Peaceful Protests


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
They aren't.
Nor were they designed to be, what with loads of bricks at the ready, and bats and iron rods secreted in the park across from the White House.

I saw some moron poster write how the protests were 'largely peaceful.'
Wrong......they were meant to presage the end of civilization, aided and abetted by the local branch of the international Left, the Democrat party.

If you get your, news, from the media, you're probably as dumb as they are.
"Chris Cuomo calls for police accountability: 'Too many see the protests as the problem'

During "Cuomo Prime Time" Tuesday, the CNN presenter, 49, said "too many see the protests as the problem."

"No, the problem is what forced your fellow citizens to take to the streets: persistent, and poisonous, inequities and injustice," Cuomo said. "Please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful."

This is the same imbecile who said that the first amendment doesn't cover 'hate speech.'
A law school graduate.

A total moron.

BTW....."Please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful."
Right here:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

While the body count continues rising during these "peaceful protests".

*****SAD SMILE*****

How does Trump respond to protests about Police Brutality?

Tells them to bust some heads
they should have showed up in camo with AR-15s

Wonder if trump still would have turned out the lights on the way to the basement...
The riots by the international Left, and their local subsidiary, the Democrat Party, were meant to destabilize and strike fear in society.

Every Leftist iteration involves terror and chaos......ANTIFA represents their shock troops.

Some may be surprised to learn that they originated as a communist group in Nazi Germany.

Today, they are a part of the international Left.


"Antifaschistische Aktion (German: [ˌantifaˈʃɪstɪʃə ʔakˈtsi̯oːn]), commonly known under its abbreviation Antifa (German: [ˈantifaː]), was an organisation affiliated with the Communist Party of Germany (KPD) that existed from 1932 to 1933. It was primarily active as a KPD campaign during the 1932 elections and was described by the KPD as a "red united front under the leadership of the only anti-fascist party, the KPD".[1] Under the leadership of the committed Stalinist Ernst Thälmann, the KPD viewed fascism primarily as the final stage of capitalism rather than as a specific movement or group, and therefore applied the term to all other parties. The front focused largely on attacking the KPD's main adversary, the centre-left Social Democratic Party of Germany, whom they referred to as social fascists and regarded as the "main pillar of the dictatorship of Capital."[2] "

And CNN speaks of 'peaceful protests.'
They aren't.
Nor were they designed to be, what with loads of bricks at the ready, and bats and iron rods secreted in the park across from the White House.

I saw some moron poster write how the protests were 'largely peaceful.'
Wrong......they were meant to presage the end of civilization, aided and abetted by the local branch of the international Left, the Democrat party.

If you get your, news, from the media, you're probably as dumb as they are.
"Chris Cuomo calls for police accountability: 'Too many see the protests as the problem'

During "Cuomo Prime Time" Tuesday, the CNN presenter, 49, said "too many see the protests as the problem."

"No, the problem is what forced your fellow citizens to take to the streets: persistent, and poisonous, inequities and injustice," Cuomo said. "Please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful."

This is the same imbecile who said that the first amendment doesn't cover 'hate speech.'
A law school graduate.

A total moron.

BTW....."Please, show me where it says protesters are supposed to be polite and peaceful."
Right here:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

How does Trump respond to protests about Police Brutality?

Tells them to bust some heads

Force with force. If they have already demonstrated that they will be violent, there is no talking them out of it.

And when agitators have infected peaceful protests with their antagonism, they inflict the consequences of their actions on the people who came to do nothing but peacefully protest. The tear gas, the rubber bullets... From then on you won't know if a peaceful protest could turn violent. And since that violent pattern has already been demonstrated, there is no telling them apart, and they must all be treated with the same amount of force.

Cause. Effect. Action. Consequence.

None of this force would have been necessary if pertinent action had been taken from the beginning. But Governor Walz of Minnesota and Mayor Frey set the worst example for the country by ceding the city to the rioters. Instead of extinguishing the flames, they acted instead as catalysts.

Blame the antagonists, blame the agitators, blame the absolute failure of state and local leadership for not containing the violence. Don't blame Trump. If this had been handled properly from the onset, Trump would not have been pushed this far.
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How does Trump respond to protests about Police Brutality?

Tells them to bust some heads

It was a dumb thing to say, however if he was trying to show support for the police offers forced to deal with the rioters then I would say he’s right to stand up for them. The only way to deal with rioters is aggressive policing
How does Trump respond to protests about Police Brutality?

Tells them to bust some heads

Force with force. If they have already demonstrated that they will be violent, there is no talking them out of it.

And when agitators have infected peaceful protests with their antagonism, they inflict the consequences of their actions on the people who came to do nothing but peacefully protest. The tear gas, the rubber bullets... From then on you won't know if a peaceful protest could turn violent. And since that violent pattern has already been demonstrated, there is no telling them apart, and they must all be treated with the same amount of force.

