Pebble Beach aims to keep harmful golf balls out of ocean


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

How often have you hit one into the briny? When even the best of the pros do it, one can easily estimate how many the duffers send into the ocean.

The extent of the environmental problem was first identified three years ago by teenager Alex Weber after she came across something she had never seen before while diving in California — a white sea floor.

It was just blanketed in this mess of golf balls,” she told Reuters this week. “Seeing the vast scale of pollution from such an identifiable source made me wonder why no one was doing anything about it.”

So Weber took matters into her own hands, first by picking up the balls and then connecting with a researcher at Stanford University who suggested they collaborate on a scientific research paper.

She’s already collected 50k but estimates there are still a million in the cove.

More @ Pebble Beach aims to keep harmful golf balls out of ocean | One America News Network

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