Paul Ryan Was Demoted!


Sep 23, 2010

The guy was a train wreck before he got here:

Paul Ryan is acting like every Democrat's wet dream.


o He's giving $1.6 billion to resettle illegal aliens rather than deport them.

o He is fully funding Obama's illegal amnesty.

o He is fully funding Obamacare.

o He is fully funding Planned Parenthood and their baby cutting tactics.

o He is allowing Obama to bring in hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees.

o He is fully funding the EPA's program to shut down coal-fired power plants.

o He is going to add hundreds of billions of dollars to our national debt.

December 18, 2015
Time for Paul Ryan to go
By Ed Straker

Blog: Time for Paul Ryan to go

Ryan is an economy genius, or so talking heads told us regardless of his support for the TPP before he was speaker:

Ryan’s ‘Misperceptions’ on Trade Deal Unveiled, Reports Suggest
by Alex Swoyer17 Jun 2015

Ryan’s ‘Misperceptions’ on Trade Deal Unveiled, Reports Suggest - Breitbart

Be that as it may be, I want to address another topic that should frighten every AMERICAN. Paul Ryan follows the vice president in the presidential line of succession.

NOTE: Had Mitt Romney won the election in 2012 Paul Ryan would have been next in line. So you might say he was demoted!

Now consider a nightmare far worse than John Boehner or Typhoid Nancy Pelosi becoming president.

Here’s a reminder of who is in line:

With a nuclear attack in mind I want to comment on the presidential line of succession one more time.

The Constitution gives Congress the authority needed to change the presidential line of succession. Why should it be changed? Answer: Every bureaucrat on the current list is scarier than a thirsty Count Dracula. Check it out for yourself then tell me if there is one bureaucrat on the list that you want for president. Most of them should be run out of town on a rail never mind becoming president by a fluke:

United States presidential line of succession - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Years ago, I suggested changing the line; replacing the bureaucrats with state governors starting with the governor from the most populous state irrespective of political party. He or she would be followed by the governor from the least populous state; then alternate in the same way down through all of the governors. I would even put the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the current line before every bureaucrat including the Secretary of Defense.

Parenthetically, it was understood that Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright were not eligible when they were in the line of succession because they were naturalized citizens as was George W. Bush’s secretary of labor, Elaine Chao.

With or without changing the line of succession, Congress, and/or the Supreme Court, should eliminate all wiggle room for presidential eligibility in elections and succession.

Every bureaucrat in the line must be replaced by elected officials. Note that cabinet secretaries who once held elected positions are no exception when it comes to the line of succession.

And have you noticed that liberals scream the loudest about their sacred Right to vote for the people who govern them, yet nobody votes for the bureaucrats who fill the line of succession after the first three elected officials; the vice president, the speaker of the house, and the president pro tem of the Senate.

It got worse in 2011

The Presidential Line Of Succession Act of 2011 added ambassadors to the line if the others are wiped out. I looked for a complete list of everybody in the current line and could not find one that included the ambassadors first proposed by the 109th Congress. I wonder why it is such a secret?

How does America-hater Samantha Power for president grab you?

H.R. 1943 and S.920

These bills were introduced in the 109th Congress (2005-2006). Their provisions included adding the following positions to the end of the current line-of-succession:

Secretary of Homeland Security,

Ambassador to the United Nations, (Samantha Power)

Ambassador to Great Britain,

Ambassador to Russia,

Ambassador to China, and

Ambassador to France.

Presidential Succession

Here’s something to ponder. Karl Rove’s Republicans so hate conservative Americans they will do everything it takes to defeat Tea Party conservatives. The establishment’s hatred of everything the Tea Party advocates runs so deep they will never allow one Tea Party activist to make it onto the line of succession.

Think about it this way: Democrats and Republicans alike use bureaucracies to implement big government, global government, policies that could never be legislated; so there is not a chance a Tea Party conservative will ever head a federal bureaucracy let alone one that would place them in the line of succession where they might suddenly ascend to the presidency after a nuclear attack. For the same reason Democrats and Republicans will never replace bureaucrats with state governors as I suggested.

The Tea Party In The Presidential Line Of Succession? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
He is also fine with the tax payers paying for third world shit holes in the name of "climate change"
He is a globalist. Fuck him.
And so it begins.
IKR? It didn't take him long at all to show what a POS he is going to be.

But, everyone knew what he was before. It's a lot about rhetoric until someone is called upon to actually make concessions. The guy wasn't liked by a lot of people. It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye.
And so it begins.
IKR? It didn't take him long at all to show what a POS he is going to be.

