Pelosi and her democlowns have gone stupid


Platinum Member
Nov 19, 2020
Pelosi wants to remove President Trump from office before his term ends either by impeachment or using the 25th amendment. I was watching Court TV and the host had 3 guests and they were discussing if President Trump could be removed by impeachment or the 25 amendment..The host played a video where a constitutional law professor from Harvard was addressing that issue. The professor state that the 25 amendment only covers been physically incapacitated. for example the president having a stroke.And he said the President is not incapacitated in that manner. As far as impeachment he said The US Supreme Court has set a very high standard as to what type of speech is not protected under the 1st amendment.The professor stated that he does not agree with the language that President Trump used in urging his supporters to march to the Capital but his speech is protected by the 1st amendment. He told his followers march to capitol building and protest peacefully. President Trump DID NOT tell his support march to Capitol building and take it by force.Under the Supreme Court's high standards it requires that kind of clear statements urging violence that is not protected under the 1st amendment. The Court TV guests argued that even though President Trump did not used language urging violence that,that is what he meant. One guest even stated that President Trump spoke to his supporters in code.For me these guests were voicing their personal opinions and as they say in the US Army opinions are like assholes everybody has one. Republican Senators must not allow the democrats to illegally remove President Trump from office.
Pelosi wants to remove President Trump from office before his term ends either by impeachment or using the 25th amendment. I was watching Court TV and the host had 3 guests and they were discussing if President Trump could be removed by impeachment or the 25 amendment..The host played a video where a constitutional law professor from Harvard was addressing that issue. The professor state that the 25 amendment only covers been physically incapacitated. for example the president having a stroke.And he said the President is not incapacitated in that manner. As far as impeachment he said The US Supreme Court has set a very high standard as to what type of speech is not protected under the 1st amendment.The professor stated that he does not agree with the language that President Trump used in urging his supporters to march to the Capital but his speech is protected by the 1st amendment. He told his followers march to capitol building and protest peacefully. President Trump DID NOT tell his support march to Capitol building and take it by force.Under the Supreme Court's high standards it requires that kind of clear statements urging violence that is not protected under the 1st amendment. The Court TV guests argued that even though President Trump did not used language urging violence that,that is what he meant. One guest even stated that President Trump spoke to his supporters in code.For me these guests were voicing their personal opinions and as they say in the US Army opinions are like assholes everybody has one. Republican Senators must not allow the democrats to illegally remove President Trump from office.
He was speaking in code?
If Trump was a real dictator Pelosi, Schumer, and McConnell would all be shot.

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Many DOJ attorneys have studied Trump's speech and all say that Trump did not say anything that is prosecutable.
This Is Unjust Strict Scrutiny applied to President Trump, his cabinet, and all of his supporters. We are an unfavorable group, because half of the America hates us, and they use huge Media outlets to express It. We have a case!
Trump should have just gotten a blow job that is not a reason to impeach.
Trump can afford more than a BJ, and it won't matter. Remember Karen McDougle? That is my kind of "Karen".
Many DOJ attorneys have studied Trump's speech and all say that Trump did not say anything that is prosecutable.
Got a link?
It's called google or duckduckgo, try using them sometime
Pelosi wants to remove President Trump from office before his term ends either by impeachment or using the 25th amendment. I was watching Court TV and the host had 3 guests and they were discussing if President Trump could be removed by impeachment or the 25 amendment..The host played a video where a constitutional law professor from Harvard was addressing that issue. The professor state that the 25 amendment only covers been physically incapacitated. for example the president having a stroke.And he said the President is not incapacitated in that manner. As far as impeachment he said The US Supreme Court has set a very high standard as to what type of speech is not protected under the 1st amendment.The professor stated that he does not agree with the language that President Trump used in urging his supporters to march to the Capital but his speech is protected by the 1st amendment. He told his followers march to capitol building and protest peacefully. President Trump DID NOT tell his support march to Capitol building and take it by force.Under the Supreme Court's high standards it requires that kind of clear statements urging violence that is not protected under the 1st amendment. The Court TV guests argued that even though President Trump did not used language urging violence that,that is what he meant. One guest even stated that President Trump spoke to his supporters in code.For me these guests were voicing their personal opinions and as they say in the US Army opinions are like assholes everybody has one. Republican Senators must not allow the democrats to illegally remove President Trump from office.

Just goes to show each one of those talking heads will take the narrative, any narrative and shape it so it says what they want it to say.

One guest even stated that President Trump spoke to his supporters in code.

For me these guests were voicing their personal opinions and as they say in the US Army opinions are like assholes everybody has one. Republican Senators must not allow the democrats to illegally remove President Trump from office.

Code?? What kid of idiot says a thing like that??

Trump told his followers to go to the Capital buildings peacefully and speak about their concerns. He certainly never told anyone to flood into the sainted Capital buildings. Those folks decided to do that all on their own. People make choices every day. This was a bad one and they will no doubt pay for it.
Clearly it's not "stupid." They control the fucking Federal Government. It is evil.

The Left has decreed that not only are you "wrong" if you disagree with them; it is a crime to disagree or even question the Narratives. Congresspeople who even suggest holding hearings to look into the shenanigans that went on during the last election are called "Traitors." And the entire Left goes along with it.

What needs to happen is a strategy must be devised to punish these bastards, both government and corporate. Not VIOLENTLY, but EFFECTIVELY. Make them suffer. Force them to get real jobs and work for a living.

Since then they have not just "dropped the bar" of stupid, but propelled it through the core of the earth, made an exit hole that caused the Tsunami in 2005 but continued to propel the bar into orbit on the other side of the planet.

It passed the orbit of the moon when Trump was elected, past Mars when the Mueller hoax was exposed, into the asteroid belt after the failed impeachment and it's now headed to Jupiter now that the election fraud has been exposed. By the time Biden is finally committed to a mental hospital, the Bar Of Stupid will be on course to exit the entire gravitational pull of the Sun entirely and we will have to create a whole new bar of stupidity so low that feral primates will come out of the wilderness and begin taking over new lands. Dolphins will begin exiting the oceans and taking over coastal areas. The bed wetting weakest links will encourage this and humanity will be extinct in 100 years.

remember my fellow cons. When we get the signal to act

"The chair is against the wall, the chair is against the wall."
The chair was against the wall when Teddy split the vote and Wilson won. It's too bad no one thought of throwing commies off trains.

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