Pelosi Stalls Stimulus To Keep Economy Floundering


Diamond Member
Oct 20, 2013
One good thing about the conservative TV network Newsmax, is its quite quickly moving crawler, that supplies a lot of interesting and important information at a glance. One of those today was "Stimulus impasse risks dragging to September, threatening economy"

Think about it. Who does that benefit ? Obviously, it benefits Democrats, who are benefitting by the economy going bad, due to the lockdowns of the coronavirus. With stimulus money stimulating spending in US stores (aka "the economy"), that would get the economy back on its feet, and have Trump looking good again in time for the November election.

That's the last thing Pelosi and Democrats want to happen. It's been coined as the "ludicrous list" - the list of demands put forth by Pelosi, before a stimulus bill would be sent from the House of Representitives. The list appears to be just another deliberate roadblock (like last springs' demand for stimulus checks for illegal aliens) to keep the economy bad, to hurt Trump's chances for re-election.

Maybe Americans facing eviction can tell all this to their landlords. Americans facing car repossessions can explain it to their lienholders.
Pelosi and House Dems passed a second major stimulus package in May. The GOP controlled Senate has been tardy and delusional. The foundering economy is the result of the blob and Senate Republicans.
Exact opposite of the truth. Stimulus delay benefits Democrats. The obvious reason for the ludicrous list. Democrats will pay in November for this.

Mnuchin has said let enact what we already agree on (including the stimulus check$$$), and deal with the rest afterwards. Pelosi is refusing do that. There is no excuse for that.
Pelosi and House Dems passed a second major stimulus package in May. The GOP controlled Senate has been tardy and delusional. The foundering economy is the result of the blob and Senate Republicans.
Exact opposite of the truth. Stimulus delay benefits Democrats. The obvious reason for the ludicrous list. Democrats will pay in November for this.

Mnuchin has said let enact what we already agree on (including the stimulus check$$$), and deal with the rest afterwards. Pelosi is refusing do that. There is no excuse for that.

Meanwhile back in reality; the GOP controlled senate has passed nothing so there is no sign of agreement from the Republicans. You're woefully mis-informed and dishonest.
One good thing about the conservative TV network Newsmax, is its quite quickly moving crawler, that supplies a lot of interesting and important information at a glance. One of those today was "Stimulus impasse risks dragging to September, threatening economy"

Think about it. Who does that benefit ? Obviously, it benefits Democrats, who are benefitting by the economy going bad, due to the lockdowns of the coronavirus. With stimulus money stimulating spending in US stores (aka "the economy"), that would get the economy back on its feet, and have Trump looking good again in time for the November election.

That's the last thing Pelosi and Democrats want to happen. It's been coined as the "ludicrous list" - the list of demands put forth by Pelosi, before a stimulus bill would be sent from the House of Representitives. The list appears to be just another deliberate roadblock (like last springs' demand for stimulus checks for illegal aliens) to keep the economy bad, to hurt Trump's chances for re-election.

Maybe Americans facing eviction can tell all this to their landlords. Americans facing car repossessions can explain it to their lienholders.
Look at these pathetic, bitchass republicans complaining that Democrats won't let socialism happen fast enough
Meanwhile back in reality; the GOP controlled senate has passed nothing so there is no sign of agreement from the Republicans. You're woefully mis-informed and dishonest.
Meanwhile back in reality, I already posted the "sign of agreement from the Republicans"

Once again >> Mnuchin has said let enact what we already agree on (including the stimulus check$$$), and deal with the rest afterwards. Pelosi is refusing do that. There is no excuse for that.

Some people have to be told twice.
Look at these pathetic, bitchass republicans complaining that Democrats won't let socialism happen fast enough
Stimulus aid in emergencies isn't socialism. Save your childish name calling for when you have something valid.
You've gotten trillions of dollars in stimulus aid, already. But you want more, more, and more. Because you are a socialist.
Meanwhile back in reality; the GOP controlled senate has passed nothing so there is no sign of agreement from the Republicans. You're woefully mis-informed and dishonest.
Meanwhile back in reality, I already posted the "sign of agreement from the Republicans"

Once again >> Mnuchin has said let enact what we already agree on (including the stimulus check$$$), and deal with the rest afterwards. Pelosi is refusing do that. There is no excuse for that.

