Pathetic and Then Some


Diamond Member
Jun 30, 2018
A food stamp, a roof over your head? Maybe a little medical treatment for that social plague you have been spreading around. Remember when democrats were going to cure poverty, the new society These something for nothing democrats take at least $400 a month in food stamps alone and that is not the ones popping a kid every 9 months . You can add rent every month that they might chip in $20 a month of a $1000 or more cost. Every time they have a hang nail they are setting in an emergency room. I got my Social Security Card when I was 13 and have worked ever sense. Anyone else would have given me and ones like me a thank you, but you democRats think you are owed it. Now Jabbering Joe wants $3.5 trillion to buy your votes and since you would sell it for a dollar he is paying a thousand times that. I have never had government pay a dime on my house and don't even know what a food stamp looks like. I wonder how many thousands of dollars these people owe every working person in this country After the democrats took a trillion a year when they first cured poverty.

Now they need 3.5 trillion to satisfy their greed. So I will now do the math as I learned it in school. I am sure sooner than latter we will put you lazy wastes of dirt in your place, 6 foot under unless you have a good excuse for being a total waste and deserve to be worth a shit. Even though you are not worth the dirt you are made of NO ONE WOULD LET YOU STARVE But it wouldn't be steak and Twinkies or burgers and fries at Micky' D' your'e use to having. It would be a bag of beans You can thank me now. I might even toss in a blanket to keep you from freezing in the winter and being so government dependent you can again thank me. How much longer will you Black Americans take the scraps the democrats toss you till you pull your heads out? According to LBJ about another 140 years. Democrats AKA the Southern Confederacy AKA the Klu Klux Klan, The party that even fought every anti lynching law. democrats don't think you have the mental capacity to find your motor vehicle office and your low intelligentsia will keep your x from putting it on a ballot. JUST HOW LONG WILL THESE KLANS MEN KEEP YOU STUPID? EVER HERD OF HISTORY? TRY LOOKING UP SOME OF 'IF YOU DON'T VOTE FOR ME YOU AIN'T BLACK' See how hard he tried to pass the crime bill to put all B lacks in prison. Thank God the Blacks I call friend have the sense to see right through the pathetic criminal democrats. Like I have said many times there is no difference between a NAZI Jew and a Black democrat.

Why do you support Socialism? Because your masters told you too. Martin Luther King Jr. was a republican and I don't think he was stupid but I sure know who is. I WISH I COULD BE AROUND IN 140 YEARS TO SEE THE LOOKS ON YOUR FACES WHEN YOU HAVE YOUIR RUDE AWAKENING AKA A CLUE. But oh well we won't make it another three years and it's a special kind of stupid No one sells their vote for chump change except you. Just how have these democrats improved your life since 1960? They have kept you all on the plantation with chump change and the same old line how it would be great if it weren't for those racist repugs. Democrats have played you for 60 years. You still don't even have a clue and that is some fucked up shit. Some have lost the ability to solve the simplest of life problems. Case in point how many living below sea level were found drowned in their homes after Katrina without the common sense to get to high ground While your democrat mayor was partying on bourbon street as 500 school buses went under water but it was GWB's fault. Please stop being chumps. democRats are no one's friend' If you haven't seen it in Joe for 50 years you are dead so crawl in that hole and find some one to fill it with dirt.


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A food stamp, a roof over your head? Maybe a little medical treatment for that social plague you have been spreading around. Remember when democrats were going to cure poverty, the new society These something for nothing democrats take at least $400 a month in food stamps alone and that is not the ones popping a kid every 9 months . You can add rent every month that they might chip in $20 a month of a $1000 or more cost. Every time they have a hang nail they are setting in an emergency room. I got my Social Security Card when I was 13 and have worked ever sense. Anyone else would have given me and ones like me a thank you, but you democRats think you are owed it. Now Jabbering Joe wants $3.5 trillion to buy your votes and since you would sell it for a dollar he is paying a thousand times that. I have never had government pay a dime on my house and don't even know what a food stamp looks like. I wonder how many thousands of dollars these people owe every working person in this country After the democrats took a trillion a year when they first cured poverty.

Now they need 3.5 trillion to satisfy their greed. So I will now do the math as I learned it in school. I am sure sooner than latter we will put you lazy wastes of dirt in your place, 6 foot under unless you have a good excuse for being a total waste and deserve to be worth a shit. Even though you are not worth the dirt you are made of NO ONE WOULD LET YOU STARVE But it wouldn't be steak and Twinkies or burgers and fries at Micky' D' your'e use to having. It would be a bag of beans You can thank me now. I might even toss in a blanket to keep you from freezing in the winter and being so government dependent you can again thank me. How much longer will you Black Americans take the scraps the democrats toss you till you pull your heads out? According to LBJ about another 140 years. Democrats AKA the Southern Confederacy AKA the Klu Klux Klan, The party that even fought every anti lynching law. democrats don't think you have the mental capacity to find your motor vehicle office and your low intelligentsia will keep your x from putting it on a ballot. JUST HOW LONG WILL THESE KLANS MEN KEEP YOU STUPID? EVER HERD OF HISTORY? TRY LOOKING UP SOME OF 'IF YOU DON'T VOTE FOR ME YOU AIN'T BLACK' See how hard he tried to pass the crime bill to put all B lacks in prison. Thank God the Blacks I call friend have the sense to see right through the pathetic criminal democrats. Like I have said many times there is no difference between a NAZI Jew and a Black democrat.

Why do you support Socialism? Because your masters told you too. Martin Luther King Jr. was a republican and I don't think he was stupid but I sure know who is. I WISH I COULD BE AROUND IN 140 YEARS TO SEE THE LOOKS ON YOUR FACES WHEN YOU HAVE YOUIR RUDE AWAKENING AKA A CLUE. But oh well we won't make it another three years and it's a special kind of stupid No one sells their vote for chump change except you. Just how have these democrats improved your life since 1960? They have kept you all on the plantation with chump change and the same old line how it would be great if it weren't for those racist repugs. Democrats have played you for 60 years. You still don't even have a clue and that is some fucked up shit. Some have lost the ability to solve the simplest of life problems. Case in point how many living below sea level were found drowned in their homes after Katrina without the common sense to get to high ground While your democrat mayor was partying on bourbon street as 500 school buses went under water but it was GWB's fault. Please stop being chumps. democRats are no one's friend' If you haven't seen it in Joe for 50 years you are dead so crawl in that hole and find some one to fill it with dirt.
OK, pass what you are smoking and quit bogarting.
Career politicians "forget" (ignore) the fact that the money we taxpayers give them, isn't their money to toss around to any nation or politician with a pet project and further, logical taxpayers expect the politicians to balance the budget, just as your average citizen is expected to do.
However, if they feel they are entitled to do as they like with our money, they should tell the public that they can ring up tremendous debt and not have to pay it back.

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