PAY children to go to school!

Crap this is a good idea. He pays the kids, and I take their money. Because they're my kids, they belong to me (as per the progressive abortion argument).

No. You wouldn't be allowed to take their money. It wouldn't be all that much anyway. Now if they wanted to give it to you, that would be a different manner. And you would have to give them a pretty good reason for doing so. Because greed probably effects children as well.
So you do maintain that children be *emancipated* from their parents.

That's what I thought.

where are they getting the $$$$$ from?

Where does anybody ever get any money from. For things like the military, police, fire department, etc. You simply figure out a way to get it. For example, I was watching a documentary called "Sicko." They were talking to some English diplomat about how they pay for universal health care. He said that in times of war, they are able to come up with the money for war. So why in times of peace should they be unable to come up with the money to pay for universal health care.

Where does anybody ever get any money from. For things like the military, police, fire department, etc. You simply figure out a way to get it.

Excellent idea!!
You should use your own money to implement this wonderful plan.

Let us know how it goes.

You are what they would call a jackoff. In paying for universal health care in England, that isn't how it was done. So why would you think what you said is how it should be done to pay children for their school "work." Do me a favor and don't reply. Go haunt somebody else's thread.

I nominate you to pay for the plan as well.

I have a 14 y.o. and a 15 y.o. You go ahead and pay them to attend school.

Make sure it's enough for them to support families of 4 and rent a 3 bedroom house. Isn't that the gold standard for minimum wage you guys maintain?

They attend school 9 hours a day, and probably devote an hour a day and 3 hours on the weekends to them for that as well.

And since it's over 40 hours a week, you'll have to pay them overtime.

As I basically told todd, you are fukin high! In the countries that provide universal health care, they didn't do so by having any single person pay for it all. So paying children for their school "work" couldn't be done by me alone either.

Next, I wasn't talking about paying them what an adult would expect. You would have to be stupid to think that an 8th grader would need anything even close to kind of money.

As for homework, I say fuck it. If you were following along, you may have seen what I told somebody about students in Finland. They are said to be the most educated students in the world. Or at least in the top three. And when they do tests, they aren't given multiple boxes to check for the answers. They give the answers. How did they do all that? They did away with homework!
people always bring up countries with very small populations compared to the US
you can't do that--it's not a good analogy
that's much easier to enact for these small populations
Finland population 5.5 mil..US 300 mil
School is the profession of children. They are paid for their full involvement in that education by being given food, clothing and shelter by their parents.

I know for certain that if either I or my brothers had decided we weren’t going to give 100% to our educational activities we’d have lost the food, shelter, etc... provided by our parents.
In Colorado the illegal assholes get free schooling, free school uniforms ,free breakfast ,lunch, and after school dinner ,even free lunches on summer break, while there worthless illegal parents live in section 8 free housing ,free medical, welfare ,food stamps.

Yes. It would be helpful to get rid of the illegals and PAY our children for their school work.
I know what it is like for any slave loving capitalist out there. They all want something for nothing. You expect children to learn learn learn (often bullshit) for free. (I say sarcastically) "That's right. Crack that fuckin whip!" Then there are all of the parent's expenses. Such as providing their children with things like shoes. Which as a small child I remember having to go a whole summer without. As you can imagine, on rainy days it was even more unplesant.

Like it or not, we live in a push button instant gratification world. And you expect children to go through 12 years of school work for nothing? That's obscene! Also, many children don't get any sort of allowance at all. Though as a child, I used to. Every sunday we were given fifty cents to go see a movie. Which wasn't much.

But what if children were actually paid to go to school. They would likely do better. It doesn't have to be a lot like an adult would expect. And if I was paid, I could have gone to the movies every day if I wanted. Or buy other things. Which would stimulate the economy. Or maybe they could save their money to buy something more expensive. Such as maybe a birthday present for mom. It would also get children used to the whole work ethic thing. They do school WORK and get a salary for it.

This should extend even to college. Where we would pay them even more to go. So they might be able to afford to drive or take girls on dates. In taking this route, more would be likely to go to college. And having more college educated people would be good for society on the whole.