Cause. Effect. Action. Consequence.

None of this force would have been needed if the right amount of force was applied from the beginning. But Governor Walz of Minnesota and Mayor Frey set the worst example for the country by ceding the city to the rioters. Instead of extinguishing the flames, they acted instead as catalysts.

Blame the antagonists, blame the agitators, blame the absolute failure of state and local leadership for not containing the violence. Don't blame Trump. If this had been handled properly from the onset, Trump would not have been pushed this far.
Shows how clueless our President is.

Rather than see the emotional outbreak around the country and act to unite the country, Trump urges “Domination” and force against protestors. He urges the Army to come in.

Notice how Trump never said......Some of them are good people
Like he said about Nazis and KKK
How does Trump respond to protests about Police Brutality?

Tells them to bust some heads

It was a dumb thing to say, however if he was trying to show support for the police offers forced to deal with the rioters then I would say he’s right to stand up for them. The only way to deal with rioters is aggressive policing
Trump is politically clueless.

Every other politician could see this is a sincere protest that has taken hold around the nation. Yes, condemn violence and urge social distancing. But Trump is unable to have empathy for those who are truly upset.
How does Trump respond to protests about Police Brutality?

Tells them to bust some heads

Force with force. If they have already demonstrated that they will be violent, there is no talking them out of it.

And when agitators have infected peaceful protests with their antagonism, they inflict the consequences of their actions on the people who came to do nothing but peacefully protest. The tear gas, the rubber bullets... From then on you won't know if a peaceful protest could turn violent. And since that violent pattern has already been demonstrated, there is no telling them apart, and they must all be treated with the same amount of force.

Cause. Effect. Action. Consequence.

None of this force would have been needed if the right amount of force was applied from the beginning. But Governor Walz of Minnesota and Mayor Frey set the worst example for the country by ceding the city to the rioters. Instead of extinguishing the flames, they acted instead as catalysts.

Blame the antagonists, blame the agitators, blame the absolute failure of state and local leadership for not containing the violence. Don't blame Trump. If this had been handled properly from the onset, Trump would not have been pushed this far.

100% agree. These politicians in an attempt to pander poured gasoline on the fire. They could have condemned the officer’s actions and at the same time told people to have some faith in the system that justice will run its course. It was a time when calm was needed, and these politicians had a different agenda. Their # 1 priority should have been keep the peace.
How does Trump respond to protests about Police Brutality?

Tells them to bust some heads

Force with force. If they have already demonstrated that they will be violent, there is no talking them out of it.

And when agitators have infected peaceful protests with their antagonism, they inflict the consequences of their actions on the people who came to do nothing but peacefully protest. The tear gas, the rubber bullets... From then on you won't know if a peaceful protest could turn violent. And since that violent pattern has already been demonstrated, there is no telling them apart, and they must all be treated with the same amount of force.

Cause. Effect. Action. Consequence.

None of this force would have been needed if the right amount of force was applied from the beginning. But Governor Walz of Minnesota and Mayor Frey set the worst example for the country by ceding the city to the rioters. Instead of extinguishing the flames, they acted instead as catalysts.

Blame the antagonists, blame the agitators, blame the absolute failure of state and local leadership for not containing the violence. Don't blame Trump. If this had been handled properly from the onset, Trump would not have been pushed this far.
Shows how clueless our President is.

Rather than see the emotional outbreak around the country and act to unite the country, Trump urges “Domination” and force against protestors. He urges the Army to come in.

Notice how Trump never said......Some of them are good people
Like he said about Nazis and KKK

Your argument is, quite frankly, pathetic.

Actions, whether they are driven by passion or reason, have consequences. If those actions are violent, a great deal of the time the consequences also must be violent.

Notice how you aren't hiding your admiration for the people instigating the riots and the violence. You are simply upset that they responded in the first place. You are deflecting blame on Trump instead of doling out condemnation.

So, why all of a sudden, is Trump the root of division in this country? Did the division not already exist before he became President? Or are you looking for an outlet for your uncontrolled emotions?
How does Trump respond to protests about Police Brutality?

Tells them to bust some heads

Force with force. If they have already demonstrated that they will be violent, there is no talking them out of it.

And when agitators have infected peaceful protests with their antagonism, they inflict the consequences of their actions on the people who came to do nothing but peacefully protest. The tear gas, the rubber bullets... From then on you won't know if a peaceful protest could turn violent. And since that violent pattern has already been demonstrated, there is no telling them apart, and they must all be treated with the same amount of force.

Cause. Effect. Action. Consequence.

