Pelosi reelected

This is such great news.

What better way of showing all of America what a pure dysfunctional train wreck the Democrat Party is, than to keep that sputtering harpy out front as the face of the caucus?

I propose we create a new aide to Minority Leader Pelosi, in charge of feeding and training the flying monkeys, too.

Their disarray will continue...
I think Charles Rangel should be elected Minority Leader. He better represents the true fabric of the Party.

Actually, he reflects the basic fabric of most federally elected officials. Sadly, but I don't believe any of them actually represent we the people. I honestly do not believe that the vast majority of liberal Democrats see things the way Nancy Pelosi or Charles Rangel see things nor do the vast majority of conservatives see things... um, I'm trying to think of a true conservative in Congress... can anyone help me with that?

The new members are not seated, how exactly did they hold an election?

Thanks for bringing that up. I wondered the same thing. I was wondering if maybe it was an interim election until the new house was seated? Maybe someone actually had the gonads to call for an election to ouster her after her abject failure on 11/02?

she just said she is going to keep fighting for the middle class.....

what income bracket is that these days?
I wonder how that newly created 'Third Spot' gig will pan out in the hiearchy of the minority in the house?


(Image EIB)
Anyone know specifically what the wingnut plans for the next two years are?

They needed a little time to slap something together for the summit but have they indicated what they'll hit the ground running with in January?

I don't think they have anything.
Selecting Pelosi is contemporary proof of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and The Madness of Crowds.

Just frelling stating the obvious.

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