Pelosi Calls For Gun Registration


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Pelosi Calls For Gun Registration,
Opposes D.C. Gun Reform Legislation

Friday, April 10, 2009

In February, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) rightly rejected Attorney General Eric Holder's call for renewing the so-called "assault weapons" ban, which expired in 2004 after Congress refused to renew it.

However, on Tuesday, on ABC's "Good Morning America," Pelosi said, "we [members of Congress] have to find some level of compromise" on guns. She noted that the Supreme Court, in District of Columbia v. Heller, ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to guns. But, she said, "We want them registered."

Pelosi also used the word "draconian" to describe legislation before Congress to reform D.C.'s gun laws. Apparently referring to the provision of that legislation that would permit residents of D.C. to buy handguns in Maryland and Virginia, Pelosi added, "we don't want them crossing state lines."

Pelosi's objection to exempting D.C. residents from the Gun Control Act's ban on sales of handguns (even by dealers) between residents of different states is misplaced, not only because there is only one handgun dealer in the District, but because the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) has rendered the interstate sales ban pointless and unnecessary. A D.C. resident buying a handgun will be subject to the same instant background check, regardless of where the sale occurs.

Pelosi objected to the fact that disagreement over the D.C. gun legislation is preventing a vote on legislation to give the District a voting member in the House. To say the least, we regret that the Speaker of the House believes it more important to give the D.C. Delegate a vote on the House floor than to protect D.C.'s law-abiding residents' right to defend themselves from criminals.

Meanwhile, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the Senate sponsor of the now-expired federal "assault weapons" ban, said on a CBS "60 Minutes" program to be aired on Sunday that she is only temporarily holding off on introducing legislation to reinstate the ban. "I'll pick the time and place. No question about it," Feinstein said.

Copyright 2009, National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legislative Action.
This may be reproduced. It may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.
11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 800-392-8683
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From the Washington Times Editorial Page:​

'We want them registered'

Democrats are going after guns

(last three paragraphs)...​

Because registration doesn't help solve crime, it is important to ask why government wants to register the people's firearms. History provides the answer. In countries from Australia to England, registration has been used to create lists of guns that later were confiscated by their governments. Despite Mrs. Pelosi's assurances to the contrary, Americans' fear that registration will lead to confiscation is well-founded. Indeed, Mrs. Pelosi's own state of California already has used existing registration lists to confiscate so-called assault weapons just a half-dozen years ago.

The speaker claims registration won't lead to gun confiscation because of the Supreme Court decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which struck down the District's handgun ban last June. She knows full well that this judgment was based on a narrow 5-4 decision that could be reversed when President Obama gets his opportunity to appoint an additional liberal justice to the court.

A Gallup poll released Wednesday shows that support for gun control is "at an all-time low" since the issue started being surveyed nearly 50 years ago. According to Gallup, just 29 percent favor handgun bans. Now that Democrats are in control of the legislative and executive branches of government, even the will of the people won't keep them from going after the guns of law-abiding Americans.

Link to Washington Times Editorial: EDITORIAL: 'We want them registered' - Washington Times
This probably belongs in the "Congress" section.

If a Mod gets a chance to move it I would appreciate it.

Thanks. :thup:
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Registration is a joke. Makes for a hell of a black market though.
We already have something like that in Arkansas. In order to carry a pistol, you have to get a concealed carry license which costs almost $300. For that, you get fingerprinted and extensive background checks are performed. If you get pulled over by a cop for whatever reason, they have their gun ready and order you to get out of the car with your hands so they can see them because they know you might have a gun. You also get your name posted on the internet by Libtards like this guy:

Concealed carry permit holders in Arkansas Assaulted by Arkansas Times Editor - Topix

Carrying a gun appears to make you a very dangerous person.
We already have something like that in Arkansas. In order to carry a pistol, you have to get a concealed carry license which costs almost $300. For that, you get fingerprinted and extensive background checks are performed. If you get pulled over by a cop for whatever reason, they have their gun ready and order you to get out of the car with your hands so they can see them because they know you might have a gun. You also get your name posted on the internet by Libtards like this guy:

Concealed carry permit holders in Arkansas Assaulted by Arkansas Times Editor - Topix

Carrying a gun appears to make you a very dangerous person.

