Paul Ryan loves Ayn Rand

To tall lied
You don't think that being a capable human being getting money from someone else's hard work is selfish ie; welfare?

I think jesus was right and so was Ghandi.

Its not wrong to help your fellow humans
So, like, what is going to happen to Biden when Obama loses the election in November?

This is kind of scary. What if he shows up at my door Christmas eve singing Carrols?

Biden has been one of the best veeps I can remember. He has accomplished quite a lot for the middle class and for vets.

I suspect its the work FOR vets that he has done, along with the First and Second Ladies, that rw's hate the most. The R talk about helping our vets but they fight against any real action. Now they're actually wanting a draft dodger for prez.

How how can they go?

I am a vet and Bush did more for the vets than Obama and Biden combined. I now can go to a VA clinic 10 miles from my house rather than 30 miles to the VA Hospital through Atlanta traffic.

And, Obama never served and apparently is a chickenhawk. He tripled the number of troops in Afghanistan and they are still there after blasting Bush for having them there.

Biden got 5 deferments from the draft if that is your criteria for dodging the draft. It isn't mine, since they were the law at the time and, unlike Clinton, he didn't have to lie to get them.

Obama calls situation in Afghanistan 'urgent' - CNN
Rand pissed on God and good acts. Ryan's religion seems to be how far can we suck the blood out the other 98%. He worships at the altar of greed, and doesn't give a damn about the people who are trying to climb up to making a living wage.
Note the right wing hack refuses to come back here and correct the record.

This is why the right cant be trusted to run anything
I think jesus was right and so was Ghandi.

Its not wrong to help your fellow humans

All robbers, muggers and home invasionists would agree with you.

are you calling jesus and ghandi criminals?

Jesus and Ghandi promoted voluntary charity, criminals and the government feel that the use of force is acceptable. Not the same.

There is a beggar at the nearby freeway on ramp. He carries a sign that says "Beg or steal. It's your choice." That pretty much sums up liberals. It certainly sums up democrats. Armed robbery is nothing more than using force to make some share their own wealth (no matter how much or how little they have) with someone else who wants it.
All robbers, muggers and home invasionists would agree with you.

are you calling jesus and ghandi criminals?

Jesus and Ghandi promoted voluntary charity, criminals and the government feel that the use of force is acceptable. Not the same.

There is a beggar at the nearby freeway on ramp. He carries a sign that says "Beg or steal. It's your choice." That pretty much sums up liberals. It certainly sums up democrats. Armed robbery is nothing more than using force to make some share their own wealth (no matter how much or how little they have) with someone else who wants it.

American taxes are voluntary.

you can leave the country any time you chose to

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