People Must Be Held Accountable for Their Crimes - Otherwise, We Will Not Stop Them.

Alexandre Fedorovski

Gold Member
Dec 9, 2017

ON 8/13/21 AT 7:00 AM EDT

At Last, Delayed Justice for Andrew Cuomo | Opinion​

Ican't tell you how many people told me it would never happen.

Lawmakers, friends and reporters in the media said he was Teflon. One anchor of a local news program told me in confidence that in Albany, they called him "The Terminator."

Nothing could destroy him. I was told to watch my back. This man was notoriously vindictive and would stop at nothing to punish those who dared to go against him.

Despite the warnings, I never gave up believing that if I somehow kept reminding people of the tragedy that transpired across New York nursing homes last spring, taking the lives of over 15,000 seniors including my husband's parents, maybe it would start to sink in.

But it ended up not being the elderly, who unknowingly risked their lives due to the Teflon governor's brazenness. It ended up being the brave women who came forward about his harassment, most of which was sexual in nature. One former employee accused him of outright assault.

Regardless of what the ultimate reason for his downfall was, the downfall stems from the power that this man has been abusing for over a decade.

Whether we're talking about him ordering over 9,000 COVID-positive patients into nursing homes, covering up the total death toll that followed in order to hawk a $5 million book, how he doled out state-funded COVID tests to his buddies at a time when long-term care facilities weren't allowed to use them or his awful treatment of women, it all comes back to power for Andrew Cuomo.

Finally, Attorney General Letitia James released her report last Tuesday about Cuomo's pervasive predatory and perverted behavior, and the countdown clock began. Impeachment proceedings finally began to move after months of stonewalling in Albany.

Members of Cuomo's staff were resigning, jumping off the sinking ship like rats. His coffers that raised millions of dollars for his re-election campaign were closing up.

A week later, the leader of New York had an announcement to make. The man who said he was a fighter until the end was giving up the fight. Mr. "New York Tough" couldn't, at the end of the day, stand the heat.

But let's be honest, he didn't have much of a choice. He had nowhere to hide, and no real friends to lean on.

It's hard not to look back on the enormous mountain we began climbing last year when we set out to hold the governor responsible for the tragic nursing home deaths of our elderly loved ones.

We had everything stacked against us. At the time, our governor was arguably one of the most powerful politicians in American history. He was being hailed as a possible future president and was celebrated by the media and celebrities alike.

For some, that might've made them stop trying. For me, it persuaded me to speak louder and keep going.

And here we are. A year and a half later.

After his New York Times-bestselling book about leadership he most likely wrote with state resources during a pandemic and his Emmy Award-winning performance, Andrew Cuomo is stepping aside. It is justice long overdue.

But resignation is not accountability, and there are still many investigations that must be completed in due time. It is Cuomo's actions, after all, that led to the deaths of thousands of our greatest generation.

I don't care where he goes, or what he does after this. But I do care about all those who never had a chance to tell their stories or to testify in a court of law. And our loved ones who unknowingly risked their lives to a virus that set fire to their homes—who ultimately died alone.

They deserve justice, and for that, I will continue to shine a spotlight on something that deserves our attention—instead of on the man who wanted the spotlight all for himself.

Janice Dean is the senior meteorologist at FOX News.


Dear Janice,

I REMEMBER that meeting at the Metropolitan Republican Party Club when you told that sad story of what happened to your loved ones, less loved ones and the 15,000 other unfortunates who were sent to their deaths by this scumbag.

I remember your pain, and it was transmitted to me. Yes, many did not believe that retribution would come to this man.

I remember that you were warned that if you spoke out against this criminal, you would have to "walk and look over your shoulder. I also remember that you said it wouldn't stop you anyway.

Your pain and your belief that Cuomo must answer for the deaths caused has been passed on to others. And everyone did their own thing along the way, sometimes, by the way, really "looking back"...

YOU DID IT! We DID IT. But he has yet to answer for his crimes. His "accomplice", Brother, must also be held accountable for his "propaganda cover-up" of these crimes.

Alexandre Fedorovski, Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy


That Governor (at the time) Cuomo should be in jail for his crimes and his brother - for the propagandistic cover-up of his brother's crimes, I wrote here a year ago.

You erased my comment without any explanation. And I didn't write then about his sexual harassment of female co-workers.

I wrote about the 15,000 elderly people Cuomo sent to their deaths in nursing homes!

This is what happens when blind partisan loyalties dominate the debate.

It was AMORAL. But I DO NOT even expect an apology from you - an apology should be made to the relatives of those fifteen thousand unfortunates that Cuomo sent to their deaths

Source: At last, delayed justice for Andrew Cuomo | Opinion
Fox news personalities talking about someone else's hostile workplace is funny.