Oddly enough, I was treated very nicely and with common sense by the Arkansas Highway Patrol, about having my pistol with me.

I tow a small camper with me when I tour. It is an enclosed cargo trailer that I customized. It looks like a tool trailer or something from the outside. I only tow it at about 60 - 62 MPH and coming back from KC I was on the interstate heading towrds Little Rock. There were three AHP cars in the median. A few miles later I saw one flying up in my rear view, I thought "shit....he's after somebody". He fell in behind me. I gues driving under the limit is suspicious to some, even if you're hauling a trailer. He stayed back there long enough to run my trailer tags, then pulled up far enough to get my van tags and fell in behind again. Then the other two caught up and pulled in front. They all hit the lights and I pulled over. One came to the window and I gave over my license and registration. He commented "you don't have any deer to shoot in Carolina?" I was confused for a second but realised I was wearing my camo pants. Without thinking I said "Oh no, I'm not hunting here, I'm a musician....." Shit. Never tell them that.

They asked if I had gear in the trailer. I told them no, it was a camper. They asked to have a look. I said "sure". When you open the camper door, the first thing on the right, behind a shower curtain, is a toilet and shower. He looks behind the curtain, turnd and says "you got hot water in there?" "Oh yeah" I say. He calls to one of the other Patrolmen to come take a look. The second guy looks in and sees the shower. "You got hot water?" he ask. "Oh yeah" I say. "Gas on demand." He turns to the other cop and says "this is nicer than the lodge." They were hunters and were pretty interested in my little incognito camper. As one of them stepped inside, I thought about the pistol in there. I told him there was a weapon in there. The one outside stepped between me and the door. The one inside asked where it was so I told him. He asked if it was loaded. I told him it was. He took it to his car.

Next they wanted to check the van. It was full of speakers, PA and guitars. Turns out that the third cop was a picker and he got the honor of checking out all my guitars.

Two of them leave and the first one calls me to his car. He ask again if the weapon is loaded. I tell it is. He takes it out and tries to make it safe. The magazine on that particular pistol is a bitch. You have to pinch it just right to get it out. He struggle for a time with it. I tried to tell him how to do it. He couldn't. He asked me if I could make it safe without discharging it in his car. I told him I could. He actually handed me the loaded weapon in his car. I dropped the magazine and checked the chamber and handed it back to him. He checked the chamber himself. The he asked if I had a permit. I told him "no". He asked me what I was doing in Arkansas with a gun and no permit. I explianed that I slept in that camper in all kinds of places and kept the pistrol for defense. I told him that there was no mandatroy gun registry in NC and that I figured that, coupled with the 2nd ammendment agve me the right to protect myself. He nodded his head and said he would ask me to do him a favor. He asked me to keep the weapon locked in the trailer and the ammo up front with me until I was parked. I told him I would. he gave me my pistol and wished me a nice day.
Pelosi Calls For Gun Registration,
Opposes D.C. Gun Reform Legislation

Friday, April 10, 2009

In February, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) rightly rejected Attorney General Eric Holder's call for renewing the so-called "assault weapons" ban, which expired in 2004 after Congress refused to renew it.

However, on Tuesday, on ABC's "Good Morning America," Pelosi said, "we [members of Congress] have to find some level of compromise" on guns. She noted that the Supreme Court, in District of Columbia v. Heller, ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to guns. But, she said, "We want them registered."

Pelosi also used the word "draconian" to describe legislation before Congress to reform D.C.'s gun laws. Apparently referring to the provision of that legislation that would permit residents of D.C. to buy handguns in Maryland and Virginia, Pelosi added, "we don't want them crossing state lines."

Pelosi's objection to exempting D.C. residents from the Gun Control Act's ban on sales of handguns (even by dealers) between residents of different states is misplaced, not only because there is only one handgun dealer in the District, but because the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) has rendered the interstate sales ban pointless and unnecessary. A D.C. resident buying a handgun will be subject to the same instant background check, regardless of where the sale occurs.

