me. What IS happening?

The earth is getting a lot warmer, quickly., Only the most severely brainwashed cult fanatics still try to deny it. Only the clinically insane will say it's cooling.

Climate change itself is already in the process of definitively rebutting climate alarmists who think human use of fossil fuels is causing ultimately catastrophic global warming. That is because natural climate cycles have already turned from warming to cooling, global temperatures have already been declining for more than 10 years, and global temperatures will continue to decline for another two decades or more.

That's laughable bullshit, because all the data says so. A crank at Forbes pretending otherwise just means a crank at Forbes pretended otherwise.

The "natural cycles" theories do not explain the stratospheric cooling, the decrease it outgoing longwave, or the increase in backradiation. Therefore, all such theories are dead wrong. It really is that simple. When the facts contradict your fantasy, it means your fantasy is wrong.

In contrast, AGW theory does explain all those things. Since AGW theory is the only theory that explains all the observed data, it is the accepted theory.

Denier cultists, there is no socialist conspiracy. You're just a pack of morons babbling idiot pseudoscience.

Why do you lie incessantly?


The earth is not warming. It has been cooling now for over 14 years.
When I point out how nutty conspiracy theories are literally all the deniers conspiracy cult has now, it would probably be best for the deniers to not all stampede to confirm that point.

Is the earth getting warmer?. No, it isn't. Is it gettinbg cooler? Not by a lot. So, tell me. What IS happening?

The earth is getting a lot warmer, quickly., Only the most severely brainwashed cult fanatics still try to deny it. Only the clinically insane will say it's cooling.

Climate change itself is already in the process of definitively rebutting climate alarmists who think human use of fossil fuels is causing ultimately catastrophic global warming. That is because natural climate cycles have already turned from warming to cooling, global temperatures have already been declining for more than 10 years, and global temperatures will continue to decline for another two decades or more.

That's laughable bullshit, because all the data says so. A crank at Forbes pretending otherwise just means a crank at Forbes pretended otherwise.

The "natural cycles" theories do not explain the stratospheric cooling, the decrease it outgoing longwave, or the increase in backradiation. Therefore, all such theories are dead wrong. It really is that simple. When the facts contradict your fantasy, it means your fantasy is wrong.

In contrast, AGW theory does explain all those things. Since AGW theory is the only theory that explains all the observed data, it is the accepted theory.

Denier cultists, there is no socialist conspiracy. You're just a pack of morons babbling idiot pseudoscience.

The earth is getting a lot warmer, quickly.,

LOL! Which obviously explains the switch from Global Warming to Climate Change.

Since AGW theory is the only theory that explains all the observed data, it is the accepted theory.

How does that theory explain the recent pause?
There is no pause. That's a kook denier invention. There was a slight decrease in the rate of air warming as the oceans absorbed more heat, but the overall rate of planetary warming hasn't slowed down a bit.

Does this look like a pause? If anyone sees a pause here, they're either too stupid or too crazy to be bothering the grownups.

So he's "special."

In that he's the president of the United States and a great deal more people listen to him and give him more credence than to the average Joe or Jane, yes, he's special.

That's the silly part of the carbon control solution, none of the people preaching about it are subject to those rules. Rules are for little people.

Did Obama suggest to people that they stop flying planes?

Obama suggested that we cut our carbon emissions. He didn't show how he has done so.

BTW, a modern jet liner uses approximately one-third the fuel as would it's passengers, seated two per car, in autos getting 28 mpg, covering the same distance.

I don't think you can back that up with any sort of facts, but are you suggesting that Obama's trip to the Everglades was negligible?

I think it's bad to dump gasoline in our lakes. I don't dump gasoline in our lakes while convincing everyone else to stop doing it. Importing invasive plant species is bad for our lakes. I don't import them while I convince others not to.

Excellent. But you'd have to admit that neither has anything to do with global warming.

Obama's speech would have had much more impact if he did what he says everyone else should do.

We might make more progress against global warming, if more people dealt with reality and made less use of their emotional baggage.

We'd make more progress in solving actual problems if they weren't so politicized, and we'd make way more progress in solving actual problems if those advocating in favor of solutions practiced what they preached.
With media like "The Green Agenda" it IS easy to get duped.

Hey will note that any time somebody who doesn't conform with the alarmist view of global warming posts something provide another side to the is met with complete and utter dismissal, and in most cases, much anger.

These people want the established narrative ( its a political statement, not a scientific statement ) to be perpetuated NO MATTER WHAT NEW INFORMATION about the climate emerges. Just go through a few threads in this forum and its very obvious. The link "The Green Agenda" that I provided on page 6 provide a lot of insight into the level of hoax we are seeing here. Just reading the quotes is very eye opening.......very prominent climate industry folks pretty much saying, "If we have to rig the data, so be it!!":eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52::eek-52:

If every American was introduced to THIS site >> The Green Agenda the entire climate change industry would die overnight. Its just that 90% of Americans have never been exposed to this information..........because the media is 100% beyond the alarmist view of climate change..........because 90% of the media are progressives who support devastating levels of taxes on energy to reach their goal: government control of all industry and a classless society. Its in the playbook of every prominent progressive writer............using environmentalism to obtain permanent political power by progressives ( liberals )

Its all right here >>>

Saul Alinsky s Rules for Radicals

Environment an excuse to gain power over liberty Columnists BDlive
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PS ya go.....a very sobering account of going inside of a progressive activist meeting >>>

When you use public policy........via environmentalism..............subverts traditional America. These people hate freedom.

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