But, everyone knew what he was before. It's a lot about rhetoric until someone is called upon to actually make concessions. The guy wasn't liked by a lot of people. It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye.
Very true.
FFS, didn't the dumbfuck Biden hold his own against him in debates? That's pretty baaaad
Paul Ryan addressing Congress
Lets get Ted Cruz in the WH and these republicrat douchebags will be dragged kicking and screaming to do the right thing.

When Cruz merely has to address the public and tell them what these congress critters are doing, you can bet they'll fall into line or get replaced in the next election.

(1) "Omnibus" spending bills are politics at its worst. If you want to bitch about Congresspersons "not doing their job," this is where it should start.

(b) Cherry-picking an "omnibus" spending bill and claiming that everyone who worked on it fully supports every distasteful line item in the bill is beyond childish. The OP needs to grow up.

(iii) Carving the world up into "bureaucrats" (non-elected), and competent (elected), is pure folly. The voters are idiots, as has been demonstrated "in spades" in the past two presidential elections. There is no reason to believe that any given elected official (i.e., "governor of the most populous state") would be any more competent to be President than, say, the Secretary of Defense.

D. Historically, most of the top generals among the Joint Chiefs of Staff have been, basically, bureaucrats who have been good at kissing the right asses during their long and safe careers. Having worked in an Army "Awards & Decorations" unit, I know first hand how officers get combat decorations and awards while being stationed far from any real activity.

V. One cannot help but think that Barry O'Bama chose Senator Biden as his running mate to minimize the chances of an irate Republican assassinating him. And it worked.
Ryan is just like the rest of them. Obama butt licking sellout. Afraid of riots in the streets if they make him look stupid

And so it begins.
IKR? It didn't take him long at all to show what a POS he is going to be.

But, everyone knew what he was before. It's a lot about rhetoric until someone is called upon to actually make concessions. The guy wasn't liked by a lot of people. It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye.

everyone called this yet the gop went its own way once again
Nobody really wanted the job in the first place.
Lets get Ted Cruz in the WH and these republicrat douchebags will be dragged kicking and screaming to do the right thing.

When Cruz merely has to address the public and tell them what these congress critters are doing, you can bet they'll fall into line or get replaced in the next election.

He could do that today....I'm guessing he won't.
He is also fine with the tax payers paying for third world shit holes in the name of "climate change"
He is a globalist. Fuck him.
To TNHarley: Well said.
Lets get Ted Cruz in the WH and these republicrat douchebags will be dragged kicking and screaming to do the right thing.

When Cruz merely has to address the public and tell them what these congress critters are doing, you can bet they'll fall into line or get replaced in the next election.
To Pete7469: I hope you are correct. To be on the safe side RINO better be replaced by true conservatives in 2016 —— the 2018 midterms at the latest. Those two congressional elections will provide President Cruz with all of the muscle he needs to demolish anti-America liberals.
(1) "Omnibus" spending bills are politics at its worst. If you want to bitch about Congresspersons "not doing their job," this is where it should start.
To DGS49: That is true of all bipartisan legislation.
(b) Cherry-picking an "omnibus" spending bill and claiming that everyone who worked on it fully supports every distasteful line item in the bill is beyond childish. The OP needs to grow up.
To DGS49: Follow your own advice. Legislation should never pass because it combines the bad with the good.

It is much more important to kill bad bills than to pass good ones. Calvin Coolidge
(iii) Carving the world up into "bureaucrats" (non-elected), and competent (elected), is pure folly. The voters are idiots, as has been demonstrated "in spades" in the past two presidential elections. There is no reason to believe that any given elected official (i.e., "governor of the most populous state") would be any more competent to be President than, say, the Secretary of Defense.
To DGS49: You are missing the point. Bureaucrats are no longer civil servants. Dismantling oppressive government must begin with removing the authority bureaucrats now wield. IRS and EPA bureaucrats are the most obscene offenders heading a long list of detestable federal bureaucracies. There is not a one of them in the line of succession that should ever become president.
Ryan is just like the rest of them. Obama butt licking sellout.
To Geau4it: You got that right. See #19 permalink in this thread:

Speaker With Suck Up Experience Needed | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
Listen to Flanders cry.

Paul Ryan told the fuck head far right he would bone them if he became Speaker.

He made them all, and those on the USMB far right, his bitches.
And so it begins.
IKR? It didn't take him long at all to show what a POS he is going to be.

But, everyone knew what he was before. It's a lot about rhetoric until someone is called upon to actually make concessions. The guy wasn't liked by a lot of people. It's all fun and games until someone loses an eye.
Very true.
FFS, didn't the dumbfuck Biden hold his own against him in debates? That's pretty baaaad

It's more than that. It's the money behind it. There are groups that the Republican Party can't afford to piss off. At no point in time does everybody get what they want.
Many times there are those that will pitch a bitch and blame it on another party but they receive a benefit from it and just don't want to be held accountable for it. Republicans benefit from amnesty. It just sounds good when they point fingers.