Pelosi objected to the fact that disagreement over the D.C. gun legislation is preventing a vote on legislation to give the District a voting member in the House. To say the least, we regret that the Speaker of the House believes it more important to give the D.C. Delegate a vote on the House floor than to protect D.C.'s law-abiding residents' right to defend themselves from criminals.

Meanwhile, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the Senate sponsor of the now-expired federal "assault weapons" ban, said on a CBS "60 Minutes" program to be aired on Sunday that she is only temporarily holding off on introducing legislation to reinstate the ban. "I'll pick the time and place. No question about it," Feinstein said.

Copyright 2009, National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legislative Action.
This may be reproduced. It may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.
11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 800-392-8683
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From the Washington Times Editorial Page:​

'We want them registered'

Democrats are going after guns

(last three paragraphs)...​

Because registration doesn't help solve crime, it is important to ask why government wants to register the people's firearms. History provides the answer. In countries from Australia to England, registration has been used to create lists of guns that later were confiscated by their governments. Despite Mrs. Pelosi's assurances to the contrary, Americans' fear that registration will lead to confiscation is well-founded. Indeed, Mrs. Pelosi's own state of California already has used existing registration lists to confiscate so-called assault weapons just a half-dozen years ago.

The speaker claims registration won't lead to gun confiscation because of the Supreme Court decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which struck down the District's handgun ban last June. She knows full well that this judgment was based on a narrow 5-4 decision that could be reversed when President Obama gets his opportunity to appoint an additional liberal justice to the court.

A Gallup poll released Wednesday shows that support for gun control is "at an all-time low" since the issue started being surveyed nearly 50 years ago. According to Gallup, just 29 percent favor handgun bans. Now that Democrats are in control of the legislative and executive branches of government, even the will of the people won't keep them from going after the guns of law-abiding Americans.

Link to Washington Times Editorial: EDITORIAL: 'We want them registered' - Washington Times

I'm not sure what else anyone would expect from an idiot like Pelosi.

Democrats in power are killing me. The gun shops are packed and they can't keep bullets on the shelf long enough for me to get any. I wonder when Dems are going to figure out that not are they the best thing that ever happened to Rush, but they're the best thing that ever happened to gun and ammunition manufacturers and retailers.:lol:
Pelosi Calls For Gun Registration,
Opposes D.C. Gun Reform Legislation

Friday, April 10, 2009

In February, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) rightly rejected Attorney General Eric Holder's call for renewing the so-called "assault weapons" ban, which expired in 2004 after Congress refused to renew it.

However, on Tuesday, on ABC's "Good Morning America," Pelosi said, "we [members of Congress] have to find some level of compromise" on guns. She noted that the Supreme Court, in District of Columbia v. Heller, ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to guns. But, she said, "We want them registered."

Pelosi also used the word "draconian" to describe legislation before Congress to reform D.C.'s gun laws. Apparently referring to the provision of that legislation that would permit residents of D.C. to buy handguns in Maryland and Virginia, Pelosi added, "we don't want them crossing state lines."

Pelosi's objection to exempting D.C. residents from the Gun Control Act's ban on sales of handguns (even by dealers) between residents of different states is misplaced, not only because there is only one handgun dealer in the District, but because the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) has rendered the interstate sales ban pointless and unnecessary. A D.C. resident buying a handgun will be subject to the same instant background check, regardless of where the sale occurs.

Pelosi objected to the fact that disagreement over the D.C. gun legislation is preventing a vote on legislation to give the District a voting member in the House. To say the least, we regret that the Speaker of the House believes it more important to give the D.C. Delegate a vote on the House floor than to protect D.C.'s law-abiding residents' right to defend themselves from criminals.

Meanwhile, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the Senate sponsor of the now-expired federal "assault weapons" ban, said on a CBS "60 Minutes" program to be aired on Sunday that she is only temporarily holding off on introducing legislation to reinstate the ban. "I'll pick the time and place. No question about it," Feinstein said.