Cuomo should have resigned months ago. I hope James puts him in jail for retaliation.
Fox news personalities talking about someone else's hostile workplace is funny.

Cuomo should have resigned months ago. I hope James puts him in jail for retaliation.
You know, I have even stopped wondering about the level of the moral decline of my American contemporaries.

I write about fifteen thousand people killed by Cuomo, and you write about FoxNews.

Let that remain on your conscience if your party still remembers WHAT that is.
You know, I have even stopped wondering about the level of the moral decline of my American contemporaries.

I write about fifteen thousand people killed by Cuomo, and you write about FoxNews.

Let that remain on your conscience if your party still remembers WHAT that is.
You know, I've stopped wondering about your intellect when you said you were a doctor of philosophy or whatever it was....and you're posting on an obscure message board.

Let that remain on your conscience...if you still have one.

PS: I mentioned Cuomo. You quoting Fox News and their (giggle) outrage at a sexual predator is hilarious given that they employed sexual predators themselves. You did know that, didn't you?
You know, I have even stopped wondering about the level of the moral decline of my American contemporaries.

I write about fifteen thousand people killed by Cuomo, and you write about FoxNews.

Let that remain on your conscience if your party still remembers WHAT that is.
Go back to the virus at it's peak. Whilst not defending Cuomo, it's pure idiocy he killed any people wilfully. That's blatantly untrue. If you are referring to the oldies replaced nursing homes etc, it was the right decision rather than to take them somewhere else and infect others.
As trump and his boffins implied, they were going to the anyway.
Go back to the virus at it's peak. Whilst not defending Cuomo, it's pure idiocy he killed any people wilfully. That's blatantly untrue. If you are referring to the oldies replaced nursing homes etc, it was the right decision rather than to take them somewhere else and infect others.
As trump and his boffins implied, they were going to the anyway.
you go back to its peak....there was a hospital ship for those patients, that this ass wipe sent are 1 very stupid, buffoon (see how that's spelled)....the shit you type is blatently a LIE, DENIAL, and to kmart and find a functional brain--good luck
We need to put a stop to the system is racist, the cops are racist, defund the police, where Everytime a criminal resists arrest or fights and get shot that everyone protests the cops, blacks are at a disadvantage, and other nonsense that blames everyone but the individual.

What we should be preaching is "don't commit crimes" it's that simple. Don't want to get arrested then don't commit crimes, don't want to get your ass kicked then don't run from the cops, don't want to get shot then don't pull weapons or fight.

I know I posted this many times but this right here should be mandatory viewing for all people, especially blacks. Yeah it's comedy but it's also very very relevant and true.

Go back to the virus at it's peak. Whilst not defending Cuomo, it's pure idiocy he killed any people wilfully. That's blatantly untrue. If you are referring to the oldies replaced nursing homes etc, it was the right decision rather than to take them somewhere else and infect others.
As trump and his boffins implied, they were going to the anyway.
Yes, there was a terrible "peak" - even those who died in car accidents were recorded as having died of the Coronavirus.

Well, the degree of guilt of this misanthrope will be decided by the court and the people whose loved ones he killed.
We need to put a stop to the system is racist, the cops are racist, defund the police, where Everytime a criminal resists arrest or fights and get shot that everyone protests the cops, blacks are at a disadvantage, and other nonsense that blames everyone but the individual.

What we should be preaching is "don't commit crimes" it's that simple. Don't want to get arrested then don't commit crimes, don't want to get your ass kicked then don't run from the cops, don't want to get shot then don't pull weapons or fight.

I know I posted this many times but this right here should be mandatory viewing for all people, especially blacks. Yeah it's comedy but it's also very very relevant and true.

You are absolutely right
candycorn is a reminder that there was at least one who actually voted for Sleepy Joe. :laugh:
Yes, there was a terrible "peak" - even those who died in car accidents were recorded as having died of the Coronavirus.

Well, the degree of guilt of this misanthrope will be decided by the court and the people whose loved ones he killed.
First of all you say people who died in car accidents were recorded as died of covid. You are a a liar. You have no evidence of that. The implication it was recorded as such is your perverted way of suggesting the system was being milked. They are human lives you idiot. Why would respectful people lie about it or have to lie about it. Yoire a nut job.

His upcoming court appearance has nothing to do with his actions as governor. You're problem as a brain dead Republican looking to blame dems for everything and know nothing about it.
Yoire looking for revenge.

He killed no one through the pandemic. The decisions he made regarding putting the infected patients back from where they came, in fact saved lives.
Why would anyone put them in another uninfected facility to infect everybody in there? That makes no sense similar to everything you've said dickhead.
Those patients were likely to die anyway regard less of where they were placed so why risk others.

So have a think with your head, not your arse, next time. You know nothing but hatred for dems. As ignorant as a stump.

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