Funding PP? PP provides services other than abortion and there really is no other cost effective alternative. This includes services for men and women and those services may not be available at all in many locations.

The guy was a train wreck before he got here:

Paul Ryan is acting like every Democrat's wet dream.


o He's giving $1.6 billion to resettle illegal aliens rather than deport them.

o He is fully funding Obama's illegal amnesty.

o He is fully funding Obamacare.

o He is fully funding Planned Parenthood and their baby cutting tactics.

o He is allowing Obama to bring in hundreds of thousands of Muslim refugees.

o He is fully funding the EPA's program to shut down coal-fired power plants.

o He is going to add hundreds of billions of dollars to our national debt.

December 18, 2015
Time for Paul Ryan to go
By Ed Straker

Blog: Time for Paul Ryan to go

Ryan is an economy genius, or so talking heads told us regardless of his support for the TPP before he was speaker:

Ryan’s ‘Misperceptions’ on Trade Deal Unveiled, Reports Suggest
by Alex Swoyer17 Jun 2015

Ryan’s ‘Misperceptions’ on Trade Deal Unveiled, Reports Suggest - Breitbart

Be that as it may be, I want to address another topic that should frighten every AMERICAN. Paul Ryan follows the vice president in the presidential line of succession.

NOTE: Had Mitt Romney won the election in 2012 Paul Ryan would have been next in line. So you might say he was demoted!

Now consider a nightmare far worse than John Boehner or Typhoid Nancy Pelosi becoming president.

Here’s a reminder of who is in line:

With a nuclear attack in mind I want to comment on the presidential line of succession one more time.

The Constitution gives Congress the authority needed to change the presidential line of succession. Why should it be changed? Answer: Every bureaucrat on the current list is scarier than a thirsty Count Dracula. Check it out for yourself then tell me if there is one bureaucrat on the list that you want for president. Most of them should be run out of town on a rail never mind becoming president by a fluke:

United States presidential line of succession - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Years ago, I suggested changing the line; replacing the bureaucrats with state governors starting with the governor from the most populous state irrespective of political party. He or she would be followed by the governor from the least populous state; then alternate in the same way down through all of the governors. I would even put the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in the current line before every bureaucrat including the Secretary of Defense.

Parenthetically, it was understood that Henry Kissinger and Madeleine Albright were not eligible when they were in the line of succession because they were naturalized citizens as was George W. Bush’s secretary of labor, Elaine Chao.

With or without changing the line of succession, Congress, and/or the Supreme Court, should eliminate all wiggle room for presidential eligibility in elections and succession.

Every bureaucrat in the line must be replaced by elected officials. Note that cabinet secretaries who once held elected positions are no exception when it comes to the line of succession.

And have you noticed that liberals scream the loudest about their sacred Right to vote for the people who govern them, yet nobody votes for the bureaucrats who fill the line of succession after the first three elected officials; the vice president, the speaker of the house, and the president pro tem of the Senate.

It got worse in 2011

The Presidential Line Of Succession Act of 2011 added ambassadors to the line if the others are wiped out. I looked for a complete list of everybody in the current line and could not find one that included the ambassadors first proposed by the 109th Congress. I wonder why it is such a secret?

How does America-hater Samantha Power for president grab you?

H.R. 1943 and S.920

These bills were introduced in the 109th Congress (2005-2006). Their provisions included adding the following positions to the end of the current line-of-succession:

Secretary of Homeland Security,

Ambassador to the United Nations, (Samantha Power)

Ambassador to Great Britain,

Ambassador to Russia,

Ambassador to China, and

Ambassador to France.

Presidential Succession

Here’s something to ponder. Karl Rove’s Republicans so hate conservative Americans they will do everything it takes to defeat Tea Party conservatives. The establishment’s hatred of everything the Tea Party advocates runs so deep they will never allow one Tea Party activist to make it onto the line of succession.

Think about it this way: Democrats and Republicans alike use bureaucracies to implement big government, global government, policies that could never be legislated; so there is not a chance a Tea Party conservative will ever head a federal bureaucracy let alone one that would place them in the line of succession where they might suddenly ascend to the presidency after a nuclear attack. For the same reason Democrats and Republicans will never replace bureaucrats with state governors as I suggested.

The Tea Party In The Presidential Line Of Succession? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Ryan compromised with libs rather than shut down govt which is fine. Conservatives will get their way only when they control 3 branches and have public support.

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