Pardons 2 turkeys, signs death warrant for 1000 Eagles.


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
Wish I was kidding.. More of the special "government by waivers and exemptions" that Obama has practiced for "his friends"...

For wind power, U.S. extends permit for eagle deaths | The Morning Sentinel, Waterville, ME

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration will allow companies to seek authorization to kill and harm bald and golden eagles for up to 30 years without penalty in an effort to balance some of the environmental trade-offs of green energy.

click image to enlargeA golden eagle flies over a wind turbine at a Duke Energy wind farm in Converse County, Wyo., in this April 18, 2013, photo.

The change, requested by the wind energy industry and officially revealed Friday, will provide legal protection for the lifespan of wind farms and other projects that obtain a permit and do everything possible to avoid killing the birds. Companies will also have to commit to take additional measures if they exceed their permit limits or if new information suggests eagle populations are being affected.

But the rule makes clear that revoking a permit is a last resort.

“We anticipate that implementing additional mitigation measures ... will reduce the likelihood of amendments to, or revocation of, the permit,” the rule reads.

Right now, as an AP investigation has documented, wind farms are killing eagles in violation of the law. Not a single wind energy company has a permit authorizing the killing, harm or harassment of eagles, although five-year permits have been available since 2009. That puts companies at legal risk and discourages private investment in renewable energy.

It also doesn’t help eagles, since without a permit, companies are not required to take steps to reduce their impact on the birds or report when they kill them.

Conservation groups, which have been aligned with the wind industry on other issues, said Friday the decision by the Interior Department sanctioned the killing of America’s symbol.

“Instead of balancing the need for conservation and renewable energy, Interior wrote the wind industry a blank check,” Audubon President and CEO David Yarnold said in a statement. The group said it would challenge the decision.

Bout time the Audubon Society had its feathers ruffled..

I've seen power plants harrassed for simply warm water discharge on the St Johns in Florida. A practice that was appreciated by manatees who used to winter in those locations. And this IS a double standard.

Not about "bag limits".. It's about DENYING HABIT for eagles and raptors. So that wind farms can be built and operated without regard for enviro impact.. The permits will "after the fact" be an excuse for poor location choices..

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