Also, I have heard that this country has a shortage of nurses. Well pay these students a little more if necessary to go into that line of study. Though once that shortage is solved, that increased pay would be less.

And you expect children to go through 12 years of school work for nothing?

I wish they could go through for nothing.
Here in Chicago we waste...err...invest more than $15,000 per year per student to try to educate these little punks (and illegal alien punks). You want us to hand them cash on top of that?

What are you some kind of moron?

I'm surprised that you didn't try to bring up the usual "Who's going to pay for it" BS. Also, what portion of that $15,000 goes into the student's pockets. If we paid them, they might have some incentive to learn. As for the illegals, it wouldn't bother me if they stuck a stick of dynamite up the ass of each one and lit it. As for the negroes, even paying them might not help. For one reason, their species is probably too stupid. Also, I was watching some program once about inner city negro students. The few who actually did well in school would often be bullied or picked on by other negro students for "acting White."

The only way I see it making a difference if it was merit based.
You get good grades you get a little money,you dont,you get nothing.

Not that I find the idea acceptable.

I have no problem with it being merit based to some degree. But those who don't do well shouldn't receive nothing. When they see those who do well dressing nicer or doing more with the money they get, that will give those who don't do as well to do better. Also, I wouldn't want to see schools requiring standards that almost nobody could reach.
Where does anybody ever get any money from. For things like the military, police, fire department, etc. You simply figure out a way to get it. For example, I was watching a documentary called "Sicko." They were talking to some English diplomat about how they pay for universal health care. He said that in times of war, they are able to come up with the money for war. So why in times of peace should they be unable to come up with the money to pay for universal health care.

Where does anybody ever get any money from. For things like the military, police, fire department, etc. You simply figure out a way to get it.

Excellent idea!!
You should use your own money to implement this wonderful plan.

Let us know how it goes.

You are what they would call a jackoff. In paying for universal health care in England, that isn't how it was done. So why would you think what you said is how it should be done to pay children for their school "work." Do me a favor and don't reply. Go haunt somebody else's thread.

I nominate you to pay for the plan as well.

I have a 14 y.o. and a 15 y.o. You go ahead and pay them to attend school.

Make sure it's enough for them to support families of 4 and rent a 3 bedroom house. Isn't that the gold standard for minimum wage you guys maintain?

They attend school 9 hours a day, and probably devote an hour a day and 3 hours on the weekends to them for that as well.

And since it's over 40 hours a week, you'll have to pay them overtime.

As I basically told todd, you are fukin high! In the countries that provide universal health care, they didn't do so by having any single person pay for it all. So paying children for their school "work" couldn't be done by me alone either.

Next, I wasn't talking about paying them what an adult would expect. You would have to be stupid to think that an 8th grader would need anything even close to kind of money.

As for homework, I say fuck it. If you were following along, you may have seen what I told somebody about students in Finland. They are said to be the most educated students in the world. Or at least in the top three. And when they do tests, they aren't given multiple boxes to check for the answers. They give the answers. How did they do all that? They did away with homework!
people always bring up countries with very small populations compared to the US
you can't do that--it's not a good analogy
that's much easier to enact for these small populations
Finland population 5.5 mil..US 300 mil

If a small country can do anything, it would have to be just as easy for a large country to do. It is only a matter of scale.
School is the profession of children. They are paid for their full involvement in that education by being given food, clothing and shelter by their parents.

I know for certain that if either I or my brothers had decided we weren’t going to give 100% to our educational activities we’d have lost the food, shelter, etc... provided by our parents.

Yes. It would be helpful to get rid of the illegals and PAY our children for their school work.

They get paid through a combination of the info they learn and the food, clothing and shelter they are provided at no cost.

