Parents Get Huge Win In Suit Against School District For Forcing CAIR Propaganda on Kids


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Leftists scream bloody murder when the Oath of Allegiance is recited with the words, “Under God.” But it’s okay to force little kids to watch videos and hear propaganda about Islam?

The District enacted its initiative in 2017 at the behest of CAIR, which claimed that “Islamophobia” was sweeping through schools after the November 2016 elections. According to the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund – which brought the lawsuit on behalf of five San Diego families – CAIR activists were teaching schoolchildren “how to become allies to Muslim students” and conducting Islamic education workshops for teachers, among other inequities.

More about the settlement @ JUST IN: Parents Get Huge Win In Suit Against School District For Forcing CAIR Propaganda on Kids
Teaching kids not to hate

I can see where conservatives are outraged
Teaching kids not to hate

I can see where conservatives are outraged
C.A.I.R. has direct ties to Hamas. Good to know you are down with promoting the interests of this Islamist terrorist group.

What better way to show you are against "hate" than to promote the interests of a group that promises the genocide of Jews in its very charter
Teaching kids not to hate

I can see where conservatives are outraged

Yeah, when you make up crap about us teaching kids to hate, we tend to get outraged. Which again, is exactly why Trump was elected.

You keep making the case for Trump with every post. It's fun to watch.
Teaching kids not to hate

I can see where conservatives are outraged
C.A.I.R. has direct ties to Hamas. Good to know you are down with promoting the interests of this Islamist terrorist group.

What better way to show you are against "hate" than to promote the interests of a group that promises the genocide of Jews in its very charter

They don't just promise genocide for Jews if you are not Muslim you are also on the "Okay to kill list" Infidels are fair game Better go get some education and enlighten yourself about Islam Dumbass! Islam is only a religion of peace for Muslims. It is not ok to kill other Muslims (but they kill each other Everyday anyway) Hypocrites and Liars following goats around and saying "Goats aren't people so it's not pre-marital sex". LMAO !!!!!!:saythat:
Teaching kids not to hate

I can see where conservatives are outraged

ALL kids. Teach and allow ALL religions to be on campus or NONE of them. You get to choose.
Religion is a subject to be addressed at home not in Schools which are funded by the Govt. Separation of Church and State. If a School district receives or accepts Federal Funding No religious education should be Taught or even talked about.
From CAIR Loses a Round in San Diego to MEF-Funded Lawsuit

Under the terms of the court settlement:

  • "Educators should treat each religion with equal respect, with the time and attention spent discussing each religion being proportionate to its impact on history."
  • "Educational material on religious subjects must be neutral and may not be presented in a manner that promotes one religion over another."
  • "Educators or other staff sponsoring guest speakers at District events must ask them not to use their position or influence on students to forward their own religious, political, economic or social views and shall take active steps to neutralize whatever bias has been presented."
  • "Guest speakers from religious organizations are not permitted to present to students on religious topics."
"This is a tremendous victory, because CAIR intended this plan to be a pilot program for a nationwide rollout," said Daniel J. Piedra, executive director of the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund. "I thank the Forum for its support of this critical case."

"This is a prime example of how the Forum helps protect the West from Islamist aggression," notes Forum director Gregg Roman."
Are we actually to believe the San Diego School District was promoting Islamist aggression? It seems that one cannot describe Muslims as "not terrorists" without being accused of unduly promoting them. And why do I suspect that if the word Christian had replaced every instance of the word Muslim in this material, it would have been staunchly defended by the exact same people?
From CAIR Loses a Round in San Diego to MEF-Funded Lawsuit

Under the terms of the court settlement:

  • "Educators should treat each religion with equal respect, with the time and attention spent discussing each religion being proportionate to its impact on history."
  • "Educational material on religious subjects must be neutral and may not be presented in a manner that promotes one religion over another."
  • "Educators or other staff sponsoring guest speakers at District events must ask them not to use their position or influence on students to forward their own religious, political, economic or social views and shall take active steps to neutralize whatever bias has been presented."
  • "Guest speakers from religious organizations are not permitted to present to students on religious topics."
"This is a tremendous victory, because CAIR intended this plan to be a pilot program for a nationwide rollout," said Daniel J. Piedra, executive director of the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund. "I thank the Forum for its support of this critical case."