Copyright 2009, National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legislative Action.
This may be reproduced. It may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.
11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 800-392-8683
Contact Us | Privacy & Security Policy


From the Washington Times Editorial Page:​

'We want them registered'

Democrats are going after guns

(last three paragraphs)...​

Because registration doesn't help solve crime, it is important to ask why government wants to register the people's firearms. History provides the answer. In countries from Australia to England, registration has been used to create lists of guns that later were confiscated by their governments. Despite Mrs. Pelosi's assurances to the contrary, Americans' fear that registration will lead to confiscation is well-founded. Indeed, Mrs. Pelosi's own state of California already has used existing registration lists to confiscate so-called assault weapons just a half-dozen years ago.

The speaker claims registration won't lead to gun confiscation because of the Supreme Court decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which struck down the District's handgun ban last June. She knows full well that this judgment was based on a narrow 5-4 decision that could be reversed when President Obama gets his opportunity to appoint an additional liberal justice to the court.

A Gallup poll released Wednesday shows that support for gun control is "at an all-time low" since the issue started being surveyed nearly 50 years ago. According to Gallup, just 29 percent favor handgun bans. Now that Democrats are in control of the legislative and executive branches of government, even the will of the people won't keep them from going after the guns of law-abiding Americans.

Link to Washington Times Editorial: EDITORIAL: 'We want them registered' - Washington Times

Pelosi Calls For Gun Registration,
Opposes D.C. Gun Reform Legislation

Friday, April 10, 2009

In February, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) rightly rejected Attorney General Eric Holder's call for renewing the so-called "assault weapons" ban, which expired in 2004 after Congress refused to renew it.

However, on Tuesday, on ABC's "Good Morning America," Pelosi said, "we [members of Congress] have to find some level of compromise" on guns. She noted that the Supreme Court, in District of Columbia v. Heller, ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to guns. But, she said, "We want them registered."

Pelosi also used the word "draconian" to describe legislation before Congress to reform D.C.'s gun laws. Apparently referring to the provision of that legislation that would permit residents of D.C. to buy handguns in Maryland and Virginia, Pelosi added, "we don't want them crossing state lines."

Pelosi's objection to exempting D.C. residents from the Gun Control Act's ban on sales of handguns (even by dealers) between residents of different states is misplaced, not only because there is only one handgun dealer in the District, but because the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) has rendered the interstate sales ban pointless and unnecessary. A D.C. resident buying a handgun will be subject to the same instant background check, regardless of where the sale occurs.

Pelosi objected to the fact that disagreement over the D.C. gun legislation is preventing a vote on legislation to give the District a voting member in the House. To say the least, we regret that the Speaker of the House believes it more important to give the D.C. Delegate a vote on the House floor than to protect D.C.'s law-abiding residents' right to defend themselves from criminals.

Meanwhile, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the Senate sponsor of the now-expired federal "assault weapons" ban, said on a CBS "60 Minutes" program to be aired on Sunday that she is only temporarily holding off on introducing legislation to reinstate the ban. "I'll pick the time and place. No question about it," Feinstein said.

Copyright 2009, National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legislative Action.
This may be reproduced. It may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.
11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 800-392-8683
Contact Us | Privacy & Security Policy


From the Washington Times Editorial Page:​

'We want them registered'

Democrats are going after guns

(last three paragraphs)...​

Because registration doesn't help solve crime, it is important to ask why government wants to register the people's firearms. History provides the answer. In countries from Australia to England, registration has been used to create lists of guns that later were confiscated by their governments. Despite Mrs. Pelosi's assurances to the contrary, Americans' fear that registration will lead to confiscation is well-founded. Indeed, Mrs. Pelosi's own state of California already has used existing registration lists to confiscate so-called assault weapons just a half-dozen years ago.

The speaker claims registration won't lead to gun confiscation because of the Supreme Court decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which struck down the District's handgun ban last June. She knows full well that this judgment was based on a narrow 5-4 decision that could be reversed when President Obama gets his opportunity to appoint an additional liberal justice to the court.