Just lovin that slavery. Arent'cha. To hell with what the parent's may or may not do. When children do school "work," they should get paid for doing so. Isn't that what capitalism is all about? You do work and get paid for it.
I know what it is like for any slave loving capitalist out there. They all want something for nothing. You expect children to learn learn learn (often bullshit) for free. (I say sarcastically) "That's right. Crack that fuckin whip!" Then there are all of the parent's expenses. Such as providing their children with things like shoes. Which as a small child I remember having to go a whole summer without. As you can imagine, on rainy days it was even more unplesant.

Like it or not, we live in a push button instant gratification world. And you expect children to go through 12 years of school work for nothing? That's obscene! Also, many children don't get any sort of allowance at all. Though as a child, I used to. Every sunday we were given fifty cents to go see a movie. Which wasn't much.

But what if children were actually paid to go to school. They would likely do better. It doesn't have to be a lot like an adult would expect. And if I was paid, I could have gone to the movies every day if I wanted. Or buy other things. Which would stimulate the economy. Or maybe they could save their money to buy something more expensive. Such as maybe a birthday present for mom. It would also get children used to the whole work ethic thing. They do school WORK and get a salary for it.

This should extend even to college. Where we would pay them even more to go. So they might be able to afford to drive or take girls on dates. In taking this route, more would be likely to go to college. And having more college educated people would be good for society on the whole.

Also, I have heard that this country has a shortage of nurses. Well pay these students a little more if necessary to go into that line of study. Though once that shortage is solved, that increased pay would be less.

And you expect children to go through 12 years of school work for nothing?

I wish they could go through for nothing.
Here in Chicago we waste...err...invest more than $15,000 per year per student to try to educate these little punks (and illegal alien punks). You want us to hand them cash on top of that?

What are you some kind of moron?

I'm surprised that you didn't try to bring up the usual "Who's going to pay for it" BS. Also, what portion of that $15,000 goes into the student's pockets. If we paid them, they might have some incentive to learn. As for the illegals, it wouldn't bother me if they stuck a stick of dynamite up the ass of each one and lit it. As for the negroes, even paying them might not help. For one reason, their species is probably too stupid. Also, I was watching some program once about inner city negro students. The few who actually did well in school would often be bullied or picked on by other negro students for "acting White."

The only way I see it making a difference if it was merit based.
You get good grades you get a little money,you dont,you get nothing.

Not that I find the idea acceptable.

I have no problem with it being merit based to some degree. But those who don't do well shouldn't receive nothing. When they see those who do well dressing nicer or doing more with the money they get, that will give those who don't do as well to do better. Also, I wouldn't want to see schools requiring standards that almost nobody could reach.

Dressing nicer?
I'm no talking enough money to go buy a new pair of Jordans.
If they dont get at least a B they get nothing.
Where does anybody ever get any money from. For things like the military, police, fire department, etc. You simply figure out a way to get it.

Excellent idea!!
You should use your own money to implement this wonderful plan.

Let us know how it goes.

You are what they would call a jackoff. In paying for universal health care in England, that isn't how it was done. So why would you think what you said is how it should be done to pay children for their school "work." Do me a favor and don't reply. Go haunt somebody else's thread.

I nominate you to pay for the plan as well.

I have a 14 y.o. and a 15 y.o. You go ahead and pay them to attend school.

Make sure it's enough for them to support families of 4 and rent a 3 bedroom house. Isn't that the gold standard for minimum wage you guys maintain?

They attend school 9 hours a day, and probably devote an hour a day and 3 hours on the weekends to them for that as well.

And since it's over 40 hours a week, you'll have to pay them overtime.

As I basically told todd, you are fukin high! In the countries that provide universal health care, they didn't do so by having any single person pay for it all. So paying children for their school "work" couldn't be done by me alone either.

Next, I wasn't talking about paying them what an adult would expect. You would have to be stupid to think that an 8th grader would need anything even close to kind of money.

