People pushing the trans agenda on kids are so crazy and creepy that it is hard for them to look as creepy and crazy as they are. This one does:

Seymour Flops

Diamond Member
Nov 25, 2021

Those lips remind me of Tim Curry in the opening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. She seems to be leaning into the camera as she talks, and I'd lay odds that she does the same when she is grooming the kids.
Good god, the House is holding hearings on fears and concerns over anti-LBGTQ extremism and violence?

Maybe they ought to be holding hearings on the rise of LGBTQ!

Every one of these categories and groups represents some fashion of sexual dysfunctionality, sexual disorientation, abnormality, and perversion, maybe that is the cause of the problem, that and the fact that you are treating the natural concerns for behavior that just a few years ago throughout the history of our country was regarded as a social and mental disorder now as if it was just like a choice of dress for the day.

Suddenly, we no longer can define what a woman is, regard gender as an arbitrary selection at birth which is fluid, men living as women, men playing in lady's sports, males using girl's lockers, showers and restrooms like it were nothing, men marrying men, and now cross dressers dancing lewdly in front of children enticing them at school functions.

If someone really wants to live this way that is their choice, but this has gotten ridiculous.

Maybe that is what people are upset about. That you've shoved all this crap down our throats and are now holding hearings concerned that people are actually offended by it.
America (maybe the world) seems to need a REAL crisis to worry about.
Maybe an approaching extinction level event asteroid?

I swear mankind has become so obsessed with meaningless trivia and material pursuits (if not plain stupidity) that they have forgotten the value of life itself.
America (maybe the world) seems to need a REAL crisis to worry about. Maybe an approaching extinction level event asteroid?
I swear mankind has become so obsessed with meaningless trivia and material pursuits (if not plain stupidity) that they have forgotten the value of life itself.

I was watching a movie about life 100 years ago, pioneers, settlers, the hardships people endured just to get through a day and meet their most basic needs to live, and I realized that most of the people today, especially the young people, never would make it; they simply couldn't survive without technology to guide them, do the work for them.

Those lips remind me of Tim Curry in the opening of The Rocky Horror Picture Show. She seems to be leaning into the camera as she talks, and I'd lay odds that she does the same when she is grooming the kids.


I'll bet a lot of Americans would like to kiss that mouth...................

with a 2x4.

The deflection is criminal.

He/she/it reminds me of every leftist I've ever known.


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