A Gallup poll released Wednesday shows that support for gun control is "at an all-time low" since the issue started being surveyed nearly 50 years ago. According to Gallup, just 29 percent favor handgun bans. Now that Democrats are in control of the legislative and executive branches of government, even the will of the people won't keep them from going after the guns of law-abiding Americans.

Link to Washington Times Editorial: EDITORIAL: 'We want them registered' - Washington Times


Yeah, no reason to question whether or not YOU should possess a firearm.:eusa_whistle:
I don't understand why it's a bad thing to make people register guns. Guns are not being banned. You can still own them. They are just making it harder for people with criminal records and mental imbalances to get their hands on one. Or am I mistaken?
I don't understand why it's a bad thing to make people register guns. Guns are not being banned. You can still own them. They are just making it harder for people with criminal records and mental imbalances to get their hands on one. Or am I mistaken?

So many things to say about this... Here's a cut-and-paste article that sums it up nicely:

National Gun Registration: The Road to Tyranny

As any student of history knows, gun control figures prominently in the designs of totalitarian states. These features recur:

o Centralization of the police force with a vast network of surveillance and informants to spy on citizens;

o National identification cards for all citizens;

o Civilian disarmament via gun registration, and licensing, followed by banning and confiscation of firearms.

Once this mechanism of oppression is firmly in place, persecution and elimination of political opponents follow, and every social, political, and economic policy the Total State desires can be implemented. This has happened in National Socialist states like Nazi Germany, fascist states like Italy under Mussolini, and communist powers such as the former Soviet Union (and its satellites behind the Iron Curtain) and Red China.

It is therefore astonishing and disturbing that Americans have been assailed in the last several years by dangerous political proposals that threaten the individual liberties our Founding Fathers bequeathed to us.

Pelosi Calls For Gun Registration,
Opposes D.C. Gun Reform Legislation

Friday, April 10, 2009

In February, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) rightly rejected Attorney General Eric Holder's call for renewing the so-called "assault weapons" ban, which expired in 2004 after Congress refused to renew it.

However, on Tuesday, on ABC's "Good Morning America," Pelosi said, "we [members of Congress] have to find some level of compromise" on guns. She noted that the Supreme Court, in District of Columbia v. Heller, ruled that the Second Amendment protects an individual right to guns. But, she said, "We want them registered."

Pelosi also used the word "draconian" to describe legislation before Congress to reform D.C.'s gun laws. Apparently referring to the provision of that legislation that would permit residents of D.C. to buy handguns in Maryland and Virginia, Pelosi added, "we don't want them crossing state lines."

Pelosi's objection to exempting D.C. residents from the Gun Control Act's ban on sales of handguns (even by dealers) between residents of different states is misplaced, not only because there is only one handgun dealer in the District, but because the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) has rendered the interstate sales ban pointless and unnecessary. A D.C. resident buying a handgun will be subject to the same instant background check, regardless of where the sale occurs.

Pelosi objected to the fact that disagreement over the D.C. gun legislation is preventing a vote on legislation to give the District a voting member in the House. To say the least, we regret that the Speaker of the House believes it more important to give the D.C. Delegate a vote on the House floor than to protect D.C.'s law-abiding residents' right to defend themselves from criminals.

Meanwhile, Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), the Senate sponsor of the now-expired federal "assault weapons" ban, said on a CBS "60 Minutes" program to be aired on Sunday that she is only temporarily holding off on introducing legislation to reinstate the ban. "I'll pick the time and place. No question about it," Feinstein said.

Copyright 2009, National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legislative Action.
This may be reproduced. It may not be reproduced for commercial purposes.
11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 800-392-8683
Contact Us | Privacy & Security Policy


From the Washington Times Editorial Page:​

'We want them registered'

Democrats are going after guns

(last three paragraphs)...​

Because registration doesn't help solve crime, it is important to ask why government wants to register the people's firearms. History provides the answer. In countries from Australia to England, registration has been used to create lists of guns that later were confiscated by their governments. Despite Mrs. Pelosi's assurances to the contrary, Americans' fear that registration will lead to confiscation is well-founded. Indeed, Mrs. Pelosi's own state of California already has used existing registration lists to confiscate so-called assault weapons just a half-dozen years ago.