"This is a prime example of how the Forum helps protect the West from Islamist aggression," notes Forum director Gregg Roman."
Are we actually to believe the San Diego School District was promoting Islamist aggression? It seems that one cannot describe Muslims as "not terrorists" without being accused of unduly promoting them. And why do I suspect that if the word Christian had replaced every instance of the word Muslim in this material, it would have been staunchly defended by the exact same people?

  • “Educators or other staff sponsoring guest speakers at District events must ask them not to use their position or influence on students to forward their own religious, political, economic or social views and shall take active steps to neutralize whatever bias has been presented."
That is important, and students should always be encouraged to think for themselves.
Teaching kids not to hate

I can see where conservatives are outraged
Such an ignorant hypocrite. Jesus was the man of love who taught people not to hate. Mohammed was the hateful terrorist. If any religion should be taught about in our schools, it should be Christianity. You creatures are such gullible lemmings.
Teaching kids not to hate

I can see where conservatives are outraged
Such an ignorant hypocrite. Jesus was the man of love who taught people not to hate. Mohammed was the hateful terrorist. If any religion should be taught about in our schools, it should be Christianity. You creatures are such gullible lemmings.
Christianity is taught in schools...can't do the late Roman Empire, the Middle Ages, the Byzantine Empire, the Renaissance, and the Reformation without it.
Teaching kids not to hate

I can see where conservatives are outraged
Such an ignorant hypocrite. Jesus was the man of love who taught people not to hate. Mohammed was the hateful terrorist. If any religion should be taught about in our schools, it should be Christianity. You creatures are such gullible lemmings.
^ from the CRC who just advocated burning more mosques.
From CAIR Loses a Round in San Diego to MEF-Funded Lawsuit

Under the terms of the court settlement:

  • "Educators should treat each religion with equal respect, with the time and attention spent discussing each religion being proportionate to its impact on history."
  • "Educational material on religious subjects must be neutral and may not be presented in a manner that promotes one religion over another."
  • "Educators or other staff sponsoring guest speakers at District events must ask them not to use their position or influence on students to forward their own religious, political, economic or social views and shall take active steps to neutralize whatever bias has been presented."
  • "Guest speakers from religious organizations are not permitted to present to students on religious topics."
"This is a tremendous victory, because CAIR intended this plan to be a pilot program for a nationwide rollout," said Daniel J. Piedra, executive director of the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund. "I thank the Forum for its support of this critical case."

"This is a prime example of how the Forum helps protect the West from Islamist aggression," notes Forum director Gregg Roman."
Are we actually to believe the San Diego School District was promoting Islamist aggression? It seems that one cannot describe Muslims as "not terrorists" without being accused of unduly promoting them. And why do I suspect that if the word Christian had replaced every instance of the word Muslim in this material, it would have been staunchly defended by the exact same people?
That's exactly how it works. On many an occasion on this very forum, I have said something about Islam and have been accused of being a "muslim-lover"....I then say the exact same thing about Christianity and get accused of being a "christian-hater".

Leftists scream bloody murder when the Oath of Allegiance is recited with the words, “Under God.” But it’s okay to force little kids to watch videos and hear propaganda about Islam?

The District enacted its initiative in 2017 at the behest of CAIR, which claimed that “Islamophobia” was sweeping through schools after the November 2016 elections. According to the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund – which brought the lawsuit on behalf of five San Diego families – CAIR activists were teaching schoolchildren “how to become allies to Muslim students” and conducting Islamic education workshops for teachers, among other inequities.

More about the settlement @ JUST IN: Parents Get Huge Win In Suit Against School District For Forcing CAIR Propaganda on Kids
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