As for homework, I say fuck it. If you were following along, you may have seen what I told somebody about students in Finland. They are said to be the most educated students in the world. Or at least in the top three. And when they do tests, they aren't given multiple boxes to check for the answers. They give the answers. How did they do all that? They did away with homework!
people always bring up countries with very small populations compared to the US
you can't do that--it's not a good analogy
that's much easier to enact for these small populations
Finland population 5.5 mil..US 300 mil

If a small country can do anything, it would have to be just as easy for a large country to do. It is only a matter of scale.
1. many people would be against it--much harder to convince people to be for it
2. some communities do not have the $$$$ for it as much as others
3. there is no guarantee this would work!!! there are more kids in the US--meaning more that could be [ are ] not as smart/different cultures-parental upbringing/etc
---- = the parents have a huge part in the ''intelligence''/education of the kids
Like most aspects of human behavior and cognition, intelligence is a complex trait that is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors.
Intelligence is also strongly influenced by the environment.
Is intelligence determined by genetics?

Excuse me? That is most definitely how I was brought up and how all children should be raised. Education is the ob of children. Nothing more and nothing less.

And you don't think that it is possible for you to have been brought up in a bullshit manner? Read post #70. You also said that if you didn't do well in school, your parents would stop giving you food and shelter. I find that unlikely.
Just lovin that slavery. Arent'cha. To hell with what the parent's may or may not do. When children do school "work," they should get paid for doing so. Isn't that what capitalism is all about? You do work and get paid for it.

My father and I had a conversation about this, relative to not being paid for chores around his house when I was about 14. I was told that if I didn’t care for the situation I could pack up everything I owned and leave.

After packing a bag I was stopped at the door to make sure I didn’t have any of His property in my bag. As he rightfully pointed out, there was nothing in the bag (including the bag itself) that I had actually made the money to buy. It was all His.

I got “paid” by being fed, clothed and housed.
And you don't think that it is possible for you to have been brought up in a bullshit manner? Read post #70. You also said that if you didn't do well in school, your parents would stop giving you food and shelter. I find that unlikely.

No. I said if we didn’t give 100% to our education we would have been thrown out. I was a B- student in high school. My brothers were both A level students. All 3 of us gave 100%. My 100% just wasn’t A level, for several reasons.
We do pay them to go to school. We pay them with room and board, clothing, computers, video games, phones, bikes, toys, comic books, model kits, trading cards, and cars.

Going to school is an awesome job and you still get paid even if you suck at it.
The damn worst thing is we have to give them terlit paper...
I know what it is like for any slave loving capitalist out there. They all want something for nothing. You expect children to learn learn learn (often bullshit) for free. (I say sarcastically) "That's right. Crack that fuckin whip!" Then there are all of the parent's expenses. Such as providing their children with things like shoes. Which as a small child I remember having to go a whole summer without. As you can imagine, on rainy days it was even more unplesant.

Like it or not, we live in a push button instant gratification world. And you expect children to go through 12 years of school work for nothing? That's obscene! Also, many children don't get any sort of allowance at all. Though as a child, I used to. Every sunday we were given fifty cents to go see a movie. Which wasn't much.

But what if children were actually paid to go to school. They would likely do better. It doesn't have to be a lot like an adult would expect. And if I was paid, I could have gone to the movies every day if I wanted. Or buy other things. Which would stimulate the economy. Or maybe they could save their money to buy something more expensive. Such as maybe a birthday present for mom. It would also get children used to the whole work ethic thing. They do school WORK and get a salary for it.

This should extend even to college. Where we would pay them even more to go. So they might be able to afford to drive or take girls on dates. In taking this route, more would be likely to go to college. And having more college educated people would be good for society on the whole.

Also, I have heard that this country has a shortage of nurses. Well pay these students a little more if necessary to go into that line of study. Though once that shortage is solved, that increased pay would be less.

And you expect children to go through 12 years of school work for nothing?

I wish they could go through for nothing.
Here in Chicago we waste...err...invest more than $15,000 per year per student to try to educate these little punks (and illegal alien punks). You want us to hand them cash on top of that?

What are you some kind of moron?