The speaker claims registration won't lead to gun confiscation because of the Supreme Court decision in District of Columbia v. Heller, which struck down the District's handgun ban last June. She knows full well that this judgment was based on a narrow 5-4 decision that could be reversed when President Obama gets his opportunity to appoint an additional liberal justice to the court.

A Gallup poll released Wednesday shows that support for gun control is "at an all-time low" since the issue started being surveyed nearly 50 years ago. According to Gallup, just 29 percent favor handgun bans. Now that Democrats are in control of the legislative and executive branches of government, even the will of the people won't keep them from going after the guns of law-abiding Americans.

Link to Washington Times Editorial: EDITORIAL: 'We want them registered' - Washington Times


Yeah, no reason to question whether or not YOU should possess a firearm.:eusa_whistle:

Nope... There is no question...

And I don't ask for permission... as it is my God-given right. I don't consider it a point of conversation or wedge issue... it's my right and I'd rather die defending it, than live without the means to exercise it and where some feel differently: FUCK THEM, my rights are not an offense against anyone who are not seeking to infringe on those rights...
Civilian disarmament via gun registration, and licensing, followed by banning and confiscation of firearms.

Sorry. Even if the government wanted to do that, it wouldn't happen. The people wouldn't allow it.

Or maybe I am giving more trust to the average American than they deserve?
Civilian disarmament via gun registration, and licensing, followed by banning and confiscation of firearms.

Sorry. Even if the government wanted to do that, it wouldn't happen. The people wouldn't allow it.

Or maybe I am giving more trust to the average American than they deserve?

Well IF everyone that lives in the US were Americans... you'd have a great point. But such is not the case.

Americans do not ask for permission to exercise their rights... they just do...
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

We are a country of laws, why these particular laws mean so much is beyond me.

Can someone tell me why there is no protest over motor vehicle laws, registration, testing, licensing, and inspections. For the simple minded shouldn't freedom means freedom in all things. Oh, forgot all those laws!

Pelosi is a mom and like your mom she tries to keep you children safe. If the NRA told you children to hide in a cave would you do so? Hold, they want you to do that now.

All you freedom lovers please exercise that freedom by crossing busy streets whenever and wherever you like. And if someone yells at you tell them the constitution grants you that freedom.

And if you really love America and its laws, you would support gun control as our law enforcement people need it so they are safe.

The Most Mysterious Right
Death by the Barrel | Harvard Magazine
GunCite-Gun Control-International Homicide and Suicide Rates

"The sun shone, having no alternative, on the nothing new." Samuel Beckett
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"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."
Wrong emphasis if you're quoting the US Bill of Rights.

Here's the appropriate emphasis:
"A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the People to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed."​
Wrong emphasis if you're quoting the US Bill of Rights.

You do realize that is subjective. And language changes, are you sure the use of people has the meaning you assign to it.
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"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

We are a country of laws, why these particular laws mean so much is beyond me.

Can someone tell me why there is no protest over motor vehicle laws, registration, testing, licensing, and inspections. For the simple minded shouldn't freedom means freedom in all things. Oh, forgot all those laws!

I must have missed the Constitutional Amendment stating the right to drive cars shall not be infringed. Perhaps you can point it out for me. :cuckoo:

And if you really love America and its laws, you would support gun control as our law enforcement people need it so they are safe.

And that would explain why so many law enforcement officers are members of the NRA. Wait a it wouldn't.

How is a firearm registration going to keep anyone safe?

Newsflash...criminals are not going to use guns registered to themselves. I know, it's hard to grasp, but it's a fact none the less.

That was a serious question BTW...not at all rhetorical...How is a firearm registration going to keep anyone safe?
I am anti-gun as you can get, but registration?? Doomed to failure. Will never work in a million years...Not even in gun-shy NZ has registration taken off. Too expensive, too unworkable..

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