Part of the immigration ban that liberals are ignoring.


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Some actually care about women's rights. As much as the left pretends to, they are all talk and no action. And they hate Trump because he does take the appropriate action. Libs are offended by Trump's guy talk years ago but they aren't offended by the horrible treatment of women in some Muslim countries and they are okay with importing the violence to the U.S.

Libs should try reading the entire order instead of relying on bias talking points that have nothing to do with reality. As was pointed out in another thread, if the order was a 'Muslim ban' as the morons claim, it would affect over a billion more people. Do you liberals understand the difference between Muslims and terrorists? The way you guys are carrying on, it appears that you believe all Muslims are terrorists. Any time radical Muslims or terrorists are discussed, you guys immediately claim Islamophobia. While I realize that Islam is a form of government more than it is a religion, you guy lump all Muslims together, the same way you lump minorities together. It's the left that is racist, bigoted and just plain wrong.

We do have a terrorist problem. Allowing them to come here and thinking that they'll change if we play nice is incredibly naïve, yet that is what many libs believe we should do. And you guys are so ignorant that you don't see how you're being played by Soros, who wants open borders and one world government. This is al part of his plan and you guys are going along like a bunch of damn sheep.

No way will radical Muslims fit in with our society, just as they haven't in other countries. We don't need the problems that Germany and others have endured since they took in refugees. I refuse to have to change my way of life because some refugees think women should stay in their place or get attacked.

"President Trump ordered the Department of Homeland Security Friday to start releasing information regarding honor killings and other gender-based acts of violence committed against women by immigrants in the country.

Trump ordered DHS to track and publicly release data on gender-based violence against women committed by foreign nationals every six months, and to produce numbers on foreign nationals in the country charged with or convicted of terror-related offenses. The command was part of an order suspending all refugee entry into the country for 120 days.

The goal of the data collection and its public release, according to the executive order, is to “be more transparent with the American people” regarding what the government knows about foreign nationals in the country, and to “more effectively implement policies and practices that serve the national interest.”

The DHS secretary is to consult with the attorney general to carry out the order, and release the information within 180 days from Friday and every 180 days after. The order requires DHS to release information on at least three points: the number of foreign nationals charged with or convicted of a terror-related offense, the number of foreign nationals removed from the country on terror or national security grounds, and information regarding the types of gender-based violence against women committed by foreign nationals, and the number of violent acts committed.

The order also requires DHS to provide “any other information” relevant to national security and public safety at the discretion of DHS and the AG, including the immigration status of foreign nationals charged with major crimes."

Honor killings: The part of Trump's executive order nobody is talking about . . .
I thought some libs might support this. Horrible things are happening to women and children. I thought that this was the sort of thing the women's march was all about. Women all over marched for rights and, sadly, the women in Muslim countries weren't allowed to do that. They are truly at risk and I thought maybe the march was on their behalf. Or was that just a bunch of fluff?
How on earth can libs find this unreasonable? Would you rather figure out who is who after they move into your neighborhood?

"Trump ordered DHS to track and publicly release data on gender-based violence against women committed by foreign nationals every six months, and to produce numbers on foreign nationals in the country charged with or convicted of terror-related offenses. The command was part of an order suspending all refugee entry into the country for 120 days.

The goal of the data collection and its public release, according to the executive order, is to “be more transparent with the American people” regarding what the government knows about foreign nationals in the country, and to “more effectively implement policies and practices that serve the national interest.”

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