Pension managers are investing less and less in Canadian companies — and that’s a problem, market watchers say


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Canadas own pension manager are aware that Canadas police state isn't a winning recipe for economic or social success.

Canadian pension plans control trillions of dollars in contributions from workers, retirees and employers across the country, but in recent years, far less of that money has gone to investments in homegrown companies than in the past.

Peter Letko and Daniel Brosseau, co-founders of the Montreal-based independent investment firm Letko Brosseau, which managed about $27 billion in assets as of 2019, argue elected officials and policymakers should be paying attention to this trend, one they say has been caused by “benign neglect.”


In 2000, investments in Canadian publicly traded stocks represented 28 per cent of total assets held by the country’s defined benefit pension plans (which promise members a set payout on retirement), according to data from the Pension Investment Association of Canada.

By the end of 2021, Canadian stocks made up less than 4 per cent of total assets held by the country’s defined benefit plans. (PIAC didn’t publish that specific figure in 2019 or 2020; in 2018 it was 4.3 per cent.)
I wouldn't give Trudeau's Canada a dime until gutless Canadians rise up and reclaim their human liberty from the fascists.

Maybe we can send Hillary there to get even with them!
I wouldn't give Trudeau's Canada a dime until gutless Canadians rise up and reclaim their human liberty from the fascists.

Maybe we can send Hillary there to get even with them!

It's a coast to coast problem and has been for decades. Now all the taxpayers realize that their healthcare is collapsing while local police are making more than CEOs

A Police State since our inception assures failures in the global free market.

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