Some people have to be told twice.

Sign? Thanks for the laugh. When the Senate does it's job--you know to pass bills--then you may have a point. Until then, you've got nothing.
, and more. Because you are a socialist.
:right: I see no need in refuting you twice, for the same :lame2: notion. :biggrin: :puhleeze:
Well I wouldn't expect any of you socialist Trumpers to be able to refute anything :dunno:

Socialist Trumpers?

Democrats are the ones who want to give everyone everything for FREE! Illegals included!

Democrats want a universal salary, paid to everyone on a monthly Healthcare, free college, free housing, you know, SOCIALIST IDEALS......Republicans are AGAINST all that.
Sign? Thanks for the laugh. When the Senate does it's job--you know to pass bills--then you may have a point. Until then, you've got nothing.
FALSE! The negotiating is between 4 people - Mark Meadows, Mnuchin, Pelosi, and Schumer. Mnuchin said let's send out the checks now, and wrangle out the other stuff later. Pelosi won't do that. She is holding it up on purpose, the purpose being to keep the economy bad, and reduce Trump's chances for re-election.

All this happens first, before the Senate can get involved. Horse comes before cart.

Third time I had to correct you. Strike 3.
Sign? Thanks for the laugh. When the Senate does it's job--you know to pass bills--then you may have a point. Until then, you've got nothing.
FALSE! The negotiating is between 4 people - Mark Meadows, Mnuchin, Pelosi, and Schumer. Mnuchin said let's send out the checks now, and wrangle out the other stuff later. Pelosi won't do that. She is holding it up on purpose, the purpose being to keep the economy bad, and reduce Trump's chances for re-election.

All this happens first, before the Senate can get involved. Horse comes before cart.

Third time I had to correct you. Strike 3.
Thanks for the laugh. When the Senate does it's job--you know to pass bills--then you may have a point. Until then, you've got nothing.
, and more. Because you are a socialist.
:right: I see no need in refuting you twice, for the same :lame2: notion. :biggrin: :puhleeze:
Well I wouldn't expect any of you socialist Trumpers to be able to refute anything :dunno:

Socialist Trumpers?

Democrats are the ones who want to give everyone everything for FREE! Illegals included!

Democrats want a universal salary, paid to everyone on a monthly Healthcare, free college, free housing, you know, SOCIALIST IDEALS......Republicans are AGAINST all that.

And somehow, Trump has run up $5T in deficits in less than 4 years.
Thanks for the laugh. When the Senate does it's job--you know to pass bills--then you may have a point. Until then, you've got nothing.
FALSE! The negotiating is between 4 people - Mark Meadows, Mnuchin, Pelosi, and Schumer. Mnuchin said let's send out the checks now, and wrangle out the other stuff later. Pelosi won't do that. She is holding it up on purpose, the purpose being to keep the economy bad, and reduce Trump's chances for re-election.

All this happens first, before the Senate can get involved. Horse comes before cart.

Fourth time I had to correct you. Strike 4.
And somehow, Trump has run up $5T in deficits in less than 4 years.
If that number is correct, it's partly by response to Democrat collusion with China, to send the coronavirus to the US, to screw up Trump's good economy. - in which case it would be the Democrats who are running up that deficit, and running it up more and more with every day that Nancy Pelosi stalls, and keeps blocking a stimulus to go forth which could improve the economy.
, and more. Because you are a socialist.
:right: I see no need in refuting you twice, for the same :lame2: notion. :biggrin: :puhleeze:
Well I wouldn't expect any of you socialist Trumpers to be able to refute anything :dunno:

Socialist Trumpers?

Democrats are the ones who want to give everyone everything for FREE! Illegals included!

Democrats want a universal salary, paid to everyone on a monthly Healthcare, free college, free housing, you know, SOCIALIST IDEALS......Republicans are AGAINST all that.

And somehow, Trump has run up $5T in deficits in less than 4 years.

And, Obama went to work in short order, with his pen and phone and, tripled the deficit in less than a year.

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