Pelosi, Clyburn issue join statement turning the tables on Biden urging eviction ban extension, as AOC spars with the White House on the same issue


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Joe Biden doesn't care about poor people

From what I understand a ton of money has been sent to the states and very little of it has been.
You all know that this eviction ban just lets people live free while the landlords have to pay the mortgage? Sure when it ends the renters have to pay back rent, but they won't be able to, because the government shut everything down, so the property owner will also default, and then the property goes back to the big banks.

Funny how every government policy benefits the big guys. People are just too stupid to support a democracy or a representative republic. I have no answer. Just feel fortunate that I am able to do well.
You all know that this eviction ban just lets people live free while the landlords have to pay the mortgage? Sure when it ends the renters have to pay back rent, but they won't be able to, because the government shut everything down, so the property owner will also default, and then the property goes back to the big banks.

Funny how every government policy benefits the big guys. People are just too stupid to support a democracy or a representative republic. I have no answer. Just feel fortunate that I am able to do well.
The idea is to destroy the housing rental industry so that the government can assign housing.
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Mother Jones reports on Dem chaos, infighting:

Evictions are coming. Democrats "failed to meet this moment," says Democrats.⁠

The federal eviction moratorium ended this past weekend, and housing rights advocates and tenants around the country worry that anywhere between hundreds of thousands and millions of people will be thrown onto the streets in the coming days and weeks. Congressional Democrats on Friday night attempted to pass an extension of the moratorium.⁠

Not only couldn’t they get any Republicans to sign on, but they couldn’t even persuade enough of their own members to hammer out a deal done before adjourning for a six-week summer recess.⁠

“Some Democrats, privately, have tried to kill this bill because of special interests of realtors and other groups,” Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) told MSNBC late Friday. “It’s unconscionable that we don’t have a vote on the House floor, that we’re protecting some members to kill this behind closed doors, and that we aren’t being transparent. It’s just wrong.”⁠

Khanna said that top Democrats, in fealty to those special interests, didn’t allow a full vote on a bill put forward by Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) that would have extended the moratorium through October 18. The path House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other leaders chose Friday was through a procedure known as “unanimous consent.”⁠

This allowed for any one vote to block the measure—which a Republican member did—but also meant that Democrats who did not support the moratorium extension would be spared from saying so publicly. Prior to the television interview, Khanna tweeted that Pelosi wasn’t planning on a full vote “because some Democrats are opposed to it.” Those Democrats, he said “should have the guts to say so publicly instead of behind closed doors.”⁠

Rep. Sara Jacobs (D-Calif.) similarly blasted Democrats who blocked action. “It’s unacceptable that millions of Americans will be at risk of eviction because a handful of members refused to do the right thing and extend this moratorium,” she tweeted late Friday.⁠
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"The Missouri Democrat’s surprising win after an impromptu vigil on the East Front — which has been broadcast on national television and drawn high-profile figures such as Jesse Jackson and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer — illustrates the burgeoning influence held by the freshman progressive and other members of the so-called Squad both inside and outside the Capitol. Once dismissed as liberal firebrands with large Twitter followings but little impact inside Congress, the Squad has added members and continued knocking off high-profile incumbents, forcing senior Democrats to listen.

“This is why this happened. Being unapologetic. Being unafraid to stand up,” Bush told reporters as Biden made his announcement Tuesday after she'd spent several days sleeping, mostly sitting up, on the building's steps.

“You did this,” a jubilant Schumer told Bush and her group of allied Democrats after jogging across the Capitol plaza as the news broke. He bear-hugged Bush and Ocasio-Cortez, who hasn't ruled out a primary challenge to him next year, declaring: “You guys are fabulous.”

"Fifty-seven members of the Congressional Black Caucus all support extending the moratorium,” she told attendees of the vigil.

Rep. Barbara Lee, a former chair of the CBC and the Congressional Progressive Caucus, went so far as to praise Bush for stirring “the conscience of the nation” in a victory call late Tuesday for the latter group.
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being evicted takes a toll on you, physically and mentally. it's violence. and i wouldn't wish it on anyone
I notice none of these politicians are calling for a property tax moratorium so land owners not getting rent aren’t hit as hard. Hell no, they’ll let renters squat forever but they want the taxes off of that property on time or else. Fail to pay that and you’ll be evicted without hesitation.

"The numbers are staggering: estimates of how many renters could end up on the street range from 4.2 million and more than 6 million, to as many as 11 million adults and 15 million people in total when the whole household is counted."

"According to NBC and Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA), the only reason House Democrats embarked on a voice vote for unanimous consent, thereby letting Republicans derail the measure with minimal effort, is because Pelosi “didn’t want to expose some of her caucus members to the wrath of the base” and put their votes against an eviction moratorium on the record."

"This is Democratic leadership in an era of unprecedented crises: a group of millionaires with total control of government, playing hot potato with whose responsibility it is to lead, all before taking a luxurious seven-week paid vacation. These are the adults in the room about whom the public is told over and over again that, yes, they may be corrupt and vastly more conservative than their own voters, but the trade-off is they’re the competent, experienced veterans who can Get Things Done."
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"Being homeless is a choice" - Ronald Reagan

"if you abolish HUD tomorrow morning, you'll have a better country" - Newt Gingrich

President Reagan slashed HUD by 80 percent in the 80s, before one Andrew Cuomo reformed the agency in the 90s
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I don't even see how this can be constitutional, perhaps even with congress passing a law, unless it is somehow based upon the executives emergency/natl defense powers
Bob Dole called folks who work at HUD "landlords of misery"

the death of affordable America, where most folks have SPECTACULAR homes
"We need to abolish regulations that are preventing businesses from building low-cost housing" - Elder


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