I'm surprised that you didn't try to bring up the usual "Who's going to pay for it" BS. Also, what portion of that $15,000 goes into the student's pockets. If we paid them, they might have some incentive to learn. As for the illegals, it wouldn't bother me if they stuck a stick of dynamite up the ass of each one and lit it. As for the negroes, even paying them might not help. For one reason, their species is probably too stupid. Also, I was watching some program once about inner city negro students. The few who actually did well in school would often be bullied or picked on by other negro students for "acting White."

The only way I see it making a difference if it was merit based.
You get good grades you get a little money,you dont,you get nothing.

Not that I find the idea acceptable.

I have no problem with it being merit based to some degree. But those who don't do well shouldn't receive nothing. When they see those who do well dressing nicer or doing more with the money they get, that will give those who don't do as well to do better. Also, I wouldn't want to see schools requiring standards that almost nobody could reach.

Dressing nicer?
I'm no talking enough money to go buy a new pair of Jordans.
If they dont get at least a B they get nothing.

What you have to understand is that slaver never went away. It just changed form. It is like the French novelist Alphonse Karr said. Which basically was, "The more things change, the more they stay the same." And there is one thing you can always count on from a slave master. Which is to CRACK THAT FUCKING WHIP! Those who don't do as well shouldn't receive nothing. If that is how it is going to be, they shouldn't even have to show up.
We do pay them to go to school. We pay them with room and board, clothing, computers, video games, phones, bikes, toys, comic books, model kits, trading cards, and cars.

Going to school is an awesome job and you still get paid even if you suck at it.

Their parents provide many of those things. Not the government. Neither is that the same thing as an actual salary. For the children to do with as they wish.

Most people don't get paid by the government and they seem to make it just fine.

I tell you what ... give kids a government stipend, paid directly to their accounts, and parents can bill them for everything they provide ... see how far that $15,000 a year goes.
At least a new Kabota tractor fer Dad.
You are what they would call a jackoff. In paying for universal health care in England, that isn't how it was done. So why would you think what you said is how it should be done to pay children for their school "work." Do me a favor and don't reply. Go haunt somebody else's thread.

I nominate you to pay for the plan as well.

I have a 14 y.o. and a 15 y.o. You go ahead and pay them to attend school.

Make sure it's enough for them to support families of 4 and rent a 3 bedroom house. Isn't that the gold standard for minimum wage you guys maintain?

They attend school 9 hours a day, and probably devote an hour a day and 3 hours on the weekends to them for that as well.

And since it's over 40 hours a week, you'll have to pay them overtime.

As I basically told todd, you are fukin high! In the countries that provide universal health care, they didn't do so by having any single person pay for it all. So paying children for their school "work" couldn't be done by me alone either.

Next, I wasn't talking about paying them what an adult would expect. You would have to be stupid to think that an 8th grader would need anything even close to kind of money.

As for homework, I say fuck it. If you were following along, you may have seen what I told somebody about students in Finland. They are said to be the most educated students in the world. Or at least in the top three. And when they do tests, they aren't given multiple boxes to check for the answers. They give the answers. How did they do all that? They did away with homework!
people always bring up countries with very small populations compared to the US
you can't do that--it's not a good analogy
that's much easier to enact for these small populations
Finland population 5.5 mil..US 300 mil

If a small country can do anything, it would have to be just as easy for a large country to do. It is only a matter of scale.
1. many people would be against it--much harder to convince people to be for it
2. some communities do not have the $$$$ for it as much as others
3. there is no guarantee this would work!!! there are more kids in the US--meaning more that could be [ are ] not as smart/different cultures-parental upbringing/etc
---- = the parents have a huge part in the ''intelligence''/education of the kids
Like most aspects of human behavior and cognition, intelligence is a complex trait that is influenced by both genetic and environmental factors.
Intelligence is also strongly influenced by the environment.
Is intelligence determined by genetics?

First, how hard could it be to convince anybody in our capitalist system that if you do work you should get paid for it. Next, screw the communities. The country has the money for it. Next, you shouldn't need any sort of guarantee that if you do work you should get paid for it. To hell with whether or not it will "work." It is just the fair thing to do. As for parents and intelligence, read post #37.

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