None of this force would have been needed if the right amount of force was applied from the beginning. But Governor Walz of Minnesota and Mayor Frey set the worst example for the country by ceding the city to the rioters. Instead of extinguishing the flames, they acted instead as catalysts.

Blame the antagonists, blame the agitators, blame the absolute failure of state and local leadership for not containing the violence. Don't blame Trump. If this had been handled properly from the onset, Trump would not have been pushed this far.

100% agree. These politicians in an attempt to pander poured gasoline on the fire. They could have condemned the officer’s actions and at the same time told people to have some faith in the system that justice will run its course. It was a time when calm was needed, and these politicians had a different agenda. Their # 1 priority should have been keep the peace.
I think they have tried to keep the peace. They realize that sending in police to pound heads and “dominate” is not the proper reaction to protests about police brutality.
By now, any who are beyond the indoctrination by the Left have learned that the riots were planned.....pallets of bricks set up at at strategic points, ANTIFA with crowbars and hammers opening stores to looters, bottles of milk left on curbs to wash out the tear gas.....

These 'spontaneous' explosions are not spontaneous in the least.

They are designed to divide and to destabilize society.

As per the first amendment, only 'peaceful' assemblies are authorized...

the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
When you abdicate your duties as a leader, who or what
How does Trump respond to protests about Police Brutality?

Tells them to bust some heads

Force with force. If they have already demonstrated that they will be violent, there is no talking them out of it.

And when agitators have infected peaceful protests with their antagonism, they inflict the consequences of their actions on the people who came to do nothing but peacefully protest. The tear gas, the rubber bullets... From then on you won't know if a peaceful protest could turn violent. And since that violent pattern has already been demonstrated, there is no telling them apart, and they must all be treated with the same amount of force.

Cause. Effect. Action. Consequence.

None of this force would have been needed if the right amount of force was applied from the beginning. But Governor Walz of Minnesota and Mayor Frey set the worst example for the country by ceding the city to the rioters. Instead of extinguishing the flames, they acted instead as catalysts.

Blame the antagonists, blame the agitators, blame the absolute failure of state and local leadership for not containing the violence. Don't blame Trump. If this had been handled properly from the onset, Trump would not have been pushed this far.
Shows how clueless our President is.

Rather than see the emotional outbreak around the country and act to unite the country, Trump urges “Domination” and force against protestors. He urges the Army to come in.

Notice how Trump never said......Some of them are good people
Like he said about Nazis and KKK

Your argument is, quite frankly, pathetic.

Actions, whether they are driven by passion or reason, have consequences. If those actions are violent, a great deal of the time the consequences also must be violent.

Notice how you aren't hiding your admiration for the people instigating the riots and the violence. You are simply upset that they responded in the first place. You are deflecting blame on Trump instead of doling out condemnation.

So, why all of a sudden, is Trump the root of division in this country? Did the division not already exist before he became President? Or are you looking for an outlet for your uncontrolled emotions?

Thank you.
When you abdicate your duties as a leader, who or what
How does Trump respond to protests about Police Brutality?

Tells them to bust some heads

Force with force. If they have already demonstrated that they will be violent, there is no talking them out of it.

And when agitators have infected peaceful protests with their antagonism, they inflict the consequences of their actions on the people who came to do nothing but peacefully protest. The tear gas, the rubber bullets... From then on you won't know if a peaceful protest could turn violent. And since that violent pattern has already been demonstrated, there is no telling them apart, and they must all be treated with the same amount of force.

Cause. Effect. Action. Consequence.

None of this force would have been needed if the right amount of force was applied from the beginning. But Governor Walz of Minnesota and Mayor Frey set the worst example for the country by ceding the city to the rioters. Instead of extinguishing the flames, they acted instead as catalysts.

Blame the antagonists, blame the agitators, blame the absolute failure of state and local leadership for not containing the violence. Don't blame Trump. If this had been handled properly from the onset, Trump would not have been pushed this far.
Shows how clueless our President is.

Rather than see the emotional outbreak around the country and act to unite the country, Trump urges “Domination” and force against protestors. He urges the Army to come in.

Notice how Trump never said......Some of them are good people
Like he said about Nazis and KKK

Your argument is, quite frankly, pathetic.

Actions, whether they are driven by passion or reason, have consequences. If those actions are violent, a great deal of the time the consequences also must be violent.

Notice how you aren't hiding your admiration for the people instigating the riots and the violence. You are simply upset that they responded in the first place. You are deflecting blame on Trump instead of doling out condemnation.

So, why all of a sudden, is Trump the root of division in this country? Did the division not already exist before he became President? Or are you looking for an outlet for your uncontrolled emotions?
No question about arresting those who are causing damage.

But where is Trump with his......Some of them are good people rhetoric?

He is silent because he knows busting heads resonates with his base and